
A week had passed since the time Ellah was brought to the mansion where Chervil and his subordinates are staying inside the palace ground when he doesn't want to go to the main palace. A white mansion which was a gift to Chervil from his grandparents when he was fifteen on the day of his coming-of-age ceremony.

Thus, these passing days Dion watched over Ellvinah: walking her on the garden, telling her stories, talking to her about anything so she won't feel lonely, but it was Céllistáh who became so attached to the girl as she would looked and spend her time playing with Ellah when she wasn't busy, and the little girl became attached to her as well.

And three days after Ellah arrived on the mansion Dion left as his butler sent him a letter concerning about his father leaving the little one to Céllistáh who gladly accepted it to look over the girl for a day or two until Dion went back.

Whist Chervil left the other day with Dion and Céllistáh accompanied by his aid to check things out on the council, and expected to be back in four days leaving the little one to Daisy who would provide her with food.

Hence, now the little girl was left unguarded in the mansion with some of the guests who decided to stay while Chervil and his aid so does his second and third-in-command left and went out to the council week later to discuss things over concerning the issues on MacQuíd Kingdom, and the overlook trials to the Western Empire that would be proceeding in the coming years.

Ellah spent most of her time on her room or in the kitchen, and sometimes she would stay in the stable where the horses are taking care as none of the guests would go there where she feels more comfortable as the palace ground are full of vampires; whist she doesn't want to be in trouble with the other guests who stayed and spent most of their time on the garden or in the drawing room gossiping and drinking teas.

Mrs. Rophia saw the little one in the stable one afternoon as she walked pass to go inside the mansion through the backdoor whose playing with a kit fox, and she wonder where did the little girl found it; nevertheless, she just let the girl be and enter the mansion as she needs to prepare their guest afternoon meal. And the stable workers doesn't mind that little Ellvinah is there as they work because she just sat there silently under the trees whist they too were wondering where did she get the fox pup.

"Lord Copeland, what are we doing here? This place is so not for us.", said Lady Rosie covering her nose because of the smelly air, "It full of dirt in here."

"I thought we're going to Light valley?", wondering Duke Vower.

"That can wait. We'll be going there afterwards,", said Lord Copeland while looking at the nearby hourse shade, "Prince Chervil said that he had a new horses which just arrived from Dylarianion four days ago before we arrived here, thus I would want to have a look?"

And they follow him to the horse shade. There are three new horses inside which is being attended by the stable workers. They got near and pat the horses but the black one was so aggressive and doesn't want to be pat that it started moving and humping on it place.

"What's happening to him?", asked the Duke. He was the one who pat the black horse. Duke Vower is confused as to why the black horse behaved that way which was unusual.

Lord Copeland upon seeing the horse behavior, "What did you do?"

"He doesn't like you, My Duke.", said Lady Qallzan teasingly and gave a light giggled.

A man whose attended one of the white horses said, "Sir Dion and His Highness were the only ones who could tame that horse."

"Why would that be?", Lady Qallzan asked.

The man shrugged, "We don't know, M'lady.", he replied respectfully knowing who his talking to. "We are being instructed by Prince Chervil not to touch that one, and just feed him."

"This is why I don't like horses and horse back riding.", commented Duke Vower in a disgust way which earned a laughters from his companion.

Lord Copeland said while chuckling and patting the Duke's shoulder, "Once you embrace your flaws, they were the ones who would want to get near without you trying."

"True.", second Lady Rosie who seems likely about to collapse as she couldn't take the smelly air around the shade whist covering her nose.

"Let's go inside now.", suggested Lady Qallzan who couldn't keep herself in there. "It's so hot over here.", she reason in which the other agreed. And they walk out of the horse shade to went inside the mansion and have some tea.

As they were outside the horse shade, Lord Copeland notice the boy behind whose following them quietly while looking around the field who stopped walking with them.

"Iban?", called out the boy's uncle when he notice the boy isn't following them and was looking at the other side. "Iban, what are you looking at?"

"Uncle Asjakish, who's that girl over there?", asked the boy pointing at the girl whose sitting while playing underneath the tree. "I've never seen her yesterday around the mansion, Lord-uncle."

Lord Asjakish Copeland arrived during the time Dion left the mansion with his son-nephew named Iban whose three years older than Ellah from MacQuíd Kingdom to visit the capital kingdom and to attend the regale whist the boy just arrived one day ago in the palace as he stayed on his friend's estate.

Lady Qallzan and the others followed the boy's gazed and saw the little girl whom they're trying to be with these previous days whose always around the Prince and Céllistáh, and feel disgusted by the view. Thus they saw the young head maid walked towards the girl with a tray of snacks in her hands.

"Hmmm, I don't know who she is whist I saw her with Lady Céllistáh.", answered Lord Copeland, "Do you know her somewhere?", which Iban shook his head

"Don't bother yourself with her, Young Master Iban.", said Lady Rosie while waving her hand, "She isn't worth your time at all."

But the boy didn't listen and walk to where the girl is with the young head maid who's talking something with the girl who smiled back and nodding her head over what Daisy said.

Ellvinah was enjoying herself playing with the kit fox under the tree where there are hay which she sat on whist she's not aware that the other guests are there at the stable.

And Daisy who instructed the maids on the second floor of the mansion to change the flowers in one of their guests room and to clean the room saw Ellvinah while playing alone at the hay through the window and decided to gave the girl something to eat before the afternoon meal would to start.

She go down to the kitchen and ask someone to prepare the cookies while she prepare the milk and after preparing it, she went out through the backdoor of the kitchen carrying a tray with the snack in it for the little one to have.

"Hello, Young Miss Ellah.", said Daisy politely as she got near and smile. "Are you having fun here? I brought you something to eat."

Ellah looked up infront of her when Daisy called out and smiled at her politely whist she just nod when the head maid asked if she's having fun, while patting the kit fox on her laps and Daisy put the tray of snacks on the hay beside little Ellah.

"What's the name of your kit fox, Young Miss Ellah?"

"Xaff." , answered Ellah and smile when the little fox lick her fingers.

Daisy seeing the little girl smiled while being licked by the little fox chuckle lightly, "Looks like Xaff really likes you so much."

Ellah took the cookies that Daisy brought for her and eat while deeping it on the hot milk, and the little one gave some to the little fox.

The young head maid was being introduced to her two days later after she arrived in the mansion by Chervil who asked Daisy to give the little one a tour around the mansion ground as Dion and himself had to attend a meeting that will be held at the main Palace, and Céllistáh isn't there yet thus they couldn't bring Ellah with them, and Ellah was more likely comfortable with Daisy who's a human like herself.

Daisy just standing beside Ellah whist watching the little girl eating her snack while feeding the kit fox on her laps with a smile on her lips which the head maid noticed how the girl was a little relax and is able to smile now than the first few days she was brought in, thus they didn't notice the people who are approaching there coming from the other side of the field.

"What are you doing playing here, and not on the garden?", Daisy asked wondering why Ellah's on the stable field and not in the garden playing where she always saw the little girl there with Céllistáh and Dion, and sometimes with the Prince. "Why here, Young Miss Ellah?"

"I don't want to be a burden and get myself in trouble with the guests, and be a bother to others.", said the young one in a whisper which barely audible but Daisy heard her clearly. "Besides I like it in here. The fresh air is very relaxing."

She looked at the girl while patting the kit fox head on her laps whose words she wasn't expecting to hear. She wasn't sure why the Prince is keeping the girl when he knew how dangerous it was in here when he could just ask Dion or Céllistáh to look over the girl on their place or took her in the shelter for children.

"Oh, Miss Daisy how come you're here?", asked Lord Copeland while he and the other are approaching.

Daisy was about to say something when she saw the guests were approaching them, and Lord Copeland asked her a question while following his son-nephew there.

"Are you done changing the flowers on my room, humanmaid?", questioned Lady Rosie upon seeing Daisy there.

The young head maid looked up and step forward covering the little one behind her who also turned her head to where the voice came from but was blocked by Daisy who bow. "Greetings to all.", she greeted them and stood up then look at the lady, "We're done on that task, M'lady."

She then turn her attention to Lord Copeland whose eyes were at the girl on her back, "I'm here to have fresh air, M'lord."

Lord Copeland staring at the girl whose Daisy were trying to cover with herself whist he still could see the little one, and Iban who spotted the little animal as the girl is hugging it walked closer which was blocked by Daisy again.

"Is she one of the workers who work in this mansion?", asked Lord Copeland while scanning the girl who wear a simple velvet-yellow half sleeves dress which shouldn't be wore by someone works as a maid or servant. "Why are you blocking us?", he questioned.

Daisy smiled politely but didn't move there, "I hope you could forgive my rudeness, M'lord. " She bowed slightly again and look at the young boy who keeps staring on what the girl are holding.

"These girl isn't a servant he-", and a woman's shout was head which startled them, even some of the workers who work there in the stable were rushing to see what happen when they heard the shout.

"You humanmaid!", exclaimed Lady Qallzan looking at Daisy and pointed out the young girl, "Why's that girl having a savage creature with her?!", she asked terrifiedly.

"What?", asked Lady Rosie confused about why Lady Qallzan is having a terrified expression. "What is it, Lady Qallzan?"

The other workers who was with them looked confused when they heard what Lady Qallzan is referring as savage creature. They looked at Daisy who never moved on her spot which they couldn't help but admire the young head maid thus they also scare for her life.

Duke Vower saw what Lady Qallzan was being terrified about when he tried to peek behind Daisy, and he whispered something to Lord Copeland and Lady Rosie who pull Iban in their side which startled the young boy.

"Is this the reason why you're blocking us humanmaid, to hide that girl and that savage thing?!", exclaimed Lady Rosie looking frightened while pointing at the head maid's back where the girl was hugging the kit fox tightly in her arms.

The young head maid was commanded by Chervil to help the girl and looked over her while they're gone out to the council for a few days because of Céllistáh who had told him that it would be better if there's someone who will to look the girl from a far and help her if needed; thus Chervil leave everything on his butler regarding the mansion and the other workers.

"How could that savage animal able to-to enter here?!", exclaimed Lady Rosie pointing at kit fox.

"That vail creature shouldn't be here. This is inside the palace ground!"

"I think that these girl is one of those group.", said Duke Vower accusing the girl whose hugging the little fox.

"Indeed. She must be.", second Lady Qallzan.

Ellah notice they were talking about her and the kit fox that is on her laps. She took and hug it tightly; however, the little fox struggles and started growling facing the Lady.

"Lo-look, look!", said Lady Qallzan looking scared. She walked at the Duke's back when Ellah released the little fox as it struggles in her arms.

And Lord Copeland who didn't bothered himself with the council never heard or being informed about it, "What group are you talking about? Which group?"

"Dark Summoners.", said Lady Qallzan in a whisper and look at the little girl with a scared expression.

"This is why I told you to be updated with what's happening around.", said Lady Rosie looking indifferently at Lord Copeland who doesn't care about his surrounding.

Lord Copeland chuckled lightly over the lady's looked, "I don't care about anything aside my wealth, because wealth is powerful.", he said full of pride in his voice.

"Pardon my rudeness, Ladies and Sir,", said Daisy who still doesn't move herself from there preventing them to approach the girl, "Accusing her as part of that group isn't right. She's still a child."

"And you're still a maid here while I am a noble woman.", Lady Rosie said as she step forward and push Daisy on the side that made the young head maid to fell down, and the little fox didn't stop growling at them. "Know your place humanmaid."

The little one was shocked and scared when Daisy was being pushed back and saw red stain on her new friend's left hand as it hit the sharp rocks in the stable.

Looking at the girl with a shocked expression. Lord Copeland eyes went on the fox which had two tails as it growling and growling while facing them, "That hideous fox never stop growling at us."

He walked and pick it up by the head and took his knife that was on his side, thus Ellah panick and stood up trying to get the little fox back; however, she was too little and her arms was too short to catch the kit fox that is hanging in the air as it struggles.

The other workers wants to help the young head maid and the girl but they were afraid of their life being at stake, and they are contemplated whether they should report it or not to the main palace as the people involved were of higher ranks so it's possible that they just be ignored.

"Iban, hold her up!", said Lord Copeland to his son-nephew who just stood there and is reluctant to follow his uncle's command as he too wants to pet the fox pup, "Foolish child. Iban, do it!"

Iban was just wanted to be friend with the girl when he found her alone sitting on the hay, thus he went to where she is but he never expected this to happen; however, he doesn't have a choice. Reluctantly, he took hold of the girl's arms who couldn't do anything but to watch the kit fox being hang in the air and beheaded, as a vampire who inherits his mother when it comes to strength Iban was more stronger than Ellah, so he could easily take hold of Ellah's both hands who didn't struggle more whist he could feel how frightened the girl is.

Little Ellvinah had her eyes red and watered then tears fell down when the little fox was being beheaded in one swift movement by Lord Copeland, and Daisy stood up quickly and push Iban who fell on the ground, she then took Ellah with her and put the little girl on her back while glancing at the far side of the mansion.

"This human had guts to fight back with us!", hiss Lady Rosie. "You should be punish a hundred whipping.", she said pointing at Daisy.

Duke Vower couldn't take it anymore. He walked and pick up the whip that was laying in the hay on his side and step forward then starting hitting Daisy who cover herself and the girl, whist the little girl on Daisy's back looked terrified and was scared while shaking watching the head maid being whip for how many times.

"Anyone who would interfere with us or speak about this will have the same punishment as these maid!", said Lady Qallzan to everyone who are present there, "Understand!", and the other workers nod their head.

"I lost my appetite here,", said Lady Rosie while enjoying the scream of the head maid that was being whip for a hundred times now, "Let's go visit the Light Valley now. I need some changes of scenery."

"Yeah, let's go now.", said Lady Qallzan and cover her mouth as she yawn, "I'm bored in here, and this place is ruining my dress."

Far from them inside the mansion stood a man as his watching the unfold scenes by the window on one of the rooms which is at the top of the mansion.

"This is trouble. The girl is a guest in the mansion which they are already aware of... thus that young woman is someone they should never touch even though she's a maid in here.", thought the man looking from a far whist shaking his head while having a troubled expression; however, he said it in a whisper that only he could hear. "They really are in trouble now."

He was the one who Daisy took a looked a while back because he is about to come and help them but when he saw the woman glanced at him with eyes that telling him not to get near and just stay back, he doesn't have a choice but to stayed back and just watched the scene as the guests beaten the maid until they leave there while his only watched.

They went out of the stable field whist Lady Rosie took Ellah with her while dragging the little one on their carriage who doesn't want to go leaving the young head maid on the ground as she breath heavily and blood was seen on her face and body which was cause by whipping on her a hundred times.