The Meeting~1: The LINK-UP of Two Empires

Chervil was walking through one of the corridor in the council holding a parchments followed by Céllistáh whose holding a tray that has three envelopes. They entered the room as the double door was being open by one of the guards that was there on stand and saw that not everyone is there yet, and thus they are still waiting for the others to arrive before they would to start the meeting.

Céllistáh was asked by one of the higher ups of the council to get the envelopes from the head council's room, and about to head back as she walked pass one of the corridor and turn to her right when she saw Chervil talking to one of the councilman who he had asked about the documents in his hand, and the man left after.

It has been four days since they left the mansion and the meeting for the last three days were all about how to control the industrial estate on MacQuíd Kingdom, how should they straighten and resolve the empire's problems without affecting each other lands, and how could they minimize the slavery system of their lands and probably take it out. Whereas today they weren't entirely informed what is the meeting was all about; hence, they were being verified about the meeting just early this morning when they were having breakfast.

"What's that letters?", asked Chervil when he saw Céllistáh walking in his direction.

"No idea.", Céllistáh shrugged as she walked pass him carrying the tray that has an envelopes on it. "What do you think of this unexpected meeting was all about?", she asked while they were walking down the stairs. "Any thoughts?"

"Hardly. You know I was hoping to witness some act from the theater these passing few days on the discussions regarding the empire's issues and all.", he said in a bored way.

And Céllistáh was holding her laughed as she thought, 'Looks like his bored from all those discussion.'

They went down to the sixth floor where the meeting would be held whist Céllistáh and Chervil met at the eighth floor of the building. Thus, the council on Questillia was the tallest building in the entire empire as a main court whist the elders and the head council chambers were at the nineth floor.

Céllistáh put the tray on the table that has three envelopes on it which belong to the head council who just came out at the door behind his table.

Chervil walked to his chair next to Céllistáh's chair and glance at Dion on his side who was sitting there leisurely at the meeting room with the others while waiting for the gathering to proceed, then the door opened again behind the head council as it make a light sound then five people comes in that complete the empty spots of the table.

Everyone look at them while others murmured when they saw the late coming which wasn't allowed in the higher ups gathering of the Council Court except if there were important matters which are reasonable enough to be late.

"Look. They were late as always,", whispered one of the councilwoman while getting annoyed seeing them late, "Looks like the protocol are taking lightly as always by them."

"I thought she was dead already.", said one of the higher up.

"Why was the Princess of MacQuíd is here?", some of them were wondering as they never seen her participating in gathering regarding the empire, and thus this is the first time which was unexpected. "Just what's going on? What is the meeting was all about?"

Chervil watched the people who entered at the same door as the head council and took a sit on the empty chairs, then he noticed four familiar faces which had his brows knitted as he has acquainted with the two a while back while the other two were recently, and wondered what are they doing there as it shouldn't be allowed by the protocol of the council; ergo, he turn to Dion who doesn't give an expression on the matter and just kept silent whist he expected him to greet them like usual but he didn't.

"Just who are they?", Céllistáh while taking a sit on Chervil side asked, "And why they were late?"

She only knew two person who were with the group as one of Chervil's families on his grandmother side while the other one was a daughter of the Arch-Grand Duke which was a ruler of MacQuíd Kingdom, "Arch-Grand Duke Alphonse's daughter Lady Aaliyah and Lord Ulysses is with them too."

"Two of them I had acquainted not long ago.", whispered Chervil to Céllistáh while glancing at the young man and the girl on the side. "But I never thought of encountering them again sooner, and thus this is unexpected."

"I thought young ones below sixteenth, humans nor vampires or anyone ain't allowed by the protocol to attend the meeting with the higher-ups of the empire...", whispered back the second-in-command whist wondering while her red eyes were at the girl which she never saw before.

One councilwoman on her side heard her and said in a low voice, "Indeed. It's against the council jurisdictions, but that one is Miss Priselz. The only human child who survived the test three years ago, thus Elder Avis took her but we thought she died that year as we never saw her again. Well, this is really unexpected to us because she is shockingly alive."

Chervil was just listening the councilwoman but he notice something which had his curiosity on, the girl's name was different from what he had known.

"Hey! Been a while, Crist.", said one of the man cheerfully after he sat down. He was one of those five who arrived late. He wore a blue suit that has gold lining and a white rose was on his chest pocket. "You didn't visit us for seven years, not even one of your family or the previous Queen, Aunt Docellia. Thus, I couldn't come also because of something that my father asked of me to do which involved the council there; hence, we're hoping to have at least one of the Centersouth Arch-Royal as part of an empire that built by our ancestors."

Chervil looked at him and responded, "I have to apologize for that, Ulysses. As you were busy there, so did I here; and my dear sister ain't allowed to go out without any companion as she was and still is irresponsible of her own safety. Hence, my brother went there to visit last two years incognito with our cousins to attend one of their friends regale, but I guess he didn't even went to uncle to say hi."

And Ulysses nodded in acknowledgement, "That's ashame. Well, I hope next time then...", he said with a smile and turn his attention to the side at the two ladies and joint in their conversation. They were also the ones who arrived late.

He looked at Ulysses with an exppression that was opposite to what he said. Nevertheless, it's indeed true that he wasn't able to go there for almost decade because of his works that's holding him back which he usually do whenever a festivities occur at his grandmother's homeland; thus Chervil noticed Ulysses's eyes that wasn't the color he remembered them when he last saw him which was like a gem, as Ulysses eyes now were light shade of brown.

Ulysses was one of Chervil grandmother's nephew and a Prince that not everyone know because when he decided to stepped down on his title to be part of the council; hence, the Arch-Grand Duke of Dylarianion Kingdom gave him a land of his own to have and look after, and therefore he was now known as Lord and not as a Prince by his father.

Chervil lean on Dion side. "Why so quiet? Do you mind explaining this to me?", he said while his eyes were on the late coming.

Dion then looked at him confused and finally spoke, "Why asked me? What explanations?"

"What explanations my ass. Do you really think of me as dumb to even not recognized them?", he whispered. He knows Dion was somehow hiding something from the start because he never saw him react to the situation like he expected them to occurred sometimes, and was just playing along with them which he doesn't understand.

"Yeah, I know what you mean but I don't really know why they're here.", said Dion in a whispered looking confused as well. "Why not ask them after this?", he said and smiled.

"You really have some fully-long explanation to do someday.", murmured the Prince and sighed.

"That's...", Dion trilled before he finished the sentence, "If I can explain it to without getting killed."

"What was this unexpected meeting is all about, Sir Owen?", said one of the councilman impatiently while looking at the head council; as he has some works to finish when the letter arrived at his mansion asking him to be present at the court, thus he got no choice but to leave his works behind.

"Yes. I am well aware that this meeting was not discussed to any of you here, thus it is oddly unexpected to some of you since we're at the unusual meeting court and the elders ain't with us like always but this matters is important, and hence it can't wait: therefore I had sent a letter earlier this morning to those who was chosen by the elders and will be involves in this discussions. This matter is a result of the request that was made six decades ago by the former Arch-King, hence before he died he instructed us, the higher-ups to continue what it is that he requested on that time.", started the head council while flipping the parchment on his table like he's searching for some documents. He then looked up at those who were at the table to see if they're listening or if there're some objections on their faces which some of them had. "The open links of two empires between the western and ours has been approved by their ruler five years ago. However, it needs preparation to be effective thus we keep it under by the elders command, and now that all preparations have been meet according to each Imperial Rules and the guidelines of each underling Kingdoms. We will be operating the link out Council Test this coming years for the inspiring councillors."

The room full of murmured and chatters turns into dead silence after hearing the purpose of their meeting that they can even hear their own breath.

And this caught Chervil's attention so does the other after hearing the head council's explanation. They couldn't believe the rumor was right. Except for the six people there who are just observing the scene and the conversations.

All the people in the room were shocked upon hearing the purpose of their meeting. They thought it was just an ordinary one since they already finished the most important part of their gathering regarding the recent happening.

The head council, Sir Owen was silently gasping everyone especially those who have an objection eyes and expressions on of the matter, and took a glance at the six people whose just sitting properly with their eyes cast down like they are thinking deeply.

Dion, who couldn't stand the unbearable silent in the room and notice how their eyes moved. "Are we having a staring competition? I would like to withdraw fro- AHHH- OUCH! YOU, Stupid mouth! Why can't you remain silent.", he chastising himself for talking and hit his mouth with his palm that makes a sound while wincing of pain from his side.

Everyone looked at their direction. Some are annoyed and confused, some were never bothered with the sudden loud pitch while others are trying to hold back their chuckle.

Céllistáh shook her head and just remain silent while looking at the Prince pinching the side of his friend who broke the deadly silence in the room.

"This is not a play for a human like you to be middle with.", scold one of the councilman looking on them. Particularly looking at Dion.

"Ain't you a human yourself...", said Dion to the man who has a brighter red colour eyes then his voice turn cold, "Oh, right! You threw your dignity of being a human for such a short span of immortality."

The man is about to act as he was offended by the Prince's third-in-command when they hear a loud clap coming from the head council.

"I think it's enough, Sir Tadd.", said Sir Owen with a dry and nervously smile while looking at the man whose about to launch on Dion. "Violence isn't allowed in here. So please restrain yourself from doing shameful actions towards one another."

The others on the moment didn't notice the nervousness the head council were having, and was glad that it doesn't take any roots.

"Anyway... Let just move on to what matter it is that required us to have a link with the Western Empire.", the woman who talked to Céllistáh earlier said looking at Sir Owen inquiring him to explain further. "What exactly was this all about that it just surface now, Sir Owen?"

They all are confused. In fact, they don't even know that the former Arch-King requested something so outrageous that would caught them off guard, except for the head council who the former Arch-King made a request with, that even the Prince of their empire was momentarily shocked after hearing it.

"However... Before I go on that matter about the procedures and all, Councilwoman Nihal. I would like you all to know that a letter arrived from the Western Empire's First Palace month ago inquiring our progress but they also made a proposal that can make a huge profits for us..."

"Western Empire's First Palace?", asked Céllistáh flabbergasted that caught everyone's attention. "You mean the First Palace is on act with this matter, and even giving us a good proposal?"

Sir Owen look at her and nodded then he asked, "Do you know something about the First Palace on the West Continent, Lady Céllistáh?"

"Not much, Sir head council.", answered Céllistáh then she remembered something that she heard when she went to MacQuíd. "I've just heard from a merchants on MacQuíd that the First Palace never took the initial interest in taking action of their empire and stayed dormant for many centuries even though the First Palace royalties were the ones who build their empire, and just let the council govern the underling lands. However, seven years ago the merchant said, the First Palace royalties sent a letters to it respective underling lands, and thus the first First Palace Gathering Ball was held whist not to have a party but to discuss the open-link with the Grand Princess whom they never heard a news for aeons, and it seems that their council was only to maintain the laws balance of each other and is always been under the First Palace command, which means the First Palace wasn't dormant all those centuries but just doing their Imperial job under the council's name."

Everyone was listening, whist some are trying to understand the concept while others strongly disagree of the link up with other empires and is suspicious about the proposal after hearing the second-in-command. And the four people in the room, one twist his lip while the other bit their lower lips as they're amused whist they heed well to what Céllistáh heard from a traveling merchants.

"What are your thoughts on this, Crist?", asked Ulysses looking at Chervil. "Should you have to think of it longer? Let me give you some good details... The First Palace was responsible for their lands richness, the Grand Princess is responsible for Children-no-to-Slave System, a Human Justice Rights, and a degree of Equal Privilege. All of it was under the council's name for the last nine centuries, but was revealed not long ago that behind those acts was the First Palace royalties."

"How come you know all these information, Lord Ulysses?", one councilman asked wondering where the young lord heard or know of it.

"Travelers and traveling merchants. Since they were the ones who can come and go without any restrictions of each lands.", he said and grinned.

The head council pass one of the envelopes that Céllistáh brought earlier to the girl named Priselz who took it and stood up, walk across the table toward where Chervil is and handed the envelope to him, then went back to her chair after bowing without saying a word.

An envelope that handed down to Chervil was already opened and on it seal is a crown with rose symbol, but what made his one brow raise was a black and white wax. Naturally, it isn't acceptable to use two wax in one as a seal because the wax color is also used to identify ones estate of living, and the white and black wax combination wasn't really an option to use as it is considered improper.

"That envelope contain a letter from the West Continent, Grand Princess, First Palace royalties. And don't worry about the seal as it is an identification of the Grand Princess. As improper as it is may be, however, not one sees the ruler of the Western Land, and only that seal stamp means power in there, even on that regale seven years ago she was not present and only the butler and her underling were attending.", explained Sir Owen after seeing the Prince's reaction on the envelope. "You hold on to that and decide about the proposal on your own. Think cautiously, as your actions are crucial to each one life of this land."


While looking at the other two envelopes seal his eyes turn wide for a moment at the blue sealed one and took it then put it in his pocket while talking. "Your grandparents gives you the authority to act according to what they taught you from your early age, and you learned from them til this day. Your Highness, as the future ruler of this empire you have the power to make a decision on your own without the Arch-King, your father's acknowledgement. And the King knows of it."

Then, a silent was once again engulfed the room as they couldn't speak nor think because they don't know what the head council, the elders, and even the former Arch-King were thinking.

Should they rejoice that there is a proposal that can benefit them, the empire? Would they take into consideration about the link up operations with the Western Empire? Should they be wary about the Western Empire's First Palace taking action on this? They don't know what will to happen as there so many buts, what ifs and ifs that needs clarity.

Thus, a light claps was heard that had them look at it direction. "That aside. Let us continue on the link up matters and not think nor confuse ourselves with another matters...", said Aaliyah the Princess of MacQuíd plainly. She looked at the head council after looking at the people that's on the room in a tired and boring way. "Shall we now, Sir head council?"

Sir Owen smile seeing the bored expression of Aaliyah and pass the documents to each person on the table that contains a summarize descriptions, while he talks and explains. "These documents are the summarize copy of the one we saw that the former Arch-King had."

"What kind of trash-", councilman Tadd said and was cut off by the head council.

"There was a document or a small bunch of parchments the former Arch-King discovered on MacQuíd bygone one century and a half. In the parchments stated the prosperous empires with one another without arguing over each other; thus, that was the former ruler trying to make and achieve for the better future."

Chervil was trying to understand what his grandfather's purpose on this link up with the Western Land, and the document in his hand is impossible to believe. However, it isn't impossible to make and achieve...

"The former Arch-King was trying to achieve the dream that he wanted for his people and his descendants that they may live a life where the environment and lifestyle were different from what he had grown. From his ancestors to his father, he was tired of seeing such a land. So he made a drastic decision more than half century ago; and just like how this Southern Empire was build, the documents also stated that connect with people of each lands is necessary and is a must to make a peaceful living. This drastic decision was also concluded to ensure that his promises to a certain someone whom the former Arch-King entrusted to help aid our land.", explained Sir Owen.

'And achieving it would be great since I also want to change this land rusted policy.', Chervil thought while listening to the head council's explanation.

"Even if its kind of agreement of the past, still I'm not understanding this. Why would we need to have a link up operations with them, the Western Empire?!", Sir Tadd exclaimed looking at the head council. He couldn't believe this. Just because of the discovery of some documents that they don't even know if it's true. He would strongly object with this link up.

"This is madness, Sir Owen!", exclaimed councilwoman Nihal as she look through the documents. "Even if this document was really discovered inside our empire, it doesn't mean that whatever written on it were genuine. What if it just made up? What if this is a scheme of the Western Empire to infuriates us? Does the former Arch-King thought of it before making such a decision? What if this is just a false statement?"

"We thought the same, Sir head council.", said one councilman while pointing at both his side who nodded their head, "This is suspicious since they sent us a proposal. This might cause a huge problem to us, Sir Owen."

"This is so hilarious... that I don't even know whether you all are poltroon or just a dimwit. Why are you all so afraid to have a link up with other empires?", questioned the Princess of MacQuíd coldly looking at those who objects on the link up operations of both empire. And she glance at Chervil, "No offence, Your Highness. I just need to say it."

Chervil just smile, "Hardly taken."

"WHAT?! What did you just say?!", said councilman Tadd angrily. He then pointed at her while cursing, "You WITCH! You might be the Princess of MacQuíd, but you have no right to say things nor questioning us since you doesn't participate on any occasions related the empire or anything."

"I maybe not participating on any summons that my father asked of me to go and participate. However, it doesn't mean I am oblivious of anything.", Aaliyah smirked looking at the man while crossing her arms. She looked at the man intensively for a few minutes that made the vampire to feel unease, "I am a Princess so as you stated. A royal noble Princess. Thus, a normal noble man like yourself cannot question me or say to me that I have no right to take part just because you don't seen me participating in gathering such like this, Sir councilman. And only His Highness, Prince Chervil can order me to stop speaking. Not a lowly little dimwit like you can bring me to my silence."

Hearing Aaliyah spoke like a true Princess that she is while smirking with confidence, they couldn't seem to recognize her as her attitude wasn't like this a few decades ago they met her. They wondered if this is her true self, and not the shy, almost mute, low confidence and incapable young Princess that they knew.

"Fine! I don't want to participate with this link up matters.", after sometimes Sir Tadd said as he stood up and walk toward the entrance, "But if you want my vote... No, is my answer."

Thus, after councilman Tadd walked out of the room, two councilman followed suit; then after sometimes councilman Nihal stood up as well leaving the room without saying anything and followed by three others who were not pleased with their meeting and are opposed in the link up operations.

"You're so savage.", commented the man on her side and chuckled lightly with his three companions after seeing the other storm out in their meeting. "You have slayed them perfectly."

"Thanks for the compliment, Eilwe.", she said nonchalantly.

Chervil raised his one brow in question while listening. He, himself did not understand the concept of their meeting but it seems his grandfather wanting him to make a decision that would change the course of the empire. And Aaliyah, her attitude is different from the last time he saw her, and Ulysses too. And why does the other two was here with them while the other one just kept silent?

"Oh well, let just proceed. They aren't really important in this meeting.", said the head council nonecaringly. He then look at Chervil whose at the other end of the table. "With your grandmother, the former Arch-Queen's approval almost two years ago with our other underling Kingdoms the linkup on the west was half done. We sent ten people in total to participate there, and it went smoothly. Miss Priselz can you tell us what is the procedure was there, and we conducting here in the near future. Please..."

The young girl stood up facing them as she says, "The methodology of the west was done not long ago, and it consists with three methods that we will also be applying on ours: The writing, the solving, and the survival skills. This methods was quite similar to ours but different since we only conduct the writing and the survival test. However, what we saw on the west, the solving is necessary to solve a crimes. And all test will be conduct every three to five years to an aspiring councillors who would wants to join the council. As we speak now, the east chosen participants of the Western Council are conducting a test of solving in their land, nevertheless, the First Palace and the Western Council were not link up with the east since we, the west rejected the proposal of link-up with the east seven times now, and the reason wasn't revealed. Hence, the reason why some of the councillors weren't seen for eight months or more two years ago was because we went there as part of the trial. The link-up methods weren't of any threats but to ensure the safety of each other, by supporting laws and lands; And since they already finished their deeds with what the former Arch-King requested, thus they're just waiting for us to finalize ours. The methodology of this empire will be done in a few years if this is being approved now."

"Your grandmother already done her part; thus now, you will finalize it. What is your thoughts of the matter, Prince Chervil?", asked the head council and stood up, walk across the table with the last envelope in the table and hand it over to Chervil. "Your grandparents gave you the authority on this matter and hope that you will choose the right path as they failed to do with their other son, your father. So you must think wisely."

"What do you mean? Why me?", inquired Chervil as he took the envelope which has seal of magnolia flower which never been open, "Should it be my father, the current Arch-King who should be here?"

"Indeed. And I know you're confused about this, nonetheless, you have to make a decision.", said Sir Owen as he handed the blue sealed envelope to Dion in silence which no one notice, and said again, "That envelope contains your grandfather's explanation for you, and the methodology that he asked with the Western Council participation."

"You don't have to worry about the threats, Your Highness. The First Palace royalties on the west weren't your enemy. In fact, they were the ones who wants a linkup but was rejected six centuries ago before your grandfather ascending to the throne. The council record stated it.", said the one who kept silent all this while. He had blonde short hair, his eyes were like an ocean and a seven pointed star earing on his lift side. His wearing a white suit. "The ones you should be worry and be wary about were those who are in this empire."

Sir Owen went back on his seat and sat down, "We will be waiting on your approval within a month."

Chervil was lost for words. Is this his grandfather's testing his skills and decision making? But why? Even his grandmother was on this? 'It seems like these five people here were once acquainted with my grandparents... aside from Dion.', he thought glancing at them.

"And whom was this someone who will aid us when we're in a tight situations, Sir Owen?"

He was so emerged with his thoughts until he heard Céllistáh asking the head council in a confused tone that made him snap back, and look at the head council as he almost forgot about it.

"The third elder...", said the head council. He took a glance to the person beside Prince Chervil before continuing, "It is the third elder who he entrust with everything, from the former Arch-King empire's people to his own descendants safety.

Everyone seems not to believe about the third elder since they only heard rumors about the third elder's existence which circulated many years ago; thus they even never saw what kind of person the third elder was, as only less than few people who probably sees the said elder.

"And to help you, Prince Chervil in making decisions and aiding you if necessary. Because your grandparents believes that only you can achieve, and walk the path opposite to what your ancestors took.", added the head council looking at Chervil.

Sir Owen then glance at the time on the wall, and he said starting to get up and gather his things, "If any of you wants to object with this, then come to my office. But you all must know that we are just honoring the last will of the past King."

He went to the door behind him. "I'll give you a month to think, and reconsider your decision on this one." He turn looking at each person in the room, "Meeting adjourned.", and he left the room leaving everyone who looked worried, confused, and some were hiding an amused look.

* * * * * * * * * *

After the meeting was done, and everyone is starting to leave the court-meeting room with chattering about the meeting that just ended.

"What's going on?", said one of the councilors to her companion as they went out of the room. "I'm completely bewildered with this link up matters."

"Well,", said her companion. "I just let it be since it was a "will" of the previous roler. And my family respects him for what he had done. Though, what I don't realy get was that the previous King left the aiding if something are to happen on the third elder hands which whom we don't know. We don't even have any idea of He or She does really exist."

"We can still say no-"

"The procedure is already half done. It would be shameful to our side... After all, it was us who approached them first fifty years ago, when it was also us who declined theirs more than thrice..."

"Yeah. I can see why we shouldn't say otherwise with this matter.", said the woman as she thought about it.

Chervil was talking with Dion and Céllistáh to four of the councillors who approached him to discuss the issues when they were outside of the meeting room. And he saw Ulysses going out while talking to a young man whom he doesn't know, but who he recall was the one who kept silent and just talked on the last part, who had a short blonde hair. Then he saw not far behind them were Aaliyah speaking to the man named Eilwe as Chervil recalled from last time, and with them is the girl who everyone called Priselz or Miss Priselz as they are ascending the stairs.

However, he saw Ulysses just nodded thus never joined the others on the stairs who only stop and stood at the bottom then bowed as Aaliyah and her companion went upstairs. And Ulysses talk to some councillors as he descending the stairs with the others.

Chervil was still talking to when he heard Céllistáh quietly said beside him, "We'll follow later. Go after your uncle."

"He'll kill you if you said that in front of him.", Chervil said amused.

"Well,", Céllistáh mused trying not to be notice. "I have you and Dion to take the blame for. And I'm sure he wants to hit the both of you than me."

He chuckled, and then excused himself to went downstairs after.

Moment later as they went down the stairs. Dion faced Céllistáh after talking to the council members who approached them, "It's unlike you to do that. You know, letting him make excused himself."

"I do thinks because it is required. Unlike you who is free, and only takes commands from Crist or his father... Well, I am the second-in-command which means alot of works for me than you. I have my works to be expected. "

"And much less work for Fanies on my part.", he added and sighs.

"Indeed.", second Céllistáh and sigh too.