The Meeting~ 2: Third Elder's Proxy

The stairs was long as he was trying to get through the way which was crowded with busy councillors that was way unusual to Chervil. He was going down stairs to go to his uncle who looks much younger than himself which was unsettling for him. Chervil following Ulysses after he spotted him on the second floor while going down to the ground hall. He tried calling him aloud, in which gain alot of attention from the councillors and guards.

"Ulys! Ulysses!", Chervil called. "Ulys!"

Catching up with Ulysses who went down to the ground hall who turn to one of the corridor which Chervil knew where it leads. He tried to call him out but it seems Ulysses didn't heard him. And Chervil knows one option which was drastic for him to use as it would have a consequence later, but he needs to talk to Ulysses about what he knew, and so he braced himself for the after consequence.

"Ulysses! Uncle!", he said again going toward Ulysses. "Uncle! Uncle Ulysses, wait up!"

He saw how Ulysses stopped on his tracks after hearing Chervil and turn with his disapproving look and wait for him to catch up.

When Chervil catched up by Ulysses side he was then punched on his guts with such force which made him crouched down because of pain. And the punishment is served.

Even vampires of his generation can also feel pain, thus unlike humans whose pain would last longer; vampires pain would only last a few seconds. But there was something on the punch which hits his abdomen that cause the pain to last longer than normal, in which Chervil doesn't know how, when his uncle was a human. Well, at least... that's what everyone else knows, as his grandmother was.

"Couldn't you say "Hello" without violence here?"

Ulysses then walked pass him taking the entrance stairs to the underground without a words. The people who saw the scene never bothered to ask and just watched as they passed by. Ulysses was aware of what he did which wasn't allowed in the council, but he also know that shouting around was forbidden too. And thus it gives him an acceptable way of excuse to hit his nephew for calling him "Uncle" which he doesn't like to be called.

Chervil followed after the pain subsided on his guts to the underground where Ulysses went, where many rooms laid out.

The underground was dark with only the none-steady illumination coming from the torch-like-stone thing on the wall which Chervil doesn't know how it was possible, and everytime he were in the council the torch stones on this underground was what he does want.

Then he saw Ulysses walking pass some corridors and turn on his left and walk.

"Next time you call me like that,", said Ulysses coldly and turn to face him with eyes like light-wooden shade. "I'll have both your eyes turn purple-black like a pet fat belly beast on the East Empire."

"You mean to say a good looking guy right?", he asked while walking towards him. "Were you staying here Ulysses? How come I didn't sees you around?"

"No, not me.", said Ulysses. "I am staying at my friend's estate. But I knew you were, with your two friends. And that you are fascinated with these torch stones on the wall since you were seventeen years old. The first time you seen a torch stones-"

"Don't look bemused. I'm not here for that a long time ago moment.", Chervil said with serious voice.

"I want to talk about the link up matters. You know about it right? I know you do know-"

"Yes, I did.", said Ulysses calmly cutting Chervil's words. "I do know all about it since I was there when your grandparents decided it more than five decades ago. So does some others; and we all agreeing to it. And its not about that documents in your hands right now, Chervil. The documents was just a little proved of it for questioning, but the documents are real. There was no fake on the documents. The link-up? You want to ask about it?", and when Chervil nodded: Ulysses proceed saying, "It's a gift for helping this very land of ours. A good gift which was not enough for us to give. Really."

"A gift?", questioned Chervil bewildered. How could a link-up be a good thing as a gift? Could the third elder be on it too? But... "Is the third elder was the reason? I thought it is a plot to invade the Western Empire."

At that, Ulysses laughed like a child who never hold back his happiness. "Invade the west?", he said amused. "We aren't capable of doing so. The Western Empire are great for alliances, but not as an enemies. And the said elder wasn't the reason. Really. You can understand more if you read the letter from your grandfather, before asking aunt Docellia, your grandmother for anything else."

"Who was this third elder, Ulysses? Who are they and what was with them not appearing?"

"The third elder is always been around. We just don't know who.", answered his uncle shrugging.

Chervil was about to ask again when he heard Céllistáh talking to Dion in a hushed and amused voice.

"As I told Ulysses wants to hit him more than me."

"I don't know what a fuss with that guy not wanting to be called "Uncle Ulysses" when he was right with the title.", said Dion while walking to where their room were. He then saw Chervil on the way looking ghostly, "Are you done chatting with your uncle, Crist? I'm kinda famish-"

In a swift movement Ulysses walked pass Chervil, went and lunch a double punch at Dion's face which made him to rolled back on the ground.

"Told you not to call me that.", said Ulysses casually like he didn't hit a person.

Meanwhile, Céllistáh just ignored and avoid the rolling Dion on the ground, and just inclined with Ulysses then walk casually towards Chervil who had a worried expression that was unusual to see on the Prince face nowadays, for Dion he had that kind of expression which is good, thought Céllistáh.

"See! Told you...", she said grinning. She went pass him to go to the room first. "He wants the both of you."

Chervil rushed to help Dion who turnout unconscious, and a red around the eyes was visible. And he was sure it will leave a bruises mark for half a month. He held Dion and asked Ulysses to help him to get Dion inside their room.

Ulysses, however, didn't speak a word and just do as what was told, helping Chervil carried Dion in to the room as he open it.

Céllistáh just laughed lightly at the sight of them carrying an unconscious man, then she help them laid Dion on his bed and she put some medications on the wounds and a cold towel on his eyes.

The main council, or as by its official given name the Q Court was in Questillia as the main Kingdom of the Southern Empire. And was half a day travel from the palace, thus it is more convenient for Chervil to stay near the Q Court if there is a meeting as he doesn't want to waste time traveling. Hence, those who had traveled far, especially those who traveled from MacQuíd and Dylarianion to attend the summons would to stay at the Inn not faraway from the council, or some would just stays in the council's first underground rooms where most of the personnel were staying whenever they couldn't go home, and if they wants to have a rest.

The underground has three layers. The first layer underground where Chervil, Céllistáh and Dion are staying with some others who stayed and can rest. The second layer underground were jail with light sentence of punishment and can be free. While the third layer which was the last, the very most underground were for the death sentence and for those law breakers.

* * * * * * * * * *

A girl was walking down the stairs to the first floor underground alone. And when she was on the ground she just walk freely like a child that she was without worry about her surrounding nor the place she was in.

The underground was dark with just a little light coming from the torch stones on the wall that gives an eerie atmosphere if one wasn't used to.

But the girl. She moans a song like a hunting fairy tale lullaby, and sing it while passing by the hallway alone. Dancing as she sing.

🎶"La la li - La la lah

Li la la La, la li Ahhh...

I sing you a lullaby, my lovely little one

As you sleep through the night

As you close your eyes

and thus open your mind for an endless dreams

Oh, dear. My sonia is for you to have peace...

La la la li la la la li, li la, la la

Li la la, forever in slumber... La la li la, lah...

As you sleep forever, and never be 'woken

Forever and ever, is my sonia for you.

La la la, last breath... I shall take it from you

For your dreams so peace is not free, my dear...

And the payments will be given

As low as your life.

La la la li, la la li la la laaaahhh.

Li la la... Lullaby de sonia, my dear..."🎶

As she spanned around the way, alone as she thought she was, someone caught her arm and pinned her on the side wall hard enough, but she didn't scream for help. And when she doesn't make any sound she was thrown a distance away, in which she struggles to sit up as she heave of breathe.

As she sat up she saw three man walking towards her hungrily as there eyes shone in the illumination light coming from the torch stones, gleaming like a red sapphire luring her to be afraid. But she was calmed, and afraid wasn't there in her face nor on her eyes.

She recognized them as council members that was working on the administrative area in fourth ground. Then she just reached her hair and as if she throw something coming from her head, however, when she threw her hand it was empty and the guys laughed at her.

"Foolish human child.", said one of them and chuckled darkly.

"You wake me up with your hunting song, little girl.", said the other one grinning. "As far as I know... It was meant to lul me to sleep forever, right?"

Then, the other one was about to say something when he suddenly felt heavy on his knees and lost consciousness, the same happened with his two companions and fell on their ground. Unconscious and motionless like they were dead.

"Careful who you attack Sirs.", she said as she giggled and walked pass the three council personnel, then went on her way. "Those guys were lucky. Violence isn't allowed in the council."

* * * * * * * * * *

The room was big with no windows as it was built under the council's building, and there were three beds, nightstand-cupboard tables with a stone torch lamps, and a three small cabinets for each: hence, one of it has a divider that separates the other two which has a female ambiance. And the room also has a couch, a small oval table and a fireplace as its like a small living area. There were two fireplace in the room: one was on the living area set up, while the other one was near to one of the bed where the divider wall was.

Céllistáh could not believe when she first saw the room as its like a small cabin house with no separation of rooms; and thus she asked Chervil to get the place only for them so whenever they were on the Q Court the same room would belong to them. The same as some others.

She was putting a warm towel that was soaked in warm water on both Dion's eyes where the punched hit who was still unconscious in his bed, and some bandages on his face, arms and back. She was sure that when he wakes up he would freaks out about his face having twin bruises visible, and scratches on his face and body due to him rolling on the hallway a few moments ago.

Chervil was on the couch with Ulysses talking about the issues, and Céllistáh could tell how Ulysses's eyes would avert to his nephew and glance at Dion worriedly and then back to Chervil.

"Ulysses, what do you mean by "The third elder is always been around we just don't know who"?", Chervil was saying. "I thought those were just passing rumors-"

"There's no rumors if there isn't much true to what was being spread around.", Ulysses said cutting his nephew's words. "I am not sure am the one who can provide you with the best answers that you seek, Crist. Might you read the letter from your grandfather, and maybe there was something he wrote down. But do that when you got back to your humble mansion from here."

And they heard a grunting sound, coming from the bed which Céllistáh was occupied with her patient.

Dion was struggling to sit up with his aching body, and Céllistáh helped him. He looked around and found himself inside their chamber and on his own bed that was near the fireplace side. And he saw Céllistáh arranging an ornamental medicine on its box after helping him.

On the couch he saw Ulysses sitting motionless while looking at him, and Chervil who gets up and walked toward his bed then sat on his own bed.

"Did I passed out?", he asked Chervil.

Chervil sigh. He observed the bruises on Dion's face and slowly, almost deliberately nod his head. "How do you feel?"

"My body's sore alot."

"That is an example of a fat belly beast face of the east.", Ulysses said suddenly while grinning proudly. He was still sitting on the sofa casually with a cup of wine in his hand.

Dion just looked at Ulysses without a words but his face shows an unrecognizable expression which Chervil doesn't know what it means.

Céllistáh, however, getting up from the bed side took an oval shape face mirror on her own bed side behind the wall, brought it and handed it over to Dion who was inspectioning his bandaged arms. "Wanna see what happened?"

He took the mirror confused and look at his own reflection wide eyes in shocked, then blinked two times when he saw himself. Unsure. And then he touched the round bruises around his eyes that begin to puff. What happened? He looked like a Ailuropoda melanoleuca which could only be found in the eastern continent. He sigh.

"For this,", said Dion pointing his face while looking at Ulysses emotionlessly, "I'll have you pay when time is given for-"

"I'm so so very sorry.", Ulysses cut off Dion words as he apologized on the floor kneeling that made Chervil thought of theater. "I thought you would dodge it."

Dion just glared at him like if he could he would have Ulysses beat up.

Then, they heard a soft knock outside the door, in which Chervil stood up walked to get the door open, and when he saw who it is his one eye brows went up inquiring the person to speak.

"Is Lord Ulysses here with you?", questioned a little girl's voice. "I need to deliver a word to him..." She looked at him calmly like before when he first saw them, "And to your group as well."

At that, Chervil open the door widely and asked her to enter which the girl entered without a words. Before closing the door Chervil look around the hallway and saw three figures on the floor. Motionless. He then closed the door turn towards the girl who stood there facing the other, and he could see Ulysses's expression turned dry.

"Did you killed those guys outside?", asked Chervil to the girl as he walked toward the couch. "Those three of them on the hallway were vampires. I could tell."

"Indeed, they are. Well, they attacked me.", said the girl nonchalant. "I just rendered them unconscious in only a day. Violence isn't allowed in the council."

Céllistáh frowned looking at the girl after hearing the girl's responsed. How could she rendered a vampire when she was just a girl? A human child even? And without killing them? Or even having a wounds which she doesn't?

"I- umm, Uhh. You see- see the uhh... I wasn't re- real- really-", said Ulysses trying to get the words right to explain something. And he broke off; thus, he instead said, "What is it Lady Tha- I mean miss Priselz?"

Céllistáh's thoughts were interrupted when Ulysses scrambled for words, and she saw as he stood straight, hands in his back. She could see how nervous he was.

Chervil, too, could see how nervous his uncle was with the girl in the room. Then he saw the girl as he sat down across Ulysses that wasn't looking at his uncle but on the man in the bed who's staring back at the girl with annoyance.

They suddenly heard a soft clapped from the girl, and she spoke, "I must say... whoever does that to you, must get a reward from me.", she sounded mockingly. "That was a death wish consequence after all."

"Stop that with me and say it.", Dion's voice was firm.

"Should I stop?"

"Thashie! Stop playing around and say it!", shouted Dion. The kind of shout which they don't even recognize. "Say the purpose of you wanting to talk."

Chervil looked at Thashie who never flinched as they did when Dion shouted. He just saw her smile and turn her attention to Ulysses who still stood there.

"Very well.", she said. "Lord Ulysses, your presence are required as the representative of your land at the meeting regarding our link up, which the second elder- Elder Avis are going to explain with the third elder representatives. He said, he likes it to be done without Ruth Hibiscus as he doesn't want to be interrupted while explaining and he knows the representatives doesn't want her presence. Hence, Lady Hibiscus already aware of this link up matters." She looked to Chervil and said, "This also require to have a representative of this very land, to listen what has to say. And thus, it shall be: Princess Aaliyah of MacQuíd, Lord Ulysses of Dylarianion and Prince Chervil and his friends of Questillia are required in the second elder's quarter."

"But Dion couldn't go-", Chervil was saying and cut off by Thashie.

"I can see that. Hence, I am not going to pray about what happen to him.", she said going eye to eye with Chervil. "Thus, I'll call a council physician to administer for him, and sent him home. Is that okay with you, Your Highness?"

"Fine. Then,", he said and turn to Céllistáh who already stood up and was ready to leave. "Let's go to the tenth floor-"

"Stay where you are.", Thashie said cutting Chervil again which made him irritates. "I'll make it easier for the three of you, since they already waited for too long."

Ulysses then said, "B-But, I mean to say, have you put a mark-"

"The whole Southern Empire or just this council alone?", asked Thashie and smile when she saw Ulysses terrified expression. "Yes, already done. But not the whole empire though. Only the councils and some few places." She then clapped her hands and a red spark appears, "Don't fret. I've learned this from the Western Empire. I'll be there in a couple of minutes after I call a physician."

And the three of them vanished leaving only Dion sitting on the bed looking at Thashie in amusement mixed with annoyance.

"Oh, my nature's still love negative emotions.", she said grinning. Walking to the door, she opened it and said, "Let's give it a shot."

* * * * * * * * * *

They appearate at the hallway in front of a double door that has a sign "SECOND ELDER'S QUARTER" on the upper wall that was close.

Céllistáh look around the hallway that was empty and quiet. She couldn't believe that a moment ago they were at the room, then after the girl flicked her finger and red light appear which brought them here instantly. What was going on? Céllistáh never seen it before nor she experience this kind of stuff before. What was it? Was it they called magic...? She doesn't know.

"What kind of trick that girl pulled out?", she asked to no one. "I knew something was wrong with that girl."

Chervil on the other hand was looking at the big portrait of like a bunch of family or of family and friends on the wall opposite to the second elder's chamber. He noticed his grandparents, his grand uncles and aunts, Arch-Grand Duke Alphonse Viéche, and he also saw young Lord Ulysses, young Lady Florencia, Lady Aria, next to her was Elder Avis and some of the council members which some he knows while others don't, probably because they were long gone since most of them were humans.

And it was obvious to Chervil since the portrait was made hundred and fifty more years of the past as what he saw the year below the portrait, Year 1524.

Hence, he also notice some young lady who has some similarities to Thashie and Navetha but much older, then some man caught his attention; two of them were like twins with a long straight golden hair and pointed ears, he noticed one of the two which he saw an hour ago at the meeting court which has the same features. But, what caught most of his attention was the two man who has black long hair as there eyes were different from the rest; one of them has black pupils with yellow iris while other one has like a gem, an imperial topaz gem stone. And one of them who's feature were similar to his friend who died fifty-seven years ago. They all wore a different and yet similar one, formal dresses and suits. In which pointed what they were in society, if they were a commoners, a council member, a royalty, a noble one or an aristocrats.

"These portrait is like a southern empire's power house. All of which is your grandparents achievements. All families, all alliances and all friends of the past. How nostalgia.", said Céllistáh on Chervil side. She pointed at the portrait, "This one is Ulysses. Those were your grandparents and that was my father. So young... And look!", she pointed at the two men. "Look, their eyes were different from the rest. Oh, and that two men too who has a golden hair and pointed ears. What do you think of this? Your grandparents-"

"It seems like there's more to their story. Ulysses, you're acquainted with them...", he said turning to Ulysses who stared at the door and walk toward it, "Who was some of them? They're similarities? Who's these mens that has different eye colours? The clothes they're wearing? What were they? The two man who has pointed ears with golden hair? Who were they?"

However, Ulysses without answering or saying anything step forward and openend the double door as he gestured them to follow inside.

"They're here now.", said the young blonde hair men watching them entering the second elder's chamber. "I wonder what gotten her too long just to fetch them."

"Perhaps some unwanted situations occurred.", said Aaliyah preparing to make a move with her bishop.

"Probably.", second the man who was watching Aaliyah and Eilwe playing chess. Council Elder Avis is sitting beside Eilwe who make a move with his Rook on the left side horizontally which made Elder Avis become excited. As what Elder Avis saw: the two players is almost there, three moves from Aaliyah and she wins; one or two more moves from Eilwe and they wins. But there's a big chance... "But I just hope she doesn't kill anyone."

He has darker shade of red eyes-much darker than Chervil which indicates he was from the very old generation of vampire. The council elder's complexion was quiet oddly different because he does have much colour than any vampire, and more like he was a human if it weren't for his eyes. He wore not an elder clothes but just a simple white suit with gold lining and a brown leather shoes. An eight pointed star was on his right arm with a rose on the center.

Aaliyah move her Queen to the left side vertically which counter Eilwe's formation, and beam happily. "Checkmate!"

Elder Avis pointing at the chessboard exclaimed, "I knew it! I knew it! I knew you got something, but how?"

"She got some pointers from her I believe.", said Eilwe starting to get up. "But how come? When we were to ask her she would tell us, taught us, show us how, but we still don't get it. And couldn't even win against her."

"Well, lack of concentration I conclude.", said the young blonde hair men who stood.

"Shut up, August.", Eilwe said and stood up as well while he added, "Flocci non faccio."

Chervil heard all the conversations between them as they get inside. Céllistáh turn to him with a rise brow when they heard Eilwe saying the last part to the blonde hair men before facing them with the others, which Céllistáh and himself wasn't familiar with the words but they were familiar with its tone.

"Greatings and good afternoon Your Highness and Lady Céllistáh, Lord Ulysses. Please have a seat and make yourself comfortable.", said the elder and bow like the other, and he gestured them to have a seat on the table that has six chairs. "We'll be starting this explanations soon enough. In the mean time, let me just introduce some of them who are in here now. "

After they all settled down and properly introduced to Chervil and Céllistáh by the second elder.

Chervil now know that Eilwe was part of the secret knight of the empire which organized by the elders and the head council called "The Paladines of Rose" which also approved by his grandparents fifty more years of the past.

Elder Avis explain why an order of knights called "The Paladines of Rose" or it's called by some other "The Rose Spartans" was kept hidden because they were like a guardian who shall act on their own if needed even without one of the elders or the head council's command. But most of them were taking order from the elder if it weren't necessary for them to act on their own as they were trained in different ways than a normal knights does.

Eilwe also added to what elder Avis said that he and Dion weren't really that close and just acquaintance because of Thashie and Navetha, and the Annus family connection thus also because of Dion's father who's a council member.

And Chervil was just listening as Eilwe further explain to his question about the time they had met: saying, it was because they were asked to stay there for the children to have company by the third elder for a whole month because of Dion's sister who was worried about the children, and his father was away to MacQuíd. And that the third elder was with Dion's sister that time.

Céllistáh in the meantime was having a great conversation with Princess Aaliyah who introduced her to August- the blonde hair young men who's very polite and smooth talker. She was amazes by how he, August knows alot of things in which intrigued her. And Aaliyah said to her that August's family was a great friend of her father, and that he wasn't living on Questillia and just accompanying Ulysses who would most likely went missing when he decided to make a fool and run off the land.

A door then open, and miss Priselz or Thashie went in along with a young man who's holding a white fluffy cat on one hand by its back while he spoke as the cat cries and straggling trying to scratch him.

"Ohh. Palma non sine pulvene."

"Meowww... Meow, neow. Meowww!"

"Noli me tangere?" (Put me down?), said the young man to the cat that he carried by its back amusingly. "Cur me prius oppugnas? Certe, iam scis neminem posse technice aliquod detrimentum facere in me praeter paucos homines."

"Deposuit eam nunc.", said Thashie who walked at the head of the table. "We'll be starting now."

The young man throw the cat infront of them- to Eilwe's direction who was standing near the table as he catch it up quickly, and Eilwe too hang the cat like the young man did without any words.

Then the young man walked toward Thashie's side at the table's head where the second elder's place was.

"Dear M'lady,", said council elder Avis gently while he brought some papers to the large table from his working table where they will be proceeding the meeting. "I think you should introduce yourself semi-formally to the Arch-Crown Prince and Lady Céllistáh. You as well Kyrios Leo."

Thashie nodded. "My real name's Thashie. But the council gave me another one as Lord Lexviéth Zalq requested it after I became a member of the council two years ago for safety reasons.", she said like a professional. "I was part of the trial who went to the Western Empire after I passed the council survival test for thirteen to seventeen years participants three years ago..."

While the girl was introducing herself Chervil was barely listening as his attention were on the young man who stood beside the elder and whisper something, in which Elder Avis nodded. He look at the young man with suspicious eyes. He sence something dangerous and sinister about the young man, and yet not threatening. But how could someone has such presence?

"However, mine was delayed due to my broken bones which needs healing, Ohh- the council honored ceremony for new members is what I meant by delayed. And which they decided to give me two years ago, then elder Avis took me in to be one of his people."

Chervil would listen to Thashie's explanations, and keep staring on the young man who now face them in attention like a straight stick on the ground standing strong, which never sways nor lay.

"Thus there, I was sent with nine others to participates on the Western Land for the council's requests of trial. Some of us were just there for six or nine months, but me and my four companions stayed back by the council's order to observed and learned. We've just arrived five months back from Western Land- I mean me and my four companions." Thashie paused for a moment while looking at Céllistáh and Chervil who listened and only shows little of their emotions as she explains. She then added, "I am also one of the empire's secret knight. And I am one of Lord Zalq's relatives from his father's side."

At that Chervil avert his gaze to Thashie and stared. No wonder she has some similarities. Céllistáh too did the same and stared without uttering a words.

Both of them knows that Lord Zalq's father was not a citizen of the empire and was a traveller before settling down here; And finally met Lord Zalq's mother who died one day after giving birth of her son, and after five years and a half Lord Zalq father died because of poison leaving his son with a huge profits of wealth, lands and a mansion to their butler who by that time raised Lord Zalq who never mentioned any relatives of his parents as Lord Lexviéth Zalq told them about his life many years.

The door open again disturbing the thoughts of Chervil and Céllistáh who turned at the opened door as the woman enter who's holding a parchments, who walked directly at the head of the table without any greetings nor looking who were inside.

She went to where Thashie and the young man and bowed, then she hand over the parchments to the young man who took it. She then said in a low voice, "Sir, these are the methodology you asked of me to get from the third elder's chamber, and your older sister said that your younger sister had some fun while looking through. My father couldn't be here, for he accompanied Elder Hibiscus on her trip two days ago."

"Hand shall this then one parchment to August, Lady Brooklyn.", said the young man after he looked over the papers. His voice was like a tone of early morning wind- so cold and soft and like a whisper of a gentle young child. "O'lady, shall ye goest not from here, and ye shall part take this and thou will talk to thine father about what hast we shall sayst here then."

Lady Brooklyn hesitates for a moment and just nod after she took the parchment and walked to where the blonde-hair men who was sitting beside Princess Aaliyah who gestured her to take a seat, which she did. And she hand over the parchment to August who took it and frown after looking, who sighs.

"He hates repeating himself to everyone, that's why. Well... Except for one though.", said Eilwe who just stood behind Lady Brooklyn and Princess Aaliyah while still carrying the white cat. "So stay. Just listen to the plan."

Lady Brooklyn smile and bow her head when she noticed Chervil and Céllistáh who's just sitting inside the room silently, who also nod their head as acknowledgement.

"I didn't know you were acquainted with them, Lady Lyn.", commented Céllistáh. "It caught me a moment."

Lady Brooklyn just said with a smile, "Surprise, surprised, indeed.", as she sat down.

"Let me proceed by introducing myself as His Highness didn't know me firsthand."

Chervil was about to say something when he heard the young man spoke. He look at the man as it speaks in a loud and yet soothing voice. None like any other he had known.

"I am Leonard Xaz V. Wayne del Annus, Leo for short. I'm the young brother of the third elder, Lady Lathirus V. Wayne. The Wayne kinsfolk were my second father's family name, and my mother has a kindred with one of the Annus kinsfolk of the past, thus I could used both last names."

Céllistáh stared at the young man who spoke to them normally now as he introduced himself, and not the broken language which he used earlier. And she also noticed his feature that has very kin to one of the man on the portrait outside. Except for one thing...

"I am the Kyrios of the Paladines of Rose which was founded more than half a century ago. And I am, will be the third elder's proxy as my older sister couldn't be here...,", the young man said clapping his hand that brought a silvery-blue sparkle in the air. "Thus, we will begin the explanations for the purpose of the link-up shortly, and the methodology that we'll be doing."