Motivation to save the village.

First of all, walking in the wild is not as easy as in those surviving shows. And I can't summon Cavaliere because I'm pretty sure that motorcycle won't fit here.

I still don't know where am I though. Normally by now some kinda monster should've attack me but nada. I need to find civilization as well, I have a great stamina but that doesn't mean I won't need for and water.

I'm craving pizza and strawberry sundae. I probably got some aspects from Dante and Vergil too. Well I'll start craving for power too I guess.

After five minutes passed from my inner thoughts, I've found a small lake. This is where boss about the attack me right? For now I should check out my looks. Approaching the lake I took a look at my reflection, which is a young Dante with DMC 4 Nero hair. Don't know why he got a haircut.

'I'm lookin Smokin Sexy Style.' While I was admiring myself, I heard some noises from the bushes behind me. I knew this was the place. I slowly draw the Rebellion and turn around to face my opponent.

Which is a Beowolf from RWBY. Seriously, this is the world I'm in? This place doesn't even have challange for me. I would consider the Salem as the biggest threat but I can handle her with my Sin Devil Trigger. That form can even go against some gods out there.

"Well puppy, you get to be my first kill." I said while pointing the Rebellion at it. And of course I've noticed that when I draw the Rebellion, I knew how to use it masterfully. Must be because of my powers. So I won't need to train myself which is good because there are so many weapon I can use. I should use beowulf against beowolfs sometimes. Irony.

Large creature roared and lunged at me with the intention of finishing me very quickly but I had other plans. I waited for it to get in the rage and swung my masterpiece sword which cut clean through its neck and killed it immediately. I did this while smirking of course. In my old life I would've shit my pants but now I'm super calm. Probably another personality effect.

As soon as it died. It's pack emerged from bushes too. I was aware of their presence of course. They are very good at stealth but if you have demon hearing it's not a problem. I counted six beowolfs. One of them is bigger than rest. Alpha for sure.

Two of them lunged at me at the same time but with a blink of an eye I aimed Ebony and Ivory and shoot them. Two clean headshots did the job. I spun the guns in my hand. Still smirking by the way. Dante would be proud. Vergil would say foolishness. I can't help it, it's fun.

This time three grimm attacked me. They saving the alpha for the last. I quickly summoned Cayote-A. A beautiful shotgun. I shoot the closest Grimm and killed it instantly. Without even looking back, I aimed again and killed the one that decided to attack me from behind. Storing Cayote away. I draw Rebellion and did the stinger to last Grimm. Well you can guess the result. Meanwhile Alpha was watching the fight. Probably trying to weakness or something. Good luck brother.

It snarled at me. I guess trying to show some hospitality. "Come on big guy. I don't have the all time in the world, attack or something." I taunted. You know trying to make it attack me. Which surprisingly worked because it ran at me full speed. To normal human at least, to me it's slow motion.

It started swing its claws at me wildly while I just dodged lazy. I could laugh at how easy this is. I summoned Balrog. A pair of gauntlets and boots. When using gauntlets (Blow Mode) you have shoulder armor too but when using kicks (Kick Mode) you get boost to boots. I'm in currently punch mode. With a backflip I made a distance between us and start charging the gauntlet. Grimm leaped at me. When it was about the cut my head off, I unleashed the flying dragon move. Completely separating the head from body. I stored the Balrog away.

I clapped my hands. "Well this was fun. Let's do it again sometime." Seriously though, I now understand why Dmc crew had fun while fighting. No need to stay now. I found out how I look like.

'People gonna confuse me for Weiss's lost brother now.' I thought while walking away from the scene. Another forest walk is awaits me. I'm not motivated.

After another bug torture, I finally found a village. It was not large or too small. I mean I guess, I've never been to a village. Everyone was staring at me though. Because of the Rebellion if I guess.

"Is he a hunter?"

"He looks so cool."

"Two hunters in one day? Other one is still at the tavern."

Last one caught my attention. Maybe it's someone I know. I should head to tavern. But my plans were delayed by a child's scream. Around seven or eight years old. He was running towards to village while screaming Ursa horde. Welp time to be a hero.

"Everyone get to safety. I got this." I said loudly so everyone can hear me. They listened though, everyone started running to their house. Now I'm MOTIVATED.

Kid was exaggerating by the way. It was just seven Ursa. I don't know what its plural saying. They never stop running. Neither did I move. Blue particles moved around my hand and finally materialized in the shape of a katana. You all know what this is.

I slowly unsheathed Yamato. I swung it three times towards the "horde", hitting nothing but air. But when I sheathed Yamato. Blue cut lines appeared all over first four Ursa and cut them all. I probably broke some record. Dematerializing Yamato, I draw Ebony and Ivory.

"Let's Rock." And start unleashing bullet rain on the remaining Ursa. Killing them without a care in world. And that's the end of the horde. My shots were literally art. Never missed once. I put the guns back in their holsters. I never moved from my spot, Ursa died before they can even reach me let alone damage the village.

Someone start applaud behind me. I turn around annnnd I'm facing someone very familiar. Qrow himself. He's impressed that much I can tell but c'mon who wouldn't. I did a pretty badass thing.

"Holy shit kid. That was the quickest killing I've ever seen." He approached me with a smirk. Which I returned.

"I'm one of a kind." I mean it's true. No one is like me here. I hope. I don't wanna have a twin crisis.

"Say, what's your name kid?" He asked. Damm, I never though about that. Need to come up with something really quick. Actually no need I found it.

"Dante Redgrave." I answered with a bigger smirk than before.


And cut. I released this very soon because first two chapters are kinda getting into universe and character. So tell me what you think. Next chapter will be more long and better I hope.