White Haired Badass

"So you are here to hunt down some dudes in mask?" I asked as I ate my pizza slice. Tavern had some. How convenient.

After congratulating me, Qrow wanted to talk. I agreed and here we are. He's paying by the way. I'm broke.

"Yeah. Those white fang guys causing some problems to nearby villages." He explained. I never liked White Fang anyway. They trying to make humans respect them by fear but even first year hunters in training can beat their asses. It's funny.

"What's that have anything to do with me?" He's probably gonna ask some help. I don't know why though, he can handle them very easily. On second thought he was going to talk Ozpin about me so for evidence he decided to bring me along.

He leaned forward, as if trying to make a point. Meanwhile, my feet are on the table and I'm eating without a care in the world. I'm listening though. "You seemed know how to use your weapons and has the skill to back it up. So why the fuck not? It'll be fun."

"Hmm. You know what, buy me another pizza after we done the job and I'll come along." I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to pizza. Damn you Dante.

Qrow sighed. Poor guy but I don't care. Pizza is pizza. "Fine fine. Just get up and let's go." He got up and headed to exit. I ate the whole thing and followed him. Damn that tasted good. I should come here again. I don't where we are though.

"So Dante, where are you from? You don't seem like someone from around here." He asked. There it is, the classic questions.

I merely shrugged. "Was born in a small village outside of Kingdoms. Had a good life for a while." I'll probably use the story of twins with some changes. You know, Dad disappeared, Mom died in an attack.

He nodded. Good, he bought it. "Let's get a move on then." He said and started to walk away. Great leadership bro but I'm like this too. After all Qrow is just a drunk Dante if you think about it.

"Are we gonna just barge in and shoot them?" I asked cause you know, need to know how make my entrance. Gotta be stylish.

"Yeah, got a problem?" He's drinking at the moment. Dude we are about the fight.

"Nope, just need to show those guy who's the top dog here." I said with a smirk.


(Some Random White Fang Dude Pov)

We were moving the boxes to another safe house so today was very chaotic. They probably send someone to check out here. Hope they aren't too much good or Oum help us.

I started hear some noises outside. Probably boys making a mess. How Lituenants handle these guys are beyond me. I was about the lift another box but suddenly door blow up and fly away. There was some white haired guy in a red coat aiming his guns. At first glance, you won't think much but that smirk is definitely dangerous. We screwed.


This was more fun than I thought. White Fang goons are worse than I thought or I'm just that good. Probably both. With King Cerberus in its fire staff mode, I made my presence known while Qrow draw his sword/sychte. I have one too actually. I'm talking about Nevan obviously.

They just rushed us. Letting some battle cries like they are vikings or something. I started hack and slash, left and right. They were falling too easily. I blocked without looking and kicked the guy in the gut which send him flying to forest. I need to control my strength. I forgot that I'm not normal human anymore for a while there.

Qrow wasn't doing bad either. They never got close to guy. He eliminated them very quick and efficiently. They are just moving some boxes, why the hell there are too much goons?

Storing King Cerberus away, I draw the Force Edge. The blue Beaty itself, I continued my hack and slash. I send some summoned swords to guys out of my rage. I also noticed there's a camera watching us. Qrow already told him? Probably when I'm eating pizza. I didn't notice. Knocking the last guy with another summoned sword, I walked towards to door. How in the hell they haven't heard us is something I'll never understand.

Sending Force Edge away, I decided to kick the door down with my own strength. Which ended with door flying to end of the warehouse and something tells me if there wasn't any wall, it still would be flying.

Qrow whistled. "Damn kid, you are strong." He stood next to me aiming sword while I aim my handguns. White Fangs is shocked so they doesn't move at the moment.

"I said I'm one of a kind." was my response. After overcoming their shocks, remaining White Fang attacked us. Anyway I start blasting. Breaking their aura easily. Qrow comforted them in close combat. Knocking the guys without aura. I broke the auras, he broke the dudes. This mission deserves S.

Not wanting to get behind, I put the guns away and draw the Rebellion. Here I come bitches. One sided fight continued until we knocked them all down and finishing the job. Qrow called some authorities. Meanwhile I was chilling on top of some random box. Thinking about which toppings I should have on pizza this time. No olives that's for sure.

Qrow approached me. "Hey kid someone wants to talk to you. So you are coming with me." He said. Which I already know who.

"You mean the guy who were watching us with that camera?" I asked smugly and his expression turn into surprised before turning back to a smirk.

"So you saw ha? Well yes. He said he's impressed with your abilities. By the way what's your semblance? I've seen you summon weapons or creating swords and you got a unhuman strength." There's the other classic question. Hmm what should I say? I can't just tell that I'm half Demon or anything. Well let's play smart.

"We just met dude. I'm not gonna explain everything." I'm not one of those dude who tells everything about them in the first meeting. Everyone got some secrets and he should know that.

He shrugged, accepting my answer. Good. "Fair enough but he really wants to talk to let's go." I jumped down and followed him.

"Hey what about my pizza?"


Two Years Later

Well you've read right. Two years have passed and why you ask because when I first arrived, I was fifteen years old apparently. My coat had a scroll and I.D in its pocket. I don't how I've never noticed that. I was right about Ozpin wanting talk to me, at first I thought he was going to ask me be a student or something and I was gonna accept so I can be close to main cast but I was wrong. When I talked with Qrow, he mentioned his nieces and Ruby was thirteen so that meant I was two years early before the canon. Well instead being a student, I became assistant of Professor Goodwitch in combat classes. Since then I've been making myself a name. Since I was the youngest stuff member ever in any academy, I've pretty much became famous. Then after that I became famous for taking the most difficult missions and complete them without difficulty. I gained a bunch of titles all around Remnant. Walking Arsenal, Unbeatable Huntsman, Man in Red. Of course I've nearly mastered my powers too, still didn't unlock the Sin Devil Trigger and frankly I don't wanna stab myself. My skills are one of the reasons of me becoming famous too actually. Someone recorded me punching a Goliath with my bare hands and well Goliath died with a hole in his chest. Now I'm seventeen years old and looking at the transcripts of this years, I can see the main cast. It's gonna start. But right now I'm leaning against Cavaliere, waiting for Qrow to be done with his questions. Right now we are looking for Amber and you know what that means. I'll have to fight Cinder and her lackeys. Well she's about to learn how foolish she is to believe that maidens are the most powerful thing Remnant.