Pleasure of the first time (2) and changes

Minute by minute passed by making Akeno's mouth stiffen a bit but she didn't stop doing his job, 15 minutes later finally the young man couldn't take it anymore.

"Uff ~ Akeno ~ I'm about to uhh cum." Suzu told her, but she looked at him and nodded with her eyes. The young man looked at her a little surprised but also happy.

He started to pick up speed and that pushed him to his limit. He finally grabbed her head and held her in place as he came for the first time in his life. Akeno swallowed as much liquid as she could, but still, some semen leaked out of her mouth, then she used her tongue as she licked the last of it.

'Better than expected, I guess it's because of my husband's body, even his semen tastes good.' Thought the beauty while she opened her mouth and showed how she had drunk everything like a good girl. Indeed Suzu has a unique energy, in addition to his yang cells that he has not exploited, his purity, etc. Not that it's delicious, but it's passable, something that will improve as he gets stronger.

Suzu glared at the beautiful scene, then grabbed her by the armpits her and made her change position. "Kyaaahh". She blurted out with great anticipation.

"Dar ... Aghh." He interrupted her words and began to kiss her madly. After a short time, he kissed her ears, nose, neck of hers, until she reached her beaks.

"Ñyaaah." She moaned when Suzu started sucking on her aroused nipples while he played with her breasts. So big that they were more than a palm of his hand, just thinking about how they would be when she was older made Suzu get even more aroused and start taking some light bites.

Akeno was going crazy as she moaned louder and louder, even she had already come, making her a little weak, but she couldn't rest when another thrust from Suzu returned.

Suzu finished playing with her breast, kissed her belly button until he reached the main course. She had done it to him, so Suzu should do the same and now she has to experience that pleasure.

"Kyahh that place ♥♥". Akeno babbled as her body seemed to spasm.

Could only be described as beautiful, looks tight, and covered in fine black hair that gave an even more tempting touch. Akeno's pussy was gushing liquid, it was lubricated to penetrate her, but he would make her wait a bit. Suzu inserted his tongue inside her pussy causing her to let out a long moan.

"ÑYAHHH ♥ keep it up uhhh more ~ ​​stronger kyahh". She tightened her grip on Suzu's golden horns as she made want his mouth to sink further into her folds.

She couldn't hold out for long. Suzu realized that and began to move his tongue at different angles until he felt that there was one that pleased beauty much more. He attacked in that area until Akeno couldn't take it anymore.

"Get out of there qyaag. I'm going to cum." Suzu ignored her and his hands tightened on her breasts as his tongue invaded her cavity. Finally, she came completely making her body rise for the contraction. Suzu drank all the expelled liquid without leaving any drops outside. Her female prostate managed to release a secretion of a few milliliters of thick milky fluid that was completely swallowed.

"Mmmm aghh amazing"

"We just started Akeno"

"Mmmm whenever you want"

Then Suzu approached her pussy and parted those lubricated lips. Without more nonsense, she began to slowly insert her cock into her pussy.

** pop ~ **. Was heard when he broke through the barrier.

Akeno clawed at Suzu's back as she endured the pain of defloration. Blood began to flow out of her cunt as mixed with the different fluids. The thin membrane of the hymen finally opened, Suzu was not worried about that detail, after all, it was normal to open during workouts, exercises, etc. Suzu used his tongue to draw her tears out. She looked at him as she watched his tender movements making her heart warm.

"~ You can speed up." said Akeno.

He got excited and began to move faster and faster. She no longer complained and was carried away by pleasure causing her to forget the time and space around her.

** pap pap **. She was heard in the room.

Suzetsu had already stood up holding her by the arms as he bombarded her with his movements.

The membranes of her vagina tightening his cock inside causing him a slight pain due to how tight it was, but he soon got used to it and began to enjoy it to the fullest, until the pussy had already swallowed his entire member.

Her pussy was starting to tighten, she seemed to be about to come.

"Mmmmm hon ~ honey ... I want to mm cum"

"I mmmh too Akeno, mm let's run together ... now I'll mark you with my semen and I'll paint your uterus white"

"Uhmm fill me up, dear"

Then Suzu increased his pace while making Akeno moan loudly, that with one last moan, she cum made her squirt.

"Gughhh". Suzetsu accompanied her and cum and with a growl filled her uterus with semen.

Akeno looked exhausted but with a happy smile on her face. Suzu continued, he still had a lot of energy left, but he held back and left Akeno on the bed to rest.

"I love you". Akeno told him as she closed her eyes. Suzu stared at her for a while until he was convinced as a smile formed on his lips.

He felt an incredible sense of peace and began to think about how wonderful his life has been and the fortune of meeting such incredible people. Without him being aware of it, he had unintentionally formed his Byaku-Sharingan, but now the second tomoe had been finalized. Thus reaching level 2 of his Dojutsu.

"... I love you too darling, now sleep." she finally fell asleep with the most beautiful smile of her life after hearing those words for the first time.

She slept with her breasts crushing him, besides the member inside her. He finally fell asleep, with his hand resting on the beauty's hair and his other grabbing her beautiful butt.

Silence accompanied the atmosphere of the room where there was a lustful smell that accompanied the sweaty bodies of both. Suzu was sleeping peacefully and didn't notice how Akeno's body lit up in the middle of the night.

The next day…

Upon awakening, Suzu felt the softness in his right arm and saw the beauty hugging his arm between her breasts. Suzu smiled softly at her as he stroked her hair.

But he soon realized something and his face turned pale.

''Shit, we didn't protect ourselves.' He almost jumped at the memory of how irresponsible they were last night. It's not that he didn't want to have children, but that it wasn't the time, his plans would go to hell.

Then Suzu used his Byaku-sharingan while he carefully examined Akeno's belly. After a while, he sighed as he couldn't see any strange energy. But he again got to jump when he noticed another detail.

'my eyes'. He then took a mirror out of his ring and indeed saw how he had a second tomoe in both eyes. He was going to start laughing but he covered his mouth so as not to wake his lover.

He was very happy. He was able to perform the most basic elements with 1 tomoe, such as great chakra control and heightened senses including perception and clarity. But now, according to Kirisu's words, he will allow him to copy some illusory techniques (Genjutsu) at will, perform Genjutsu basic, and dispelling Genjutsu will be made much easier due to the heightened senses. Not only that, but he will be able to copy some basic skills like Taijutsu or Ninjutsu, but he will see that later.

"Uhhmm honey ♥". From Suzu's movements, Akeno had finally woken up.

"I'm sorry Ake… Akeno?" Suzu wanted to help her up from it but he was dumbfounded when he saw her.