
"What did you do to me, honey?"

"I don't know"

"Ara ara, is your seed that powerful? We should try more"

The couple was taking a shower while they continued to process what happened. After a night of passion, Akeno had a great change, first of all, her already perfect body became much more beautiful, now she acquired baby skin, emitted an aura of nobility, shiny hair, etc.

But the internal changes of her were also evident, many impurities were cleaned, the marrow was cleaned, but also a strange power arose within her that Suzu still could not decipher, both could only wait to see what happened, but without a doubt, it's good.

Now Akeno seemed even more in love. He cleaned her lover's back with her soapy breast technique and of course she cleaned his cock directly with her mouth, and of course ... the shower went on for 2 hours until Akeno couldn't take it anymore.

'In fact, the effect is less than the first time, but there are still some slight changes' After a love session, Suzu was happy with the results, especially since now Akeno could increase her strength more quickly after cleaning her body.

"This is a bit addicting." Suzu giggled as he leaned over Akeno's breasts and grabbed her butt.

"Ara ara ... uhmm you can do it every day." She replied as looked at him with bright eyes.

"… Sure". Suzu took a little time to answer him, but Akeno noticed that detail.

"Honey ... is there something you want to tell me?"

"... Sigh, it's inevitable"


Suzu told her the agreement that had been made with Azazel, plus her father was there that would not have a problem joining them. But her response is not what he expected.

"I do not want!". She understood that soon he could not be with her, he had already commented that they could not continue together in the near time, so when she heard his words understood immediately that that moment had already arrived.

Although she is young, the fallen angel girl already has the majesty of a high-class being, and Suzu only waiting for her to make the decision about her next destination.


"Akeno, are you still angry?" - Looking at the young woman who was still crying in the corner, Suzu couldn't help but feel a headache.

Obviously, she was still dreaming that the two of them would be together forever, but apparently, it would be the opposite, the other wanted to leave her so soon, even if he had the reasons, she still felt hurt and alone.

"Wu wu wu… Suzu, do you want to abandon me too? Do you think that I am an unpleasant being for you? Sure enough, a young woman's voice came from the corner.

The tender voice of the little beauty made Suzetsu's eyes sparkle a bit in pain but was quickly replaced by firm determination.

"I must. Don't worry, it won't be for long."

"I ... I'm sorry for my attitude, I know you have your problems too, but ...".

The young woman was unsteady, he just put his arms on Akeno's shoulders as he tenderly caressed her face.

"Sorry, Akeno ..."

Suzu also wanted to say more words, but the next moment, his mouth was blocked by the young woman.


'This feeling in my body is really good' thought the beautiful young woman with eyes full of passion. One way to solve the problems is to reassure is sexually and just show his love for her, Akeno only asked Suzu to completely soak her.

"I'm sorry Akeno, I'm too weak and I still can't protect you."


"But I will be stronger and stronger than anyone else!"


"Akeno, would you wait for me?"

Looking at the young woman, Suzu said with a serious face.

"Ah ... I do."

The young woman's face was again covered with tears, but this time, they were tears of happiness ...

The next few days they completely relaxed. They both dated, went to the movies, to restaurants, even to dance. Beautiful memories were formed.

On the fourth day, Azazel's party arrived. When they saw Akeno it was impossible not to be surprised, their eyes immediately looked at Suzu as they remained silent but with some different thoughts.

Both young tacitly acted as if everything was the same as before and nothing was wrong. It's just that the two of them tend to be closer together, eating together, training together, and sleeping together. Of course, this was evident to the other group. If it weren't for the isolation talismans that Venelana had given him, it would be impossible for them not to hear Akeno's moans. Although they did it only if Azazel and Baraqiel weren't around, their powers are enormous, and could evade talismans.

At night Suzu would flip her long skirt, exposing her silky underwear that looked like a work of art. Her underwear fitted tightly to her plump ass, her skin felt amazing when he touched it. All is flawless and her skin was abnormally white.

"This body ... how you always leave me like an idiot Akeno"

"Ara ara, you finally realize, this already belongs to you dear" - she replied with a seductive voice while her eyes burned with passion.

His younger brother stood up after they began to kiss, with this action his body reacted so much that he made an exciting sound, then he put the beauty in front while she spread her legs, she with the experience already had she even took some postures

Her flexibility is incredible, so she lifted her butt and the rest of her body was down right on the surface of the bed, she is more elastic than an Olympic gymnast. He examined Akeno from behind her and touched her pussy.

"Kyaaa don't look so closely, it's ... mm ... so embarrassing ... ahgg amhhhh play however you want darling." at first she was shy but after feeling his tongue, she seemed to forget everything.

The young man bent down and kissed her ass while holding her waist, then went up to her back while continuing to kiss every part of her body, followed her neck and even her hair, later turned her around and seeing her face kissed her fiercely. Akeno responded intensely while undressing the other.

Akeno escaped with her body and came out of the authoritative embrace. Facing Suzu, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Hugging face to face she was telling him some erotic thoughts.

Hearing her sweet whisper, Suzu moved to forcibly grab Akeno's lips, but she held his head with one hand and brought her own lips to his neck.

Drowning in his lust, the young man was confused. 'A kiss on the neck is not bad ... it's an interesting feeling.'

Akeno licked his neck with her long tongue and opened her mouth. Then she bit the neck with her beautiful teeth.

It wasn't the usual feeling of being bitten. Pain and pleasure supreme, Suzu's member stiffened to the limit and almost spewed semen like a fountain.

While he felt the sensation of being bitten on his neck, the young Akeno explained that she wanted to leave her mark on him so that he would remember her when they were not together.

And, at night, the two tore and fell frantically into their lair, looting each other's sweetness. They did everything except the balloon knot. The two of them have become familiar with every inch of each other's skin, and have done everything they should and shouldn't do!

The women of Fallen Angel are all demons of incomparable charm. It seems that born has the ability to seduce and conquer men. Akeno, though only a fallen angel half bloodline, has inherited this 'quality' just as well.

On countless occasions, Suzu has oscillated between heaven and hell, and whenever she sees the expression of pain and helplessness of the young man, Akeno will laugh sweetly, sometimes she liked to leave him just about to come to cum. But to her sadness, Suzu was more vindictive in that regard causing her to have to beg him to continue.

Despite her young age, she has such a deep "knowledge" as a self-taught and great imagination. For Suzetsu it's really hard to imagine. In a few years, what kind of demonic girl will be formed?

They were full of passion until he felt the door move.