The Prophesied Chosen Ones Part 1

Before a written prophecy, there was a war foretold by the powers of an entity. He was known by many as the Ultimate Wizard. He and he alone has foreseen the events that will take the pass of the downfall of light where the darkness will rule everything. This war is the Ultimate War. A war only Gods took part in and where the Ultimate Wizard's body, power, and ability were dispersed through the history of time. This lead to the tale and a prophecy was born. "Sometimes from now, I will face a powerful foe. He will defeat me as my power and ability will be scattered across dimensions where no evil could touch only a group of young warriors. They will possess what I have lost and together they will be the champion in which we have failed."

On a distant murky planet where it looks like a wasteland on all four corners of the planet and upon a lonely hill surrounded by a moat and there lies unknown beings which no one could see their faces nor their bodies of those who are in the room concealed in the darkness but their red glowing eyes. A Male Incubus exclaimed, "(He looks at the other red eyes in this murky room in front of himself about five feet away.) We have waited long enough, fellow Incubus! Let us begin our conquest on these piteous planets! So, that I can, a Planet Extinctior shall prepare for the big sale!" The Minions shouts, "(All-together.) Yeah!" A Male Incubus shouts, "(He look at the others in the murky room in the far back.) Soon the extinction of another world will be assured! (Many of the concealed beings start to fly around.) Now fly! Fly to our assured victory!" They all start flying out the holes in the walls where the light shines in at full speed.

Meanwhile, in an all-white empty dimension with gray flashes of white dots of many different kinds of dimensions, at first, glance, lies an old man standing there in this all-white gray dimension while what's floating above him is a part of glowing golden aura stone tablets of an unorthodox color like a rainbow due to the immanence manifestation of its ancient power that is given by the Ultimate Wizard from a lost spell before the Ultimate War began. What's flying of this odd dimension are spirits whom flies aimlessly around as if they playing a game or two of some kind. Old Male Spirt in a commanding tone, "This is our final chance! Find them before it's too late, my faithful Rare Hunters!" A Male Rare Hunter said, "(He looks at the old man sport.) Yes, the Great Loch I will do in all my power to ensure it be done." His eyes start to flow white, in an all-white hoodie but black inside. On his hoodie, there lies a capital red "R" insignia on the hood. He is about six feet and seven inches tall, weighs about 220 pounds, the waistline is 35 in men's, and he's muscular. The man is wearing an all-white outfit with a hoodie but the major design of it was a red "R" insignia on his chest and hood but his face is concealed with his hood. He made a portal open from out of nowhere in front of himself about two feet that lead him to outer space. He walks through it and it closes behind himself. Soon after that, another man arrives but is wearing an all-black outfit with gold grim from the top of his shirt, the ends of his sleeves, the bottom of his shirt, the waistline, and the bottom of each pant leg. He has a red "R" insignia on his chest and hood while the hood is concealing his face. Most Powerful Servant said, "I have searched in that dimension before well over twenty years ago. In that dimension, lies the famous planets called Zaptar and Unknown... interesting yet maybe a good choice." Old man Spirt said, "(He looks at the strongest servant that's left in this dimension a little to his right.) Go help Shuku search in that dimension he has chosen maybe this time you both will find what you couldn't twenty years ago because by what is said in the Ancient Tablets the invasion is underway as we speak." The Most Powerful Servant said, "(He looks at the old man spirit to his right behind himself.) Yes, master." He turns around from his right and bows without his face being revealed and when he rises back up. He vanishes from sight to where Shuku is instant.

The Most Powerful Servant said, "(He arrives in space about three feet near Shuku in front of him.) I am ordered here to assist you in your search so let's go try to find them at all cost." SHUKU said, "(He looks at the strongest servant in front of himself.) Yes, brother." They both flew their separate ways at full speed the strongest servant to the left and Shuku to the right as they both vanished after.

Meanwhile, on a distant planet, as the sun is slowly rising from the horizon, an eighteen-year-old young man is fast asleep in his bed with his right foot poking out from the covers and his bare-naked chest expose, he has overslept from an important event that he has forgotten. The interior of his room is about fifteen by fifteen in size but it has a desk against the wall in the corner left side of the room, a tan carpet on the floor, light blue walls and ceiling, a closed Dell laptop in the center of the desk, a chair with wheels with a set of clean clothes on the back of the chair, a picture of with himself and his buddies at a martial arts tournament and a very large golden trophy of himself with a little man on top doing a sidekick on top. A lamp on the right side of the laptop, a window above his bed on the right side of the room, a shut-in closet on the opposing side of the desk but above where the young man's head is resting to the wall, the bathroom door was on the left side of the desk for about three feet, his wallet is on the left side of his laptop also, and his feet a wooden light blue door. He has long red-orange hair that stops in the middle of his back, the waistline is 36 in men's, a muscular frame, he is also six feet and two inches tall, weighing about 180 pounds, he has dark brown iris on his right eye and a gold iris on his left eye is light brown skin plus has a power that is far greater than the entire planet knows that he lives on. There, standing in his room is a beautiful young seventeen-year-old girl a girlfriend of this young man he and she has an odd glyph under their left eye that has three triangles parallel across to the end of their face that is half an inch long and three rectangles lined up down their cheekbone from under the last triangle. The last rectangle curves into itself that area half an inch long. The girlfriend has her hands on her hips pouting and irate because he sleeps on an event that which he supposes to be up and ready for. She is wearing a light blue tank top with a heart in the center of it, she is wearing blue shorts underneath her a waistline of 9 in women's, and over her shorts is a blue miniskirt. She weighs about 120 pounds and she has an athletic frame, she is about five feet and seven inches tall, her bust size is 30 B and round medium hips. A Young Girl exclaimed, "(She while looking at her sleeping boyfriend.) Really, babe!? Get up! You are making us late!" The young girl has a medium length slightly muscular, short wavy light brown hair with blonde streaks, she has on her right side of her hair a bright orange monarch butterfly hair clip, she has a black iris on her right eye and a sliver iris on her left eye, plus she is wearing soft makeup and light brown skin girl. Her waistline is right in women's. This girl is also, just like her boyfriend the most powerful of all on this planet. The young man then finally but slowly opens his eyes as he sees a blurry figure that confuses him. When the figure came to focus, he gasps as his eyes widened at the same time to see his girlfriend standing there tapping her foot for about three feet away. He quickly gets up and fell on his head on the ground as he grunts. As the young man gets up to his feet, he is wearing nothing but all-white boxers, and he yawns he then saw his girlfriend's angry face. A Young Man said, "(A bit scared as he saw his girlfriend in his room.) Sorry, sorry, Maya I'll get ready quick." MAYA SU said, "(She groans annoyed.) F-fine just hurry up! You need to learn how not to oversleep when we have something important to do, Gozon!" GOZON RYU said, "So, sorry I will try harder for you! (He yawns again as he grabs his clean clothes on the chair then went into the bathroom and closes the door as he does daily ritual in the bathroom that includes brushing his teeth, washing his face, relieving himself, putting on his clean clothes, and washing his hands. Once he was finished, he opens the bathroom as Maya was sitting on his already made bed by the bed's controls. Once she heard the bathroom door she stood up and fixes her miniskirt.) I am ready and sorry." Maya said, "(She looks at Gozon in front of herself.) Stop apologizing and let's go." Maya walks out the opened room door then Gozon grabs his wallet on his desk and follows her as he closes the door behind himself with his left hand.

Gozon then follows behind Maya at full speed in the direction of the mall as he tries not to lookup her miniskirt during flight by veering his eyes to the left and right. Gozon then thought about his youthful days when he first learned how to understand to control his power at school while in flight.

In the past during PE, outside on the grass, the teacher is pacing while she is teaching them the basics to 6th graders to how to control their powers. A Female Teacher instructed, "(She is wearing a white shirt with a clip-on tie and black skirt that stops up to her knees, with black stockings, her bust size was 30 B, and white shoes. She is slender, her iris's is blue, Caucasian, light straight brown hair that reaches the middle of her back, in her mid-twenties, five feet, and five inches tall, waistline eight in women's, and weighs 115 pounds.) Listen up, class I am about to teach you all how to control your Chi. As you can see, Chi glows all around us, and with our race and many we able to control those energies to use in our everyday lives. Here today I am going to teach you all Chi Control. Chi Control is mental energies you focus through meditation and focus with enough practice it will be second nature to you all to use any time you wish..." The image of school back then began to soon fade away.

Most Powerful Servant said, "(As he was flying, his eyes widened, and he is forced to stop. He then looks at a planet called Unknown with a shocked expression because of what he felt a power that is so familiar to him and not at the same time.) Huh? That energy...? I have never sensed anything like this twenty years ago!? So, it's this planet? No, let me make sure if I didn't felt that wrong... (He phases for a second as he stares into the planet to double-check. His eyes widened as he saw Maya and Gozon amending a more condensed Chi than the people of this planet.) No way... (His eyes glows white as he is telepathically spoke to Shuku.) Shuku, come to the planet called Unknown, it's urgent." Shuku appears from in a smoke cloud from out of nowhere to his brother is by three feet on his left. Shuku asked, "What's so... (He phased for a second.) u-urgent...? (His eyes widened in shock when he sensed and looks at the planet as he gasps in front of himself.) That p-power?" Most Powerful Servant said, "(He looks back at his brother without revealing his face.) Yes. Now go find them." Shuku then departs from his brother into the planet at full speed while instantly broke the sound barrier while his brother continues his search for if anymore are around from what he found now.

Once Gozon and Maya arrived, the place looks like a multi-business establishment with a lot of windows and a huge sign that says 'E-Market' on it. The mall is about sixty square yards big the building's size as it's crowded with people of their planet on the outside that they can see with automatic doors in front of the entrance while people are entering and exiting and flying cars parking lot in the sides of the building leaving or arriving the establishment. They look at each other first Gozon on the right and Maya on the left in the sky before they flew down for about fifty feet and then lands on the entrance to the mall. They both took each other's hand and walks inside as the double doors automatically open for them and behind them.

Gozon asked, "(He looks at Maya on his right.) So, what are we getting from here because I forgot? Sorry, I am still half asleep." Maya answers, "(She's looking inside the mall.) School clothes and other things." Gozon asked, "(He has a concerned tone as he smirked and worried.) What other things?" She ignores him she laughs and runs inside more. He sighs as he follows her inside.

Shuku inner thought, "(At the same time while he is flying around the streets on the planet that he is traveling downtown a metal sign-on the left he saw with a street name called Great Lane Valley heading straight or back and the other sign pointing left and right says Jolton Ver Place with many homes on both sides of the streets of two-story houses, a mall box by the curve, fresh-cut grass, a sidewalk on both sides of the street, flying cars passing going about thirty thousand miles an hour traveling along the busy streets on both sides of businesses, traffic lights are on both ends of the street, birds singing, dogs barking, trees each side of the street, telephone poles on each side street, squirrels looking for food and running up trees, as people are walking from place to place.) Funny to see a peaceful planet nowadays. Unusually be more destruction and chaos at every turn or annihilation on poor innocent souls. From what I remember what my brother has told me, this planet was one of the places to escape to during the Ultimate War to protect yourself from being annihilated or who wanted a safe place to live to avoid all the casualties from the destruction and annihilation from war. As far as I can tell by flying in here, there are three known races Yourats rat looking species, Fumona a human-looking species, and Zaranta some bug kind of species." Shuku is then traveling by scanning everyone that he sees or senses all around him nearby to determine if they possess a part of the power and abilities of his former master during the Ultimate War. A Woman number 1 asked and exclaimed, "(She flashes people around her not on purpose while quickly pushes down on her designer dress, she is almost fell on her face by this sudden abnormal wind change.) Whoa! What was that!?" The girl is about in her mid-twenties, Caucasian with four eyes one above each, humanoid, weighs about 115 pounds, five feet and nine inches tall, long straight light brown hair phony tail, and wearing a blue designer short heel shoes. She fixes her hair as she looks around while Shuku just passes through the area. He is traveling through every square inch of each neighborhood at a small portion of his maximum speed faster than the speed of light. Shuku thought, "I didn't meant to fly by that Fumona female like that..."

Meanwhile, in E-Market, the layout of their current floor that they are on is massive with posters on the wall, an Information Center ten feet away from the entrance where virtual assistants will help you in their programming, a snack, and soda vendors on the right side of the Information Center, and the ground floor is like ten feet in size in the center behind the Information Center by fifteen feet are two escalators leads that are half a yard apart on the right that leads to the Men's Clothing Department. On the left is too are two escalators to the Women's Clothing Department that are half a yard apart in the center of the room. The middle of both departments is a food court of many varieties of food from big companies in the food dynasty on the right side, the left side has jewelry, cellphones, camping goods further pass. All the small booths along the way of the corridor are 25 feet in size down. The booths sell various things like group photos, movies, manga, comics, video games, phone cases, robotic butler, or maid units, and more. Maya went up the escalator on the left while Gozon on right.

As soon as Gozon walked into the Men's Clothing Department, his eyes widened as he was attracted by some strange power which is drawing him plus blacked his vision of his surroundings but an odd golden light that he can only see. He follows this strange light through many departments he went through shirts, then pants, and people are walking around him as he passes onward until he arrived at where the department where they sell gloves then walks onward. A cute female employee wearing a green shirt that says "E-Market" on it and she is wearing blue jeans with and all-white tennis shoes also her bust size is 33 B with a cart of clothes and gloves is stocking some new supplies of gloves that lead Gozon there. There are many kinds different brands and styles. As he walks over to a pair that stood out the most from the rest, they look very worn and old looking to him but everyone else brands new. He was so drawn to them that he didn't know he was being watched from at a distance of about five feet away behind him. Gozon reaches with his right hand out to touch those red fingerless gloves slowly. Gozon asked, "(He spoke to himself mentally but softly.) These gloves... what are they? Why do they look so old and yet in new condition?" He slowly gets closer to the gloves, a spark of power coming from out of the gloves and melds together without rejecting each other. They manifest at one then he picks them up.

Maya too is experiencing the same as she picks up her gloves in the Women's Clothing Department that also manifests with her power as well.

As they both, in different locations in the Men's and Women's Clothing Department, turn the gloves over they see the tag on their right, they see an insignia of a letter on each palm of each glove. The insignia that Gozon sees is a capital letter "G" and the other that Maya sees is also is a capital letter "M" on them.

Gozon said, "(He's surprised) Incredible..." Suddenly, Shuku steps up to behind Gozon from five feet away in a serious expression. Shuku said, "(A clam tone.) So, you are one whom I've been searching for, for my master?" Gozon's eyes widen as he turns around and sees Shuku behind himself. Gozon asked, "(His eyes widened in shock.) Huh? Who are you?" Shuku answers, "(He spoke calmly.) I am what you have read and heard of before in myths and folklore. I am a Rare Hunter. You are one of the Chosen Ones that I came to seek. What I must say to you needs not to be said here." Gozon asked, "(He looks at Shuku in caution.) Hmm... why hasn't your master come instead of you?" Shuku answers, "(He spoke calmly.) It will sound crazy, but he can't travel for he has no physical body of his own." Gozon said, "(He has a disbelief expression.) Right..." Shuku said, "(He wore a serious expression and spoke clammy.) I suppose this mark would suffice for your fleeting heart?" He pulls up his sleeve as he showed them his left arm as his skin is white they saw a glyph running through his arm that looks like a red circle and four black squiggles on each end like a box of the circle and in the center is a white capital "R" then he brushes his right hand's thumb across it as it flashes twice the color he sees before he pulls his sleeve back down. Gozon said, "Whoa! No way..." The gloves then start to flash as he did. Shuku said, "(He looks at the gloves then at Gozon.) It appears these gloves that you hold now have chosen you. As I said earlier, to what you are isn't a lie. Now wear them and see if my words aren't a lie. (He scans his power as he spoke mentally.) Hmm... judging by his maximum power now it feels about three hundred thousand... impressive for not knowing his true destiny." Gozon looks at the gloves in his hands in the Men's Clothing Department is frozen in fear. Gozon said, "(He looked at the gloves.) I will do it put on the gloves to see what you said is true." As Gozon puts on one of the gloves onto his left hand, nothing happened. When he puts on the other glove, Gozon starts to grunt in acute pain with his eyes widen in a sharp surge of power enters and merges into his own power amplifying his power and abilities beyond his own now by a flash of light. He screams by the pain of his power merging with the gloves that made a powerful gust of Chi energy and unorthodox wind blowing all around. When Maya heard a familiar tone of a scream, she panicked as she rusheds over to the Men's Clothing Department, with the gloves in hand, that Gozon is wearing to him.