The Prophesized Chosen Ones Part 2

When it was over, clothes and debris are all over the place while he has an aura sphere around himself as none has ever seen before its color of his aura sphere is white with silver trim from the Outside of it. It has rings encircling the aura sphere clockwise as he looks over at Maya exhausted to his right. Gozon said, "(He is panting heavily with his eyes widened.) W-wow... I feel... so much more powerful..." Maya asked, "(She's scared as she lookss at Gozon with her eyes widened then she saw Shuku in front of him.) What just...?" Shuku said, "(He looks over his shoulder from his left in a smile at Maya. He then looks at her hands and sees the same gloves that Gozon is wearing now. He turns around from his left.) I see, so you also the same whom my master seeks." Maya asked, "(She's confused.) Huh? What do you mean by that?" Shuku answers, "(He spoke calmly.) I cannot tell you here, but I am a Rare Hunter that you have read or heard of as a child." Maya asked, "(She looks at him not serious.) What? (He raised his left arm sleeve and shown her what Gozon saw then he pulls back down his sleeve.) Ok... (She phases for a second.) What I gotta do?" Shuku answers, "(He looks at her seriously.) Just put on the gloves." Maya asked, "(She's a little baffled and isn't one hundred on his words.) That's it?" Shuku answers, "(He looks at her and eases her uncertainty.) Yes." Maya said, "(She felt this is crazy but she still willing to go along with this crazy idea.) Okay." Shuku said, "(He spoke mentally and he scans her power.) Hmm... her too huh? Her maximum power feels like about two hundred thousand right now and after the boy's power on the gloves now his max power is three hundred and ninety thousand. Most impressive with them both." Maya puts on the first glove on her left hand, didn't surprise her nothing happened but when she puts on the other glove. Her power starts to merge with the gloves' power which causes her to groan and strain in acute pain as her eyes are widened. Her power and abilities are amplifying beyond her own as an aura sphere engulfs her while her Chi energy causes the unorthodox wind to blow all around her blowing everything around as clothes and stuff are blowing all around again. When it was over, she too is exhausted and panting while rings are encircling around her aura sphere clockwise. The color of her aura sphere is solid silver from the outside of it. Gozon said, "(He is surprised.) Hm! Maya..." Maya said, "(She's shocked and impressed.) W-wow!" Shuku sensed many familiar power rating around them of collective surges of Chi energy power spikes has awakened somewhere in this Mall. Gozon said, "(He is puzzled as he senses someone close.) What was that spike?" (He is looking around the panicked crowd.) I think it's coming from the entrance...?" Gozon rushes back to the entrance while Maya follows. Shuku uses his Chi energy to make everything bright as they all scream and forgot what just happened. Once they arrived at the entrance, they saw more Chosen Ones exhausted in their aura sphere while rings are encircling them clockwise around them. Shuku notice they are wearing the same gloves as Gozon and Maya are which made his eyes lit up slightly from the five people there. Maya says said, "(She is shocked by who these five people are.) No way really!? You five are just like us as this man AKA a Rare Hunter has told us to be Chosen Ones. Serina, Katy, Go-ta, and Tristan. We must be lucky or incredibly doomed?" She chuckled as she looks at them while Gozon gave them a warm smile. Serina's aura sphere is the color of the sun from the outside of it. Katy's aura sphere looks like the color of smoke, while Flame's and Tristan's looks solid red, and Go-ta's looks solid black. They all give walks up to Gozon and Maya and are happy to see them while the people around them are scared by the events that took place. GO-TA said, "(He looks at Gozon, Maya, and Shuku whom he didn't recognize behind them.) No wonder why I feel so powerful... maybe these gloves has chosen us. Oh, if you with the red R hoodie are friends with Gozon and Maya my name's Go-ta Ryu. Gozon's brother." He is wearing an all-black T-shirt, with jeans with a red checker pattern design on the sides of them, the waistline is 35 in men's, weighs 265 pounds, and is six feet and four inches tall. He is light brown skin, a brown iris on his right eye, and a black iris on his left eye. Three one-inch apart triangles under his left eye, three rectangles underneath lined up the furthest triangle. The last rectangle curved into itself. He has all-back short wavy hair, a muscular frame, and he is nineteen years old. Shuku said, "(He is ignoring the other customers around them.) Yes and no Go-ta. Your power essence is far more powerful than all who live on this planet. You all have a power that only many here on this planet would love to have and be jealous of you all. A small portion of the power of the Ultimate Wizard. (His inner thoughts and he scans their power.) Hmm... The maximum power of these five here that I can sense is the following from each of them. Gotta I am feeling has a max of two hundred and eighty thousand. Katy's max is two hundred and forty thousand. Serina's max is two hundred and forty-five thousand. Flame's max is two hundred and sixty thousand. Tristan's max is two hundred and fifty-five thousand after putting on the gloves. They all impressive." The Chosen Ones said, "(They spoke at the same time before Shuku spoke mentally are shocked.) What!?" Shuku made them all vanished not before he causes a bright white light to make the people forget what just happened in the upper part of the mall then the Chosen Ones and Shuku reappear outside in the air.

Shuku said, "(He looks at them all in from of himself.) Now, let me reintroduce myself I am Shuku and I am a Rare Hunter. I am here before you all because my master is an old friend of the Ultimate Wizard when he was around. (They all but Shuku's eyes widened in shock.) Yes, but that's not what's important now. He would like for you all to come and see him personally in his dimension. To discuss what's most important... I don't know all the details." Flame's eyes widened. FLAME RYU said, "(He looked at Shuku.) Oh, uh..." Shuku said, "(He interrupts Flame.) No need to tell me who everyone is here. I got it from watching Maya's excitement and surprise earlier." Flame said, "Oh, uh never mind then." Flame is wearing a black hoodie with flames on top with the word DOOM in the center in red capital letters on his shirt and black ripped on the top and bottom of the knee of the pants with flames on the outer sides. His iris on his right eye is orange and on his left eye iris is green. He has the same glyph as everyone here but Shuku has none. His waistline is 33 in men's, sixteen years old, weighs about 170 pounds, muscular frame, five feet, and eleven inches tall. Gozon said, "I see all those things that you are saying are very important, but I don't think it wouldn't hurt just to hear him out, right? (He looks at the others as they look at each other then they gave Gozon a nod.) Alright, then it's settled." Shuku nods as he made a portal five feet away from behind them as they turn around and they all flew into it together as it closes behind them. Shuku's brother arrived once the portal closed. Most Powerful Servant said, "(He looks St Shuku on his right while his face still concealed by his hoodie.) Shuku, I have found the rest of the Chosen Ones that our master seeks. They are on a planet called Zaptar." Shuku said, "Thank you, brother." Shuku then flew off the planet at full speed. The Rare Hunter left on the planet just slowly fades away from sight.