The Prophesized Chosen Ones Part 3

When Shuku arrived on the planet at a public park as a wooden sign says on the ground Welcome to Grand Order View, which consists of in the center is a swing set, slides, a jungle gym, and more. He then heard a loud commotion of the sort, so he flew from the noise is to the right at full speed. The bright sun shines in the sky almost to its peak of the day while on the planet called Zaptar. A Boy with Yellow Spiky Hair exclaimed, "(He glares at some beings in front of him pissed off.) I heard what you said I will not let it get any further!" He is wearing a Bamboo Lightweight long sleeve shirt with three yellow thunderbolts tips that collided with each other in a black circle in the central part as if with yellow pants and a white stripe on the outer sides of the pants, he has tennis shores too. His iris on his right eye is blue and his left eye is yellow plus he has the same glyph design as the other Chosen Ones three triangles parallel underneath his left eye an inch apart three rectangles underneath the last triangle that's to his cheekbone and last rectangle curved into itself. He has a muscular frame, weighs 170 pounds, six feet tall, eighteen years old, short spiky blonde hair, his waistline is 36 in men's, and he is Caucasian. A Male Demon exclaimed, "(He smirked.) Really!? Do you both think you have the power to back up your words!?" The spiky hair boy growls in rage as his solid yellow aura sphere engulfs him in a familiar power that Shuku recognized as he sees from a yard as he also notices that he is wearing the same gloves that Gozon and the others wore. The demons look humanoid and odd-looking in body sizes, two of them have four eyes, fat with overlapping bodies, weighs about four hundred pounds, red glowing iris's, while the other two look exactly like humans with two red eyes, slender, no physical fitness, they both have K-9s, sharp teeth, sharp long one-inch nails. They both have genderless bodies, naked, the slender ones have two medium-length horns they are three inches apart, while the fat ones have eight running from the mid of their back up one inch apart, the slender ones weigh about 280 pounds, and they all are eight feet tall. D-THUNDER exclaimed, "(An electrical current run through his body while he wore intense eyes while he slowly raises his arms halfway bending at the joints, while his hands are like if claws, and raises them a little bit more. He looks to see where the current sparks out of his hands.) I am D-Thunder your worst nightmare!" He cries out as he blasts at them all with yellow energy coming through his fingers. The four demons quickly encounter the blast with eye beams while both attacks explode upon contact, smoke engulfed the area of the explosion about five feet away from each party. D-Thunder vanishes while he left the smoke cloud and reappears from the smoke cloud as he punches one of them in the jaw with his right fist that is closest to him and sends the slender demon flying for about two feet that it was on the left at full force into the others while they all slams into the ground hard causing a small ditch. They tried to get up to fly away again another young man that intercepts to help out D-Thunder as blue beams pour from the sky to the right. He is too like D-Thunder is from by what Shuku saw a Chosen One. One of the slender demons flew out a barrage of beams at D-Thunder that surprised him then stuck his jaw with his right fist as he flew back for about three feet. D-Thunder phases for a second then get irate. He screams while his Chi energy went crazy sparking everywhere then a dense thick thunder cloud suddenly appears overhead them all that made Shuku's eyes widened when he saw the thunder clouds. Shuku said, "Oh no... (He spoke telepathy to the other young man.) Hey! Uh, you in the light blue shirt! Get out of there don't ask questions just do it!" The boy in the blue shirt is confused as to who is talking to him in his head as he looks around. When the bolt of lightning was unleashed, the boy in the blue shirt finally looks up in the sky with his eyes widened in fear Shuku has been flying to protect him but another appeared knocking the boy down while slightly using his own Chi energy to block the attack from the young boy as the bolt of lightning hits his back unfazed but the other demons are screaming as they weren't so lucky by this unavoidable bolt of lightning that was unleashed by D-Thunder unnoticed by him due to his intense anger. The demons were annihilated but one that is fat and charred. Smoke and static cover the demon's body while it is holding the right arm with his left in intense pain from that attack. Shuku finally arrived at his brother and the young man he protected. Shuku without his eyes glows white for a second and annihilated the last demon as it screams in a small pillar of Chi energy. The Rare Hunter that protected the boy vanished while the boy in the blue shirt stands up while a huge black charred circle is around him while the clouds start to disappear. The Boy in a Blue Shirt exclaimed, "(He is in shock while his eyes are closed at the same time.) What the...!?" He is wearing a sky-blue Pollo T-shirt with blue jeans. He has all-white tennis shoes with blue short hair that's cut as a number two at the barbers. He is about five feet and five inches tall and a muscular frame. A 30 waistline in men's, weighs 160 pounds, he's Caucasian, and is sixteen years old. His right eye rirs is hazel green, and his left eye iris is blue. His power like D-Thunder's is the most powerful on their planet. He has the same glyph under his left eye like Gozon and the others. Shuku said, "(He looks at them both.) I am glad you are safe because that attack that D-Thunder unleashed unknowingly was his most powerful. (The boy looks at Shuku and D-Thunder on his left.) That attack would have annihilated you, sadly. (D-Thunder gasp in shock then he looks down in disappointment because of his anger.) Luckily my brother saved him from such a fate and D-Thunder, as powerful as you are you need to control your electrical power more effectively in the future. Excuse me let me introduce myself, I am Shuku and I am a Rare Hunter so is my brother. (He explained to them what he told Gozon and another that has overheard but he sensed was there a while ago.) What I have explained to them goes for you too." A Young Girl said, "(She gasp in shock with her eyes widened then she leaps and land from on top of the slides then walk to them for about six feet.) Well, my name is Joanna Yumi, and that Rare Hunter friend of yours that saved that boy in the blue shirt name is Jay-T." She is wearing a light blue vest with a purple with a black T-shirt underneath the vest and a blue miniskirt. She is Caucasian with a violet iris on her right eye and a green iris on her left eye. She also shares the game glyph as the two boys and the other Chosen Ones. She is five feet and five inches tall weighs about 110 pounds and is athletic built. She has violet tennis shoes, her bust size is 30 B, and a 10 waistline in women's. Shuku said, "(He looks at them all.) Nice to meet you all. So... (He made a portal open with his eyes glows all-white that is five feet behind himself and it is a yard wide to his master's dimension from out f nowhere. He calmly asked.) Care to see what he must say, my master?" D-Thunder answers, "(He smirks at Shuku.) Why not because I would love to go on an adventure but sorry, Jay-T about earlier." JANET said, "(He looks at D-Thunder on his left as he raises his hands and sways them.) Don't sweat it, bruh, and please mind your surroundings next time." Shuku said, "(He smiles as he saw that in a nod.) What he will be explaining to you isn't just an adventure..." D-Thunder said, "(He looks at Shuku.) I see... well, still going." He flew through the portal first the other two nodded then followed after him by flight. Shuku said, "(He is thinking out loud.) Judging by their power that I am feeling D-Thunder is like three hundred thousand. Jay-T's power is about two hundred and six thousand. Joanna's power is two hundred and fifty thousand so far." Shuku followed behind by walking in for about five feet as the portal closes behind him instantly.

Once they arrived, they see the rest of the Chosen Ones, and the entire dimension is empty at first glance. The others were having inaudible conversations while they waiting then stopped when a portal opened behind them and they turned around and sees familiar faces that their eyes widened then smile. Shuku leads the way without a word but a nod. They all-together followed on behind Shuku, they all finally see many spirits roaming around aimlessly that suddenly appeared and disappeared the girls were startled while Maya grabs tightly onto Gozon's right hand while they are flying. Shuku said, "(He spoke calmly.) No need to be afraid of these spirits because they live here. They are the spirits of many brave warriors who fought in wars or battles. Many are warriors from the Ultimate War. Their souls rest here and now they seem pleased as Chosen Ones have appeared here for so long." Gozon asked, "(He looks at Shuku in the front.) So, uh for how long?" Shuku answers, "(He looks forward as he walks.) They have been here for eons." The Chosen One's gasped in shock in this dimension. This dimension possesses where time nor space coexist, nor does it possess night or day. This dimension possesses an unorthodox power that transience through this dimension. This dimension powers and abilities are known by none to the ones who live here. The dimension's power is a mystery in an unorthodox way to choose who lives again or shall remain here. Maya said, "(She looks around.) This place seems scary." Shuku said, "(He looks straight ahead while sensing everyone Chi energy to make sure no one left.) Indeed, to anyone who has first set eyes in this place, but I can ensure you, you all are perfectly safe here. The only real way for the dead to leave here is with an ability or the dimension itself. Also, this dimension is for those who are gods and immortals to reside in once lost through annihilation." They are then seen from a distance that freaked out all the Chosen Ones as a man with his back turned and his hands behind his back. He is wearing a purple robe with black trims; he is five feet tall and weighs nothing. Once they all arrived for traveling six miles by fight, the old man turns around to his right with a gentle expression on his face with along beard and is Caucasian. The Old Man said, "(A solemn gentle tone.) Welcome, Chosen Ones, and let me introduce myself I am what stories that you heard out to be true. I am the Great Loch as my body is no longer and where you all are is called The Soul Dimension. A good friend of mine, the Ultimate Wizard, whose power and abilities inhabit your very vessel and existence. You all possess a part of my friend's power and abilities that I am sure Shuku has mentioned to you all and I... (His expression has turned from gentle to intense.) must-see if what is written in the Ancient Tablets, that's floating above us, is fabricated or not for a small test. (He snapped his right-hand fingers then a weak formless male-sprit from in this dimension appeared to before them in a temporary flesh body and wearing jeans in a muscular built and is five feet and seven feet tall.) Now, someone must fight him without mercy for a few, and don't worry there is nothing here to destroy and decide who to..." Gozon and D-Thunder smirked as they looked at the male spirit in an intense gaze. Gozon and D-Thunder vanish leaving smoke behind and reappears then they both punch the spirit with their right fist. The spirit blocks their punch with his hands as a huge shockwave emits throughout the area for about 30 feet radius of this dimension. The spirit pushes them away for about five yards as it blasts at them as his hands are like claws, they deflected the beam by punching into it forcing it to explode not harming them in the slightest, they vanished leaving smoke then reappear in front of him then start pummeling the sprit for about five times with their right fist and left fist then repeat. The spirit dodges them with ease. D-Thunder grunts in rage as his electrical current appeared around him that puzzles Gozon a bit with his expression. A cloud then starts to form above them as Gozon jumps back from the spirit for about a yard then looks skyward to the mysterious clouds. Gozon said, "(He sensing something as he looks in the air.) Huh? Clouds?" (Seeing this made Jay-T's eyes widened in shock as he remembers these clouds. As lightning bolts came clashing down the from the sky that Gozon, the strongest Rare Hunter, the Great Loch, Shuku saw from the clouds, they hit the sprit and Gozon as he grunts Shuku was forced to stop by his brother as his master shook his head no. He also gave the others a look in don't interfere, so they didn't. Gozon shout.) W-what the... no!" He cries out to cancel out the attack with his Chi energy that forces his aura sphere to appear while he looks over at D-Thunder annoyed to his left. The Great Loch said, "(He looks at the fight.) I saw what I needed. Shuku, if you don't mind getting what they deserve!? (He bows with his right hand over his chest then vanishes from sight.) Now, there is a guy that I want you all to look for he will tell you more than I know about what Shuku is getting for you all now. He will tell you all about Gems all I know is that those gems are indestructible. The guy's name is Syp... (Soon after all of that, Shuku arrives from out of nowhere with smoke around with weird floating objects that look the size of lava lamps in irregular structures of about two feet tall but the color is shades of dark orange dark globs and light orange entirely of it about 10 of them.) Ah! Right on time, Shuku! Give them those gems." The Chosen Ones we're shocked by what he called those strange objects that Shuku has. Shuku said, "(He looks at the Chosen Ones.) By what he was told, it will hurt the first time badly but you all will gain the power of those gems we have here Enhancement Gems." Go-ta asked, "(He looks at the Great Loch in front of himself.) How can we? Those gems are indestructible? No one could destroy them." The Great Loch answers, "(He returned Go-ta's gaze.) For that you are wrong, Go-ta. (He looks at everyone.) What we carelessly failed to mention that only Chosen Ones are only can obtain the power and abilities of each gem. Gaining each gem's secrets and strength of the Ultimate Wizard. Each gem possesses a different type of power of each different type of gem." The Chosen One's gasp in shock as they heard this discovery of the gems that they never knew about. Shuku flew over and gave them a gem most instantly the gem's power and abilities influx into them while losing existence. Their eyes are widened in acute pain as they are unable to drop the gem. Shuku said, "(Looks at the Chosen Ones in front of him.) Sorry about the pain that you all are going through just try to bear it. Soon you will be much more powerful than you all once were if you all survive it to the end sadly." Gozon exclaimed, "(He grunts in acute pain while straining with eyes narrowed.) Who-what...!?" As the gem for each Chosen One diminishes in size by two feet while light shines clockwise while they all are in their aura sphere, the girls in the group start to scream as they drop to their knees wobbling. All the boys but Gozon and D-Thunder start to scream and kneeling on their left knee. The Great Loch said, "(Surprised and impressed gaze by them two.) Hmm... most impressive." Gozon and D-Thunder start to scream as they couldn't hold off on the gem's power anymore their body and mostly their legs start to wobble. Gozon exclaimed, "(He phases with each word as he screams barely conscious.) I-I... won't... give in...!" While D-Thunder almost kneeling. D-Thunder exclaimed, "(He looks at Gozon on his right.) I-I..." He gasps as his body couldn't take it anymore, so he faints at he hits the ground face first then Gozon seen that once the gem is gone, he too faints as he hits the ground face first while the others have fainted before them two. Shuku vanishes leaving smoke and reappears to them to check the pulse of their right hand of each Chosen One. He gave a thumbs-up to his master with his right hand's thumb with a nod and a smile. The Great Loch said, "(He stares at them.) Sprit, your purpose here is done. (The spirit bows as he fades away.) So, they all have survived their ordeal that they went through... Shuku, your new mission is to train them and protect them with all means necessary on their journey. (He closes his eyes then he inhaled and exhaled then he reopened his eyes as he looks down a bit sad for them.) I am sorry but tomorrow your home planets will be invaded and you all will be powerless to stop it. (He sighs as he looks at them.) Their journey will begin once the invasion has begun." Both Rare Hunters look at their master in a serious look as they nod in agreement. Shuku said, "(He stares at the already now sleeping Chosen Ones.) Yes, master, I will do as you ask of me to do. I will not surrender nor give up on them. They will find the power to survive as I will help them to bring out their dormant potential which they all know not now. When they do, evil better watch out because they will be a force to be reckoned with."