New Journey’s Dangers Part 1

Nine hours later, the Chosen Ones began to regain their consciousness while in their aura sphere, but the power they once held is greater than before by two times. Go-ta asked, "(He looks at his hands.) Whoa... how is this possible?" Flame asked, "(He look at Go-ta.) Yeah, why do I feel so much stronger?" SERINA TOMSON answers, "(She scoffed as she looks at Flame.) Duh, Flame the gems have done it to us but I don't understand how?" She is wearing a fire color of orange and yellow mixed together T-Shirt and blue bellbottoms, her right eye iris is green, and her left eye iris is orange. Under her left eye is like the other Chosen Ones glyph. Her bust size is a perky 40 B, her waistline is ten in women's, her weight is 115 pounds, she's athletically built, reddish-orange high tops, she has a pink triple heart hairclip on her right side of her head. Shuku said, "(He looks at the Chosen Ones in front of himself.) Syp will tell you all what he needs to know about the gems when you find him, but the location is quite close to your home planets. The Chosen Ones said, "(They're baffled.) Huh?" The Great Loch said, "(He looks at the Chosen Ones.) You need not worry about that now but to know of an event that will change your lives forever." Gozon asked, "(Looks at him seriously.) What's that?" The Great Loch answers, "(He spoke seriously.) Tomorrow morning, by what is written in the Ancient Tablets, your planets will be invaded but you all are not powerful enough to prevent it now." Gozon and D-Thunder exclaimed, "(A bit pissed off.) What!?" The Great Loch said, "(He bows his head and closes his eyes.) Sadly, it's true and they are currently on their way we speak to your planets. (He reopens his eyes and lifts his head as he looks at them.) I cannot allow you to stay here for the night because time here is not normal. Let's go say, you all have lost two months in your dimension for being here for nine hours." The Chosen Ones gasp in shock. Shuku said, "(He looks at the Chosen Ones.) Once you return, you will have twenty hours left until they arrive, as they get there foreseen by the Ancient Tablets and sorry us Rare Hunters can't help you take back your homes. I wish it was so but it won't help with your development. TRISTAN said, "(He looks at Shuku in front of him.) That sucks..." He is Caucasian with an all-black shirt with a two-inch strip of flames and red planets he has all-black tennis shoes. He has blonde hair with red spikes. His iris on his left eye is red and his left iris is blue. Under his left eye is the same as the other Chosen Ones. The Great Loch commanded, "(He looks at the Chosen Ones in front of him by fifteen feet.) It's time for you all to leave. You all can't spend any more time here." Shuku made a portal that's five feet in front of himself while the Chosen Ones nodded as they altogether flew through the portal five feet in front of themselves then Shuku bows to his master went through after them as the portal closest behind himself. The Strongest Male Servant said, "(His face is still concealed with his hood.) I'll be taking my leave. You don't need to worry about my actions." He vanishes from that dimension. The Great Loch said, "(He smiles slightly, and he spoke softly.) I know..."

The Chosen Ones appear in outer space after the portal closes. Gozon said, "(He suggested as he looks at his friends around him.) Hmm... I think it's best if we all just gather some things if we will need for this long perilous journey but not too overpacked it will weigh us down. Just enough when if we need it." The others nod in agreement then they depart to their home planet D-Thunder, Joanna, and Jay-T flew to the left to the planet called Zaptar while the rest to the right to a planet called Unknown at full speed below them not knowing what to expect from this global planetary invasion.

The next day, the Chosen Ones on a planet called Unknown gotten up then decided to do some shopping since they figured going to school wasn't to be an option anymore. Gozon and Maya are in a store filling a small bag with food that will never spoil under any condition. Once they brought twenty can foods that can be resealed and will last for a fortnight with each can they split them and flew out of the store's entrance to head back home to the right.

Several hours later, the night sky darkens as the appearance of many beings has entered and fills the night sky in all four corners of both planets in a harsh awakening. A Male Demon exclaimed, "(His red glowing eyes are glowing brightly in space.) So, there they are! Just as we've been told! C'mon! We got a job to do in which will be rewarded with what riches fills within!" The Minions exclaimed, "(They all look in all shapes and sizes.) Yeah!" They all flew into the planets at full speed with their two bosses of the Queen to a planet called Unknown and the King to a planet called Zaptar.

A Policeman exclaimed, "(He looks up skyward as the sky is darkening. The policeman is wearing an all-blue uniform with a badge on his left part of his chest, black boots, waistline 34 in men's, and an athletic frame. A utility belt with the usual police gear a billy club, handcuffs, pepper spray, a taser, a laser pistol, and a small metal cube that fits in the hand. They say, a cube once thrown will restrain of the most violent of criminals.) What in the...? (He saw many things that look like many meteors raining down from the sky crashing down on the planet that fills the sky like a blanket of orbs that made the sky turned to night by force which causes the policeman's eyes to widen.) Oh, f..." A lot of sinister laughing throughout the area while women are screaming indistinctly while buildings explode everywhere in this dire global crisis and panic. A loud alarm ringing throughout the city while police officers are firing at the invaders to try to defend their home. Many are screaming and becoming annihilated as they run or trying to defeat their enemies. A Male Police Chief yells, "(He is wearing an all tan uniform, the waistline is 36 in men's, Caucasian, five feet and ten inches, muscular frame, all-black boots, utility belt like that other policeman.) Protect our world! Don't give in! Protect our people...!" He screams as he got hit by three random beams that annihilated him instantly. Indistinct incubuses in their folly attempt of resistance. D-Thunder and Jay-T somehow managed to get off the planet called Zaptar unnoticed by the invading incubus. As for Joanna, too but she flew to planet Unknown to help the others escape.

As a nearby house exploded, Gozon was forced from his sleep which quickly forced him to wake up while his heart is racing. He puts on his shirt that's on the back of his chair and his backpack from the seat of the chair that he puts on his back. Finally, he opens blasts with his hand like a claw to blow his window out as he jumps and jumped out of the hole feet first from above his bed at full speed.

What Gozon saw are many homes on fire while smoke clovers the clearing in the sky which concealed by the forced night beings he saw before running amok while blasting at innocent civilians, and destruction everywhere. Trees are caught on fire, charred corpses lying everywhere in front of the rumble and street, and indistinct screams all over this horrific day. Go on said, "(His eyes are widened in shock.) Damn! So, it's true...!" He grunts as he flew up in the sky while he searches for his friends that he knows are Chosen Ones that live on his planet at full speed to the right.