New Journey’s Dangers Part 2

Gozon is looking around the planet's destruction in the hope to find his friends and family alive. All see sees as he searches are nothing but fire, smoke, debris, and stary beams hitting the buildings aimlessly around indistinct places. A Woman No. 1 exclaimed, "(She's petrified in fear as she's backing up slowly in the sky.) No please don't...!" The three incubi slowly walking toward her are just laughing at laughs at her plea to keep her alive as Gozon sees this. Once they blasted at her, Gozon vanishes leaving smoke and he reappears in front of the woman by two feet he blocks the three beams with this right hand from the left, then right, and below in a serious gaze as they explode in front of him. The woman is in her twenties wearing a yellow tattered T-shirt and a torn blue shirk from on the right side that's about three inches long, her waistline is eight in women's, barefooted, Caucasian, blue eyes iris's, five feet and three inches tall, slender, 108 pounds, and she has light brown hair that's in a ponytail. The three incubi were surprised by this what they witnessed while they were concealed in the night. They start to growling in rage because of Gozon foiling their plans. Gozon exclaimed, "(He looks at their red eyes of the concealed incubus.) I may not be powerful enough to stop this invasion, as I been told, but I am powerful enough to defeat you three! So, bring it!" The woman looks at him as if he is crazy and thought no one could defeat these foul creatures in which they tried but failed. The concealed incubus from the shadows laughs at Gozon's threats as they didn't take him seriously. Gozon's aura sphere appears around him as he did a battle cry and blasts at the three with his aura sphere as usual wind start blowing around him from about ten feet away. They didn't move they thought it was the same all weak like the others on this planet. As it made contact, the one incubus that screams and explodes in the middle was annihilated into nothingness. That soon making two other two concealed incubus and the woman he's attempting to save. A Male Incubus exclaimed, "(The one on the left at Gozon.) How the...? There is no way in hell that someone is strong enough to ever wish to defeat someone like us! There's no way!" Gozon said, "(He scoffed.) Things change..." He vanishes leaving smoke and reappear then punches them both in the jaw with both of his fists at full speed as he smiles. They both flew away and crashes into the ground for about five yards. As they got back up and flies at him, Gozon did a war cry and blasts at them two back into the ground annihilating them both in a huge explosion as Chi energy emits around with his aura sphere. The Woman No. 1 asked, "(She looks at Gozon still in shock.) How are you...? (She shook her head in now not the time.) never mind. Thanks for saving me, sir." Gozon said, "Uh... no problem, miss. The only way to survive is to get off this planet this is a losing battle." She smiles and looks back at him. The Woman No. 1 said, "(She is appreciated for his suggestion.) Thanks, I will..." As Gozon didn't sense, a beam shoot right through her chest piercing her heart from above Gozon's left shoulder behind him that made her gasp with her eyes widened in shock with Gozon's.) who-why...?" Gozon exclaimed, "No! (He turned around and looked above as he saw two more incubi laughing then Gozon grew angry then stopped as two stray beams hit them as they were annihilated from the left as he looks on his left he saw Maya. He looks at her puzzled for a second.) Maya...? Maya, good to see you alright!" Maya said, "(She looks at Gozon in front of herself.) Yes, babe, and sorry that you couldn't save her if only I arrived sooner... we also need to get off this planet and fast. It's not looking good!" Gozon said, "(He agrees as he is looking back at her seriously in a nod.) I agree and take good care of these souls here the Great Loch." Soon after that, the others have found them both in the sky. Serina shouts, "(She spots Gozon and Maya.) There you two are!? We've been looking everywhere for you guys!" Gozon shouts, "(He spots them twenty-five feet away on their right.) So, we have! (Gozon and Maya then flew over to them to their right.) We need to go!"

The others nod they all flew skyward for about halfway off the planet as they weren't being noticed or bothered while stray beams are passing them by they were stopped by a powerful invader. A Male Concealed Incubus shouts, "(He looks at the Chosen Ones.) What do we have here? A fleeing party?" Gozon looks at him in his aura sphere as he senses that this incubus isn't like the ones they fought before. Maya asked, "(She looks at Gozon on her left then back at this incubus.) Babe, you recognize him?" Gozon answers, "Nope first time but his Chi isn't like the others we have fought before. To get off this planet, we must get past him, or else." Shuku said, "(He spoke telepathy to the Chosen Ones.) I will tell you all what your element or nonelement that you all have that were foretold to be. Gozon your nonelements are annihilation and invisibly. Maya your nonelement is annihilation. Flame your nonelement is dark fire. Tristan your element is fire. Serina your nonelement is the sun. Joanna your element is wind. Go-ta your nonelement is darkness." Gozon said, "(He is staring at the concealed being closing in.) Yeah..." The male concealed incubus looks at him with his red eyes puzzled at if he lost his mind when he spoke then Gozon looks at him seriously then he smiles. He took then flew at the concealed incubus at full speed the concealed incubus smiles evilly then the rest followed him soon after. The concealed incubus then flies back at them once they reached each other the concealed incubus flew back for about six feet and he hits Flame backward for about three feet. Serina blasts at the concealed incubus with her right hand as if it was a claw on his back that didn't harm him as he laughs. Once Gozon blasts at him from on his left side, the concealed incubus grunts and was pushed for about five yards. The concealed incubus looks at Gozon on his left irate. The Male Incubus exclaimed, "Y-you... you will pay for that!" Gozon disappears leaving smoke behind him and reappears in front of him above him about afoot as he punches him into his face with his right his at full force and he flew and crashes into a building that collapses on top of him. Gozon shouts, "(He has a solemn gaze as he looks at his friends.) Come on before he gets out! I so want to finish fighting him, but you know..." Maya said, "(She smiles as she looks at Gozon.) Yeah, I know..." They all flew together the rest of the way off the planet at full speed. The concealed incubus burst out of the debris as he looks around irate in his purple and black trim aura sphere. The Male Incubus yells, "Where the hell did they go!?" He grunts and screams as his Chi energy and aura sphere expanded outward irritated.

After the Chosen Ones are flying away, Gozon is enraged by what those creatures just did to their home planets. Gozon said, "(He's pissed off as he grunts in pain at one of their home planets from about thirty thousand miles away.) Damn..." Shuku then appears in front of them. Shuku said, "(He smiles with a serious attitude with his arms crossed.) Chosen Ones, congratulations on your escape... (He then sensed that same concealed incubus that they have fought off and fled earlier so he looks at the concealed incubus as he recognized what he is from afar expressionless.) hmm? Excuse me for a moment. (He vanishes leaving smoke and reappears five yards behind them all as the Chosen Ones turned around as they sensed Shuku to watch him.) A demon strays off this far eh? X-tinction." He blasts at the as he barely threw hard a tiny ball of light blue Chi that traveled for about two miles faster than a light-year times two that soon blasts like a cannon by, one percent of his maximum power. The shockwave that it emits made the Chosen Ones cover their eyes except for Joanna. Joanna said, "(She's amazed by what she's unaware of is the force of the wind slamming into her face at full force.) Wow!" The Male Incubus said, "(He sees a tiny light blue orb at a distance.) Huh? (As he moved to the left, for about three yards, the light that he saw start to veer off in the direction he went that made his eyes widened petrified in fear.) What the hell!? Did that light just...!? I'll just blast it out of my way! (He made his right hand into a claw as he blasted at it, it got annihilated five miles away before it made contact then the attack gotten faster by one hundred times. As the incubus stopped and was about to retreat, he was hit hard that made him scream.) Im-poss-i-ble!" He slowly annihilated into nothingness. Shuku said, "(He dusted off his hands together.) No need to be scared because I won't attack my students." Gozon said, "(He felt relieved.) R-right, good to know." Shuku said, "(He turns around and faces the Chosen Ones.) My brother's power is monstrous more fearsome than any would think. Anyway, go find Syp somewhere he is close in this area, and your abilities you will learn on your own because I don't know what they are nor does my master." Joanna said, "(She looks at Shuku.) Um... I think I've figured out one of mine... I think wind doesn't affect me." Shuku said, "(He looks at her in front of him to his right.) Wind huh? Yeah, that makes sense." Joanna said, "(She smiles excitedly with her eyes shut cutely.) Cool! I see now thanks!" Shuku nods before he fades from sight leaving smoke. Gozon said, "(He looks at the others around him.) Alright I guess it's time to look for Syp." The others nod in agreement as they all turned around then he flew onward in the direction, they were traveling away from their home planets.

Meanwhile, in outer space, two creatures of unknown origins are traveling. A Male Creature said, "(Two pairs of red eyes glow brightly in the vast emptiness of space.) This planet looks good enough to sell maybe we can rob it for its riches and sell it to the highest bidder." He laughs evilly as the minion joins. The planet's size is 1.5 times bigger than Jupiter the planet's color is all-orange with blue clouds. A Male Minion Creature asked, "(An image of his darker shadowy color of his scaly skin, a humanoid structure, muscular build, a snake tongue, six feet, and eight inches tall, a black scaly mask around his eyes, and weighs 350 pounds.) Master, shall we commence?" A Male Creature answers, "(He agrees as he looks at the planet on his right.) Yes, we shall, Dark Dragon Lord." Dark Dragon Lord nods to his master as they both flew into the planet at full speed.

As they enter the air and the atmosphere of this planet, they saw and sensed upon near the surface on their right is a portion of the entire planet had inhabitances of strange rock and stone constructs about twenty of them living on this dry desolate barren wasteland with lava on their left that is as big as a river. Volcanoes nearby at a distance rupture as flowing lava rushes all around. As the two creatures came to their small gathering through their eyes, they attacked without mercy.

Gozon asked, "(He looks all around him in flight.) You all think Syp lives on this planet?" He is looking at the nearby orange planet with blue clouds on its right. Serina answers, "(She looks over at Gozon on her left.) It's a possibility, Gozon." TRISTAN TOMSON suggested, "(He look at all his friends.) Why not investigate to see if Syp is on this huge ass planet?" He is five feet and nine inches tall, weighs 200 pounds, muscular, waistline 36 in men's, all red pants except with a black line running through the middle of each pant leg, an all-black T-shirt, black steel toe boots with two one inch lines crossed the toes and all red on the bottom of the boots. Gozon's eyes widened as he looks at the planet and felt life forces diminishing one by one. Gozon said, "(He stops flying as he turns to the planet slowly as the others did the same as they all thought it was abandoned at first.) What the..." The others then sensed what Gozon did a few seconds afterward. The others said, "(They're puzzled.) Huh?" Gozon commands, "(His eyes are widened in a serious expression.) There's something wrong down here... we should stop it! Come on!" He flew into the planet at full speed. Serina said, "But it maybe..." She signs as Tristan puts his right hand on her left shoulder. Tristan said, "It's too late now." The others all together then follow on after him.

The Chosen Ones are flying through the atmosphere then they arrived at this barren wasteland in the direction that they had sensed to the right of them that soon made Dark Dragon Lord's eyes widened as he sensed their presence. A Male Creature commands, "(You see through his eyes.) Huh? Some unknown energies are incoming towards us fast. Dark Dragon Lord, go and find out who they are. If they aren't familiar expose of them." DARK DRAGON LORD said, "(He bows with his eyes closed and spoke evilly.) Yes, master, it shall be done." He flew in the direction the Chosen Ones are coming from at full speed to their left and his master flew to the right before fades from sight. Soon after that, Gozon's eyes widened when he stopped. The others did the same as they sensed something coming their way. The Chosen Ones said, "(They are baffled.) Huh?" As soon they encountered one another about six yards apart the Chosen Ones are shocked to be seeing a humanoid dragon. Gozon senses his Chi energy feels dark and vile as he would do anything to make his job easier. Gozon's eyes narrow at him as Dark Dragon Lord smirks at them with his arms crossed. Dark Dragon Lord said, "(He stares at the Chosen Ones.) So, a bunch of kids is the ones that went on the wrong planet at the wrong time!" Gozon said, "(He glares and scoffed at him.) No, you are the one who was annihilating many lives here on this planet, and we will make you pay for their lives in full!" Dark Dragon Lord said, "(He smiles with his arms crossed still.) Hen. Impressive that you saw through me. (He chuckles evilly then his power starts to increase as his all-black with green trim aura sphere engulfed around him. He exclaimed in confidence.) Well, now time to show you all a taste of the true power of a humanoid dragon, and I am called Dark Dragon Lord your annihilator!" Gozon scoffed as Dark Dragon Lord flew at the Chosen Ones at full speed. Gozon leaps in Dark Dragon Lord as he blocks the dragon's punch with his right hand as they both vanished leaving smoke and reappears three feet in front of everyone else with their hands clutched together grunting in rage as their bodies shaking. Gozon said, "(He grunts and strains in a serious expression.) Is that all you got!? And yes, I can sense your dark Chi energy and your deception behind it! (He did a battle cry as he threw him back for about four feet then he blasts him with his hands as if claws while Dark Dragon Lord crosses his arms to block the impact as it explodes pushing him away for about five yards. He stops himself for about three feet exclaimed.) You better block it!" Dark Dragon Lord exclaimed, "(He looks at the Chosen Ones annoyed.) Damn... I never thought that they were this powerful... well, one at least... (He leaps in rage then to himself in an undertone barely a whisper.) they kinda forced my hand... (He leaps back for about three yards then lands on his feet. He started to cry out with his eyes widened in response to his hidden powers within the gloves start to flash that in a way to alert the Chosen Ones happening.) You fools will... parish!" As his body starts to change and grow, a spark shocked into Gozon that made him widened as he zoned out.