New Journey’s Dangers Part 3

He saw a blurry fuzzy image of a sorcerer and a wizard as they both clashing into each other and with his right hand's fist into each other before it slowly fades.

Gozon shook his head as he sees that Dark Dragon Lord transforms into a huge red fire dragon that they have fully transformed into as he looks now. Gozon said, "(He looks skyward at him in front of them.) Hmm... now this may be interesting... (To spoke mentally.) And whatever I just saw... I hope it wasn't a premonition of some kind..." Dark Dragon Lord attacks them with his left-wing unexpectedly, Gozon grunts as he was going to intercept until he stopped and looks skyward. What he saw puzzled him as if he sees a cave just floating in space without a care in the world. As Gozon got hit in the face, he flew backward for about three yards as he slides back he then looks at the dragon in an intense gaze. Dark Dragon Lord exclaimed, "(He chuckles evilly.) How you like that!? You little worthless trash!?" Gozon spits to his left side as his fingers start to spark up a bit. Gozon said, "(He spoke mentally. He did a battle cry as his Chi energy rises.) My father, when he was alive, may have taught me this attack when I was a child but it's the most powerful attack that I know... (He exclaimed.) Total Annihilation Beam!" He grunts as his fingers start to glow sliver; he made his fingers as if were claws then an aura sphere engulfed then forms from his fingers an orb in his palm. He cries out as he blasts at Dark Dragon Lord as the others got out of the way of a three feet blast that made his eyes widened and he crossed his wings over his face. Dark Dragon Lord blocks the beam with his wings, he grunts then he pushed back on his back into the ground by creating a trench that gets deeper for about four yards. Gozon said, "(He looks at his friends.) I-I see a cave in space I dunno how, but I do." The others look around in the sky, but they see nothing but stars and the void of space then they became mystified. KATY LUNA said, "(She is bewildered but has a strange feeling inside to trust in his statement.) Uh, if so, we better hurry to it and fast... lead the way." She is wearing an all purple and black line on the sides tang top, light brown ponytail with blonde highlights, and an all-back tight to the skin shorts, purple boots with laces and purple on the bottom of them. She also has the same glyph as the others, she's Caucasian, five feet and six inches tall, a bust size of 30 C, weighs 110 pounds, athletic built, and her right iris is hazel green and her left iris is gray like smoke. Gozon nods in agreement as he flies off toward the cave he can see while the others follows him as Dark Dragon Lord finally got up as he screams. He looks around baffled pissed off. Dark Dragon Lord exclaimed, "(He looks around frantically for them.) Where the hell are they!? They must be hiding and they cannot hide from me forever!" The Chosen Ones kept on following Gozon until they pass through an invisible entrance while they all disappeared in space somewhere that discombobulated the master that is still on the planet. The Male Creature asked, "(His red eyes widened in shock.) What the hell? How or where did they disappear to?"

As they are traveling through the corridor of this cave, they see it is murky but Go-ta sees through this corridor as clear as day that confused him. All he sees is sharp jagged rocks, scree on both sides of the corridor of this four feet wide path. They kept on until they see light ahead that made their eyes widened. Go-ta said, "(He looks at them behind himself then up ahead. His voice echoes.) Impressive that you all haven't run into anything in this type of darkness. I can see a light up ahead and I wonder how I can see in here." Go on said, "(His voice echoes, and looks at the light.) So, you can see in the dark, brother? Nice!" They traveled into the light for half a mile at full speed.

They all see in the clearing is an empty room at first glance with a very large metal double door at a height of twenty-six feet tall and eight feet in length with a strange insignia in the central part of the door and the center of this room. The room is 900 square feet in diameter. The insignia looks like a red triangle with the point facing down and two more red triangles bottom attached to it. Around is a black ring. In the middle of the main triangle is a circle a black orb. They all finally lands in front of the door five feet away from the center of the room then they start walking five more feet to the door. They all then stopped walking as a man appears behind them from out of nowhere in the central part of the room unnoticed nor did they sensed his presence that made Gozon's eyes widened as he quickly looks behind himself. The man looks quite skilled. He is wearing an all-white robe with a red strap tied around his waistline. He is five feet and eight inches tall, weighs 200 pounds, muscular frame, bald, light brown skin, waistline 35 in men's, and green iris. A Man said, "(He looks at the Chosen Ones with his arms behind his back in a fist.) Chosen Ones, you all have finally made it." He startled the others but Gozon has been aware of his presence. Gozon said, "(He looks at him in a serious look.) You must be Syp, right?" SYP said, "(He smiles warmly.) Very perceptive, Gozon. It is indeed true I am Syp the Overseer of the Gems." Gozon said, "(He looks at him.) Alright so uh we were asked to seek you out."

Syp said, "(He looks at them all.) Indeed you were. I was given my title from the Ultimate Wizard himself. Anyway, I will tell you what I was told eons ago. You may have told by the Great Loch, that each gem gives you its unique power and abilities of a certain attribute of the Ultimate Wizard's power. Each gem is indestructible but only Chosen Ones can harness the power of the gems. There are special gems out there as well possibly more powerful than them gems out now. The gems that you will mainly see are characterized by the power that you might know. Offensive Gem, Defensive Gem, and Enhancement Gem. The is one type called Destructive Gem gems that are lost but I know nothing about. You don't need to worry about them now. Each gem has a power intensity that depends on the type of gem. Crystal the weakest usually comes in weird-shaped and sizes. Crystal Ball intensity greater than Crystal but usually a sphere. Finally, Ruby this gem may be small but it holds far more power than the other two by far even if a Crystal and a Crystal Ball were combined. (The Chosen Ones' eyes widened in shock for a second.) I want you all to go gather each gem from each dimension and cleanse the darkness that evil had consumed already." Serina said, "(She looks at Syp.) Hmm... that sounds reasonable enough request..." Katy said, "(She looks at him too.) Dangerous journey if we accept." Gozon said, "(He looks down to the ground then at Syp in thought.) We'll do it. I hate how it is now a sudden invasion or deaths or annihilations for no reason to ruin lives or more than careless to say. They need to be stopped at all cost." Syp nods then the others in an intense expression around Gozon. Syp said, "It is set... (The ground around starts to tremble as the Chosen Ones looks around at what's going on. As they flew up about six feet, they see a weird time and space portal that opens beneath them about the right portals that are big enough for an arm to get through.) Now, these portals have something that is for you all. It will make you all stronger once you retrieve the item within." Go on aid, "(He looks at Syp.) I see."

Gozon slowly reaches down his right hand into the small black portal as he grabs onto something from it and his arm is halfway in. Once he has it, he slowly pulls out his arm and what came out was a gem that looks like a green hook which instantly starts powering him up once he removes it from the portal as he grunts with his eyes widened. The portal closes as soon as the gem was removed. Flame exclaimed, "(He's shocked expression.) A gem!?" The others sigh as they too reach down with their right hand into the portal and pulls out a gem too. It instantly powers into them as they all start to grunts in acute pain once out of the portal. The portals close afterward once the gem was removed.

Syp just stands there and watches as he knows it's out of his hands now while the Chosen Ones are just grunting and straining in acute pain, but it wasn't as painful as it once was, they first did this. As if the tension ease from the pain human wouldn't feel this way, but they all stood on their feet eyes widened sweating while panting. After ten minutes the gem is absorbed as they all are barely standing but wobbling from their ordeal engulfed in their aura sphere while looking around. Syp said, "(He smiles proudly at them.) Well, most impressive. The gem that you all just absorbed is called Syber Crystal an Enhancement Gem it's a unique gem that enhances your Chi energy dramatically." They all wipes away the sweat from their face with their hands. Sep said, "(He just remembers something.) Oh, you can have this back."

He raises his right hand as he snaps his fingers as the doors behind the Chosen Ones start to open slowly with a huge gust of wind blew from it as they turned around. When it stopped halfway opened, they saw D-Thunder and Jay-T in wait for them D-Thunder with his arms crossed with his head to the left shoulder in a serious gaze, and Jay-T crouched touching the ground how smooth it is with his left hand they flew into the clearing to their friends are sky and they stopped two feet from them as the door closes back.

Gozon said, "(He saw who they are as he smirks.) Oh, those two huh? I guess we can take them." He chuckles slightly as D-Thunder's eyes are in shock. D-Thunder exclaimed, "(He took what Gozon said offensive when he looked at him.) What did you say!?" Gozon said, "(He spoke sarcastically.) Ah, nothing..." D-Thunder said, "That's what I thought." Gozon said, "(He scoffed.) Tsk!" D-Thunder exclaimed, "What was that!?" Syp shouts, "Enough bickering, you two! (They stopped and glares at each other with their arms crossed them turned their heads. Syp then spoke normally.) Now go annihilate that dragon and head to Earth. I sense there are gems somewhere on that planet." Flame said, "(He's shocked as he looks at Syp in front of him.) Nice! So, you know where they are?" Syp said, "(He instructs.) Yes, but only in this dimension. Shuku will tell you more about the others in time." Gozon said, "That would be a lot of help and not left in the dark." Syp said, "Indeed, now go." They nod then they flew out the way they came all together in full throttle much faster than they first arrived in.

As they returned, Dark Dragon Lord was still for them. He then spots them off the planet in surprise. Dark Dragon Lord shouts, "(He growls in rage.) How the hell you get up there!? It matters not but this does. Draco Shift!" He did a battle as he opens his mouth as an attack charges then he cries out as he blasts at them at full power as the attack is the size of a small mountain.

Gozon flew past everyone and went in front of them on the planet's orbit as he extends his right hand and blocks it as it explodes on contact all around him. Once it slowly clears, it petrifies Dark Dragon Lord in fear as he saw that. Gozon dusted off his hands off together. Gozon said, "(He looks at D-Thunder on his right.) D-Thunder I'll give you the pleasure to finish him off for us if you want?" D-Thunder said, "(He looks at Gozon then at their enemy.) With pleasure! (He chuckles as he powers up his Chi energy with an intense attitude then his yellow aura sphere engulfs him.) This will be fun!" He smiles as he cracks his neck side to side and his knuckles as he approaches by lowering in flight. Dark Dragon Lord said, "(A puzzled expression.) You must be stupid to want a one on one with me."

Watching through the eyes at a distance is the master of Dark Dragon Lord but his whereabouts weren't detected. The Male Creature said, "Hmm... this can't be right. Why fight a one on one unless... (His eyes widened as he gasped.) n-no it can't be..."

As D-Thunder arrived, he smiles at him evil as he looks up sparks start to spark all around him slightly in an intense look and smile. He vanishes leaving smoke and reappears as he strikes Dark Dragon Lord in the jaw with his right fist at full force and speed that made Dark Dragon Lord flew away for about half a mile and slams into a boulder. D-Thunder said, "Come on! Show me what you got!" Dark Dragon Lord said, "(At the same time as he got hit, he grunts then crash into a boulder as he got wedged as he screams upon his back. His mouth is bleeding from a single punch as he starts to growl pissed off at him as he slowly sits up shaking.) Damn you!" He slowly frees himself with his Chi energy then he stands up straight wobbly with his wings are far too damaged for him to fly as it is split in the middle twice three inches long each wing after that D-Thunder dashes at him then knees him in the stomach with his right knee. D-Thunder said, "This is getting boring..." Suddenly, the planet starts shaking as the ground splits while the lava blasts out of the planet's crust while gashes of soil start splitting through the crust all over while stream pours about.

The Chosen Ones shouts, "(They looks around shocked.) Wh-what the!? What's going on!?" As when Gozon thought for a second not seeing what's happening to the planet yet, his eyes widened once he realizes what could be the cause. Gozon shouts, "Everyone, I think the planet is going to explode..." D-Thunder shouts, "(He grunts in rage as he cries out and blasts at Dark Dragon Lord with his aura sphere annihilating him instantly in a flash of light.) I am not going to fail to do my job." He flew off the planet at full speed first as the others watch and soon follow him. As the planet flashes red and bright orange cracks, it explodes with an intense shockwave and debris. They all look down at the same time while they saw the planet's destruction then they look forward. The master of Dark Dragon Lord vanishes from sight afterward leaving smoke in the chaos while most of the winds of the aftermath hit the Chosen Ones but unaffected to Joanna making them lose turbulence for a second but they regain their senses of flight. Once it was over, they look around and saw that the planet has many huge husks chunks of rock and cooling off magma floating around in space in all directions. Gozon said, "(Still looking at the debris of the planet.) Hmm... so it's over... now where could this planet Earth would be located?" Go-ta said, "(He looks at Gozon as he u zips and pulls out from the right side of his backpack is some handheld radar as it is beeping every five seconds. It looks like a walkie-talkie with a brand name in the center says Radio Goods far below its speaker with a three-inch light that is water, crush, fire, magma, zap, melt resistance. It has a clip in the back while the color is strapped yellow and black.) Well, my radar says it's there." He points behind themselves with his right pointer finger. Go on said, "Alright I guess we follow Go-ta. (The others nod in agreement.) Let's begin." D-Thunder said, "(He looks forward in space.) That battle was disappointing with that dragon. I thought he would give me a bit more amusement before his end." Jay-T said, "(Looks at everyone.) Yes, but I guess that Syber Crystal powered us up more than anticipated. My guess, I'll say by twenty-five percent more powerful than him." D-Thunder said, "(He looks at Jay-T on his right.) Hmm... (He pauses for a second.) Not going to figure out what you are talking about. So, let's go!" Jay-T said, "(He felt a little offended.) But it's... (He saw him took off as he sighs.) I guess later then." Go on smiles as he watches then them and as they all-together follow on behind Go-ta through the reaches of the deep vast unknown void of uncharted to them in space in search for planet Earth at full speed.