Chapter 236: Accident

 "Shut up and kiss me already."

Su Ning's eyelashes fluttered close once more.




Three seconds passed.

'What the? Is he still hesitating?' Su Ning wondered when suddenly a pair of soft lips pressed onto hers.

Su Ning smiled.

Her first kiss was soft and warm.

It gave her a fuzzy feeling in her stomach.

And it tasted sweet like honey.

Gu YuChen wondered if he was dreaming. Was he really kissing Su Ning right now? Gu YuChen felt like he was close to heaven at the moment. He wanted this to last forever. 

Yet like all good things, it was over too soon.

Gu YuChen felt a sense of loss as soon as the pair broke apart. 'More.' He thought. He wanted more.

Yet as he leaned down for another kiss, Su Ning quickly placed the palm of her hand on the man's lips.