Chapter 237: Where is he?

Su Ning had a blaring headache. The culprit was the bump at the back of her head that she currently was unaware of. In fact, when she awoke the first thing she saw were the worried faces of Father Su and Mother Qin. It was understandable. Their daughter had been unconscious for several days. 

"Pa? Ma? Aren't you both supposed to be on a trip?" Asked the confused young woman.

Su Ning's question initially elicited a sigh of relief from the couple. However, this relief was soon replaced by the worry that Su Ning had suffered from memory loss.

"NingNing-ah don't you remember what happened?" Qin Lan asked anxiously.

"I remember I was rehearsing with JinYan-ge." Su Ning spoke slowly, almost in a dazed manner. A few more seconds passed before her eyes suddenly widened in realization.

"JinYan-ge! Where is he!?"

At first, Su Kun attempted to calm the excitable Su Ning.

"NingNing-ah don't be alarmed. JinYan is fine."