We drove to the Irish Bar together using Rex's Lamborghini car.

Everyone was staring at us when we all went out in the car and walk like a dynasty heir of the palace.

Ramon on his white polo long sleeves paired with its Shepperd rock designer pants. While Rex is wearing skin tone tuxedo paired with martial designer pants.

As for, mine. I'm wearing the famous designer dress of our beloved enemy in the model industry. I was flexing too much my front as curve well so as the shapely body.

The glittering earrings and silver moon reflects the lights. As it shines brightly on my jewelry.

"Dang!" A couple of boys muttered as we passed by.

I wink to those guys and just let my hair do the seductive thing with my killer smile. Rex was with the other boys talking with Ramon and some of their common friends in the city.

Their workmates were with the other friends too. So they got a little catch-up and talk a bit about some controversial issues in the industry of modeling.

While I was just in the high-end chair drinking two glasses of Margarita drinks.

Boys were glancing at me every time I drink my margarita with my sexy moves. It attracts boys that could be mine for a while and not forever, I hate strings attached.

Fubu and just friends with benefits do exist on me. Moreover, benefits don't mean all about sex. Hmmm, I was talking about the benefits of his popularity so as mine too.

There is no sex.

As time went by, I felt a bit dizzy and gathered the strength to dance in the center of the dance floor. Someone is mumbling beside me and holding my waist encouraging me to dance with him.

Damn...this boy is fucking possessive and seductive too. This one fits for me tonight, may this one work for tonight.

"Let's dance," The unanimous man whispered into my ears.

His hot breath touch my skin and made me giggle between his voice and holds. This is getting wilder and wilder, have this man thought that I'm for a bed girl or into a room free sex girl?

Isn't that boy thinking about me? huh? Hmmm...

"If you say so," I agreed like a cute puppy wanting to be with her handsome owner.

He was holding my waist, covering my back with his hand, and helping me to walk properly. Each touch he does and each word he says made my heart pump so fast like for this one night.

We did the girly dance was like a zombie dancing in the center of the dance floor. Thinking that we're the only ones. Who's dancing and no one is watching us, god I'm not acting like a famous model in this world.

I'm simple. Am but reporters are everywhere and issues are eager to gain and easy to publish. Every time they saw something new about those models and famous of course.

He grabbed my waist and tried to put his head in my neck, Jesus his kissing me. That's not new to me because I let others kiss me but never let them have sex with me.

"You dance so well, hmm." The guy uttered and bit my left ear.

"Uhmmmm," I moan as his warmth breather filled my whole body.

"Let's go somewhere," He suggested and slap my butt like his giggling and wanting everything on me.

"Ohhh boy," sweetly murmured. "Fucked, don't ever use that its fucking turn on!"

I know he didn't scream it louder but it was like a fast thunder in my body. That my ears heard like a flash of lightning passes in front of me.

"I'm not into hotels, nor I'm not for a sex bed girl." My voice becomes more seductive and his hands were starting to travel in my whole body.

"Stop doing that, honey.." Murmured in a sexy tone of voice.

"Let's go," He commanded and tried to pull me. "I said I don't want to leave, I'm with my friend's boy. Can't leave without them beside me, got it?" Rolled eyes as my mouth uttered those and pointed Rex and Ramon seating on the other couch.

"Fucking go with me, If I said so you will do so." Gritted teeth as he voices out those and held y wrest tightly caused me to groan in pain.

"Ah!" I groaned.

"Let me go! Jesus christ I said I don't wanna go!" Forcing to stop his moves but he easily grabbed my waist and pulled me over out of the dance floor like a lightning.

"No one disagreed on what I wan---,"

"Oh my god!" Everyone screamed and that made me stare at the man who fell on the floor.

"Now, someone is against your ways." Someone uttered huskily and pointed him with gritted teeth.

The boy I was with was bleeding and tried to wipe his lips with anger. He was bleeding and the left part of his hand was bleeding too and he kept trying to stand.

As the boy finally gathered the strength to stand up. He automatically runs fast towards the man who punches him.

The other man was flexible and had an experience with this kind of thing. His moves are fast like a policeman and had biceps on each side of his body that showed up.

"You fucking moron!" The boy shouted and run towards the man I had never known before.

He catches the hands of the guy and turned it around so it couldn't punch him again. Everyone was surprised at what the boy did to defend himself.

"Jesus Marico! what happened?" I panicked. Ramon and Rex run through in me and held my wrest to check if I was okay or not was fine and didn't have any injuries.

"I'm fine, but I think the man who got punched isn't fine. Look," I muttered and pointed to the two guys fighting.

Ramon was shocked so like Rex, they were admiring the boy that could even have the fan sign after. God, what a gay thing.

"The next time you harass a girl, you'll get what you want." The man warned him and push him away.

Quickly, the boy stood up and walk away with his belongings. Without further ado, I went closer to him so I could say my thank you. Though he doesn't need to do that because that was just a misunderstanding between me and the guy I was with.