Rex is with Ramon, they are dancing seductively on the dance floor. Of course, they'll dance like a man and not by a gay move.

"You shouldn't have done that, Mr..." I thrilled.

"Marco, just call me Marco." He suggests and handed his hand to me for a shaking hand.

"Nice to meet you then, Marco." Uttered and reach his hands.

"Do you know that boy?"

"Which one? Which boy?" Asked in confusion.

He sips on his drink as I stirred my finger in the mouth of the wine glass where my margarita is.

Bit lips as I was looking at her seducing his manly self. Nah, I'm just trying this man if he could resist my doings.

If he left me here, then this man is for me. Whatever my mind is, that my thoughts in life. Men are easy to seduce and flirt, real men, can control their soldiers inside.

"How did you know, that man was forcing me to go with him." Curiosity came out a little.

"Well, I was about to get some drinks when your back hit my shoulder." He crossed his arms before continuing to talk. "And then saw the man holding you tightly, in short, he was forcing you." He continued and winked.

"Woah, you're unbelievable. I didn't even know that I hit your shoulder, sorry for that myself sometimes is grumpy." Puppy face.

He chuckled and cover his mouth as he stopped himself not to laugh more. This man is incredible, is this the man I've waited for?

Or was I being too assuming and hallucinating again. Past the phone to the girl who depends on destiny's decision and ways.

I'll start it. HHAHHHAHAHAHA

His manly body, broad shoulders, and thick eyebrows flex his muscles in the front. Yet, my boobs were larger than him.

Kidding aside, but y'all can take it as not a joke, home. All he had in his body, are all unique and formed very well.

I sipped on my margarita and let the small drops of my drink throw into my dress. As I glance at him, he was looking away trying to avoid my view.

Hmm, this man knows how to avoid huh. Let me wonder for more about this man, should I??

"Where are your eyes looking at? May I see?" I teased him and went closer to him that our face is having a small distance.

"Ehem," He cleared his throat and turned his eyes to face mine.

Damn! I was all shocked by what he did.

He's teasing me too, hmm that's good you should try to be a playboy too. Hmmm.

Marco grabbed my waist and pulled it closer to him. We were seated on a large chair and he could easily do that.

I look away when he held my hands and guides them to his manly abs. Ohhhhh, didn't expect these moves HAHHAHAHHAHAH.

Bravely, I face him and fight his eye-to-eye contest. He was good on this, huh. Now let me do mine.

Slowly, I bend down my hands and formed a circle on his nipple using my pointer finger.

"Ohhh.." Marco groaned in shock.

I move closer to him more and gasped to act like I'm starting. Quickly, my hands were traveling from his neck down to his soldier.

Was I being too clingy and sweet? Girl this boy is fun to be with, why didn't I meet this man before.

I pushed my face to get closer to his ears before whispering some curses.

"Let me do the fuck thing," I caressed his man and he looks at me in shock.

"I'm good on those, try me." I bet this boy will go with the flow but he was stunned in his seat and waited for me to talk again.

"Your sword is angry, aren't you gonna do something?" I chuckled and stood up while holding my purse and wink at him before leaving.

Jesus, that handsome man is so damn! Behave and easy to turn on, might meet him for once again. Guess where should it be.

I walked back to our couch and found Rex and Ramon's eyes furious and malicious.

"What?" I laugh cause I can't control it anymore.

"Fuck! Marico is that you? You fuckin flirt, you're trying to make him kiss you in the neck." Ramon unbelievably mumbles and drinks his tequila.

"Oh common guys, what should I do it's my way of knowing someone."

"It would be better if you both did the fubu routine," Rex exclaims and laughed.

"Fubu routine?" Ramon asked like he was a teenager.

"Fuck buddy routine, such as sex and bedtime doings." Rex and I yelp together.

"Jesus, you both were good on that! How did I didn't know about that fubu thing, or what y'all called it." He shakes his hands and wipes his sweat.

"Whatever Ramon, but fubu routine is a nice idea." I agreed and both of them look so pissed off.

"What?" Asked in confusion.

"You won't do that fubu routine, you aren't a nonvirgin! You're a graceful virgin for god's sake Marico." Ramon mumble and put a chaser on his glass.

He put some on me and just did the same to Rex before he drinks his tequila again.

"Virgin girls who tried fubu routine, some of them had broken their V card. Now if you want to end your grace, then give that to the right man." Rex's guidance is useful sometimes.

"Who says I'll do the fuckbuddy routine, what I'm initiating on my own fubu thing." I screwed and chuckled.

"Where is that boy by the way?" Rex asked.

"Yea, you come back in here alone. When you suppose to be with him if you come back in here," Ramon joined Rex's words.

"He left, busy I guess."

They all looked at me in shock and react like what I said is new to them.

"Alright! He got a talk with me for a while and probably had good chit chats! but his friends call him of a sudden," I story tell and drink my last shot of tequila.

The hot liquid of the tequila filled my throat and it was burning me inside. Liquor is the best medicine everyone had and will love to be with.

How unique...