Ramon and I just entered the set and many people were waiting for us. All staff is busy taking care of all models in the set.

Ramon went to the meeting area while I went to my wardrobe. I would like to see the dresses they chose for my whole shoot.

"Good morning Ms. Marico," Everyone greeted me when I entered the clothes.

The woman showed me all the clothes they had chosen for me and I could see in their eyes the mixed emotions.

Fear and apprehension, that's what I see in their eyes. They were all afraid I would get angry and would shout to all of them.

Fear that I might not be able to like the dress they chose for me. Well, they have a point because of all the clothes they chose ..... there is something I don't want to wear.

"Please remove this dress," I commanded but no one acted.

"Take that off, I don't want to wear that kind of dress, especially when I'm pared with a man. Put that dress to another wardrobe, they might love it." I ordered again and they immediately acted when they saw that the other side of my brows had risen.

I sat on the high chair and the makeup artist approached me. She will put makeup on my face.

But before she did that, she wiped my face first with baby wipes and before she started. She removed the powder I had put on my cheek and replace it with a new one.

"Don't put too much makeup on my face. Sometimes I look dead, or more like a ghost." I reminded her before closing my eyes.

While listening to music and Andrea is still putting makeup on my face. The whole wardrobe was quiet while Linda is doing my hair and let it diligently combed.

She first soaked it with lukewarm water and applied a conditioner before rinsing. It will cause glitters in my whole hair when it was hit with the lights.

Andrea wiped my hair with a towel and combed my short hair down slowly until it was all finished.

My eyes were still closed until I could fall asleep waiting for them to finish what they were doing.

"It's over ma'am Marico," the makeup artist informed and one of them put away her makeup kit.

I smiled at her and went to the wardrobe. I was about to enter but suddenly someone was shouting outside and was very loud.

"Call the women who shouting outside, and let them come in here," I commanded the woman who turned and was in front of me right now.

The girl nodded and easily left in front of me to call those women who were shouting outside.

I went back to my chair and one by one the new models entered who now had no lipstick on their faces.

They have no plans to get dressed and groom themselves.

Their faces were scarred and there was no plan to look into my eyes.

"Why are you laughing? What's out there?" I asked calmly.

"You answered," A woman pushed the adjacent Babar as well.

"It's you, you should."

"You could just say something, I don't want her to be angry with me." One of the girls pushes the words out of her mouth to another.

"So I'll tell you all what made you laugh outside? Is that so?" I asked irritably.

They all stand straight and look into my eyes carefully with respect.

"Ah, because there is a handsome male model just arrived and he's just new to our team." The story of the woman makes sense but that doesn't mean they can just shout whenever they want.

"Yes, they said the shoot will be for the hospital and the shoot will not be repeated. So we all waited for him to get some fan sign and pictures."

"So you're paying attention outside? Why don't y'all just approach Marco and asked for a fan sign? Then they'll be no kind of noise would be made." Raise eyebrows as I suggested.

"You know him!?" Shocked, they asked the same question.

I covered my ears because of the strength of their voices. I nodded and they arranged to stand in front of me.

"Yes, in fact, yesterday we are together at the bar. He's with his friends and some of his colleagues. They were also some professional doctors," Gradually I answered their question.

They covered their mouths in shock and could not believe what I said. I laughed and pointed them to the large door, meaning they could leave.

"Just approach him, that's not a big hindrance to him. Besides, if you want a selfie or a groupie, then he could give that to all of you." I exclaimed. "Now what are you all waiting for, go!" I continued and pointed to the large door for them to get out and had a litchi-chat hat with Marco.

They all ran while screaming and pushing each other. I also laughed at them and decided to stand up to get dressed.

Three minutes passed until I had chosen what to wear. A Pink shirt with collar and ribbon in the middle and a sexy skirt with high heels.


I looked at my posture in the mirror while smiling and fixing my hair. I pulled my hair back to see the whiteness of my face down to my neck.

"Ma'am Marico, the photoshoot is about to start." My assistant informed me.

"All right, I'll come out," I responded and slowly pulled back the big curtain.

I walked closer to the door and slowly walked briskly while looking seriously at the passage.

I saw their stares when they saw my clothes. They were all surprised because they knew I wear a simple dress but the design was beautiful.

"Marico!" Ramon called out to me.

I walked closer to him and smiled broadly. He smiled back and knew my plan.

His stares were super malicious and that was no longer new to me. I slapped his shoulder and laughed a little.

I also turned my gaze to the man in front of us. He was wearing a white polo covered by his doctor's coat. A stethoscope was hung around his neck.

"So you're Marico," He mumbled and handed his hand for a shaking hand.

"Marico, it's nice to see you again." I introduced and thank his presence in this photoshoot.

"Didn't know that you're a model too... a very famous model that I saw in the bar," He complimented in a charming voice.

I laughed a bit and shook my head for saying this boy is a joker. His words are fancy and very well-known jokes of all boys.

"So, can we now start the shoot?" I asked Ramon and walked closer to the background.