"When are you coming back to New York?" I asked Rex while we were all eating together.

"After 5 more years, but if I have a day off or vacation. I can come home here so that the three of us can roam again," he answered back.

Ramon and I were no longer surprised when he said that after 5 years he will be able to return to New York.

We're used to his answer always like that because maybe that's the truth. Even Ramon and I are the same in answering those who ask.

"You're going home to Madrid, aren't you? When do you plan to go there?" Rex asked me suddenly.

Ramon just focused on the phone so he didn't talk much. He was taking care of a shot on his Ipad before we went to the set.

"After 3 more months. It's my sister's wedding so I need to be there, in short. I need to go home to Madrid. I'll just come back after the wedding, but maybe when my face is fresh." I exclaimed and laughed a little.

We noticed that Ramon was serious about his Ipad so Rex and I were also curious too.

He didn't throw our hand and let us look at the picture he was looking at now.

"Wait!" Rex shouted in shock and zoomed in on the man in the picture.

"He's a doctor?!" I exclaimed and couldn't believe what I saw.

"I know right, they just sent me these. The editor chief sent me these files," Ramon announced and calmly looked at Marco's whole body.

"I didn't know that Marco had a profession,"

"Marco?" They repeated the name I pronounced at the same time.

"Yep, his name is Marco. Look at Ramon's lists and let's make sure if his name is Marco,"

I ordered and Ramon searched for hundreds of copies of the list of models.

He read it one by one until he found a name that was the same as the man's name I had mentioned.

"Marco is his name, but no last name is mentioned in here," Ramon exclaimed and turned his gaze back to his Ipad.

I left next to him and arranged to sit while eating breakfast.

"In fairness he's handsome, and he has abs. It's good that his girlfriend allows him to be a model," Rex said rudely.

"Idiot! this won't be his forever work, he entered this industry for their company. Besides, he's going to do a photoshoot for their hospital, not for fame." Ramon exclaimed while eating his breakfast.

"Marico, wear the dress I gave you, you still don't want to look like an old woman right? then wear it," Ramon irritatedly said. "If you saw the man that will be your partner, won't be shocked that you're already lying in excitement and fun." He nodded and laughed a little.

"I won't let that happen to me, besides I don't want that dress too. It looks too showy for me okay," I answered and assured them that would not happen to me.

"Duh! You can just say that because you didn't--,"

His words were interrupted when his phone suddenly rang.

"Hello?" He spoke and waited for the answer on the other line.

"Sir Ramon, your model is here. The client would be the model of their hospital. She's also the partner of Ms. Marico," replied his secretary, and he was surprised by that.

"Ha?! What time is it?" He was shocked at the pronunciation. "Look, you two, what time it is," Ramon whispered to us.

Rex and I picked up our cell phones one by one and opened them to see what time it was.

"8 am," Rex and I ejaculated together and laughed slightly.

We just realized that it's going to be nine o'clock and we haven't left the condo yet.

Rex quickly grabbed his plate along with Ramon and me and ran into the courtyard of the room.

I combed my hair and put blush on my cheeks. I don't want them to see that I'm haggard and just finished drinking.

The three of us went out of our room together with our belongings. Ramon was holding his Ipad while talking on the other phone.

I checked everything in my photoshoot lists. I might miss any of my shoots because of the slowness of my actions.

"Rex, what time are you leaving for the airport," I laughed and slapped his shoulder softly.

"I don't think you two will be caught either. There's more to drink HAH HAHAHA," the three of us laughed as one by one slammed into our cars.

I would have called my driver but he was still asleep because he was tired yesterday. He drove to a lot of places yesterday and got an unknown address that was far away from the city.

So, I thought the two of them were still asleep and they needed to rest a lot.

"Rex! Be careful on the flight and do dm's on chat when you have a problem with modeling. We'll kill the obstacle!" Ramon gave him advice and laughed harder.

I was seen laughing too and the call was turned off. One by one we informed each other before drawing the line.

Ramon and I are already in the parking lot and Rex is still on the way to the airport. The airport is also a bit far from my condo unit, so he has to drive fast.

I went in the car first and then Ramon. He was still carrying his Ipad and phone in his other hand.

While I was holding the designer bag and dragging my small suitcase. It was full of clothes for my entire photoshoot.

What I will be asked to wear later is the dress that Ramon wants me to wear.

I have ordered my wardrobe so that I will not wear that and I will look for more neat clothes.

Yes, I wear showy outfits and see my cleavage. But not those dresses that will let my whole soul be shown.

Ramon told me that the buyers and spectators were able to like that. I have four fashion shows to attend and I have to wear sexy clothes.

I don't want to deny that because Metro is the most popular runway show in the world. Even if you want to refuse, your conscience will not allow you to ignore their offer.

That's extra money too HAH HAHAHA. Well, I'm earning money for the orphanage that needs someone's help.

Instead of wasting all the money I earn in my modeling, I choose to donate it to the orphanage and some charities.

Each month I have different charities and orphanages to visit. Of course, Ramon is always with me so he's always present too.

When I saw a cute stunning girl, I'm wondering about having a family with my children. But when the time gave me a chance to think about having my own, I just chose to plan to adopt a child for me, or more like having a surrogate mother.