50 salamander

"Congming, what's going on?"

White brow also walked out.

" we don't know either. the underground suddenly collapsed when we were digging. "

"Let's go and take a look."

white brow jumped and landed lightly.

Although his temperament was the same as an old man's, his movements were unusually agile and vigorous.

The smart monkey's speed was not slow either. In terms of physique, it was at least 3 points and above.

Wang Shuo flapped his wings and went past the smart monkey, following white brow to the entrance of the cave.

"what a deep hole!"

White brow's voice became serious. There were obvious signs of digging at the top of the cave, about two meters above the ground.

It was an obvious landslide down below, and the exposed area was more than two meters deep.

"How could there be such a big hole underground?"

White brow was also puzzled. congming, go pull a rattan down and see.

"Why don't I go?"