
As soon as he came up, white brow threw the body of the salamander on the ground, " I heard from congming that you like to eat meat. I'll leave it to you, eat it.


Wang Shuo didn't expect that white brow would drag this thing up here to make food for him. He was touched."thank you, grandpa."

"you're welcome. eat."

broken tail, flower tail, black back, "white brow turned around and said," you all have the power of the earth. You can sense the location of the passage from above. Next, you will follow the passage and make a map.

"i know, grandpa."

The smart monkey was unwilling to be left out. what about me, Grandpa? "

"take everyone and guard the entrance of the cave. inform me immediately if there's any movement."


The appearance of the earth salamander made the entire spirit monkey clan busy.

Wang Shuo was not idle either. He buried his head in the food and ate without stopping.