Not a match

"milord, the first vegetarian meal has ended smoothly."

In the tent, Lin Chong's voice jolted Wang Shuo from his thoughts."Have the people we sent to investigate the 'spiritual land' and 'iron mine' returned?"

no, they went there overnight. There's no movement so far.

"come back and tell them to come to me immediately." wang shuo nodded.


chong lin replied and asked hesitantly, " "My Lord, is there any news from Xiao Jin?"

as wang shuo's pet, little gold had its own pet space after it hatched. it was connected to his palm and could be summoned at any time.

previously, he had not summoned it because his identity was too eye-catching. now, he could finally use it openly.

wang shuo also had a strange look on his face. guangnian's camp had been ready to set off yesterday afternoon, but for some reason, it had not been settled in the end.

"Could something have happened in guangnian city?" Lin Chong pondered.