Exchanging blows

right at this moment, the city gates opened wide, and a group of people walked out of the city.

the leader was riding a frosty blue-maned horse. he was wearing a silver armor and a simple silk robe. he held a pan dragon spear in his hand. the tip of the spear was glowing with a cold light, and it was emitting a shocking chill with his aura.

behind him were two cavalry generals, each holding a zhanmadao and a bright silver spear. their auras were also extraordinary.

the leader was naturally lin chong.

As for the other two, they were two cavalry generals who had been summoned using the 'white martial soul (9 stars)' and 'green martial soul (9 stars)' that Zhao Fan and Qi Wannian had dropped.

The two of them had strength of 9 and 9 respectively, and the warhorses and weapons were opened by Wang Shuo with a treasure chest.

Perhaps it was the influence of their martial souls, but the strength of these two people was almost a replica of Zhao Fan and Qi Wannian.