111 kills, Legend level +

"Crack, crack, crack"

the seven chains on the stele broke one after another. wang shuo's consciousness gradually turned into a piece of pure white paper, falling down with a pulling force.

At the same time, the body in front of the stone tablet began to become thin and old at a speed visible to the naked eye. The illusory figure was like sand and gravel in the wind, blowing up wisps of smoke and dust to the stone tablet.

In just a dozen seconds, he had turned from a tall and strong young man into a bag of bones.


A vast and majestic aura surged from Wang Shuo's body.

"Suppress the devil!"

In the darkness, a desolate and Grand voice seemed to come from ancient times, crossing time and space.

then, a boundless force descended from the sky. the gray-white stone tablet was like a mouse that had seen a cat under this force. it actually emitted a human-like fear and shook violently.
