Soul essence bead

"my lord, what happened?"

In a new military tent, Wang Shuo sat at the head of the table, deep in thought. Below him, Lin Chong, Wu Yi, and Zhou Cang were all staring at him curiously.

"They're all assassins sent by Zhang Liang's Army. I'm sure you can guess their purpose." They just want to take down Guang Yang without shedding a single drop of blood, but they think too highly of themselves."

Speaking of this, Wang Shuo suddenly changed the topic,"now that zhang liang's army has settled in guangnian, he probably wants to use it as a base to slowly plan. Zhang Liang had many talents under him, and he believed that it would not take long for him to stabilize guangnian and restore order.

However, the three Grand generals were ambitious and had to be guarded against. next, you must step up the training and forging of your soldiers to improve your strength. don't worry about food consumption."

"Yes, sir!"