the expedition

What truly surprised Wang Shuo was the core relic that Li Yuanba had awakened-[ Shura Demon Eye ].

the contract spirit awakening relic was closely related to the contract master's own strength.

If the attributes of the contract master and contract spirit were compatible, it would be very beneficial for both parties after the contract was completed.

just like wang shuo, in addition to the most direct improvement in cultivation realm, his sense and control of fire yuan qi had also been improved.

although it was not shown on the attribute panel, he had tried it out and found that the power of the fire-type divine light he was using now was at least three times stronger than before.

After carefully experiencing it, Wang Shuo realized that it was not the skill of the fire-type divine light that had changed, but rather the fundamental change of the fire Yuan Qi, which led to the essential difference between the gathered flames and the previous ones.