mark of a hero: [ peace sutra ]

Yu Ci County was more than 80 miles away from Guangyang. Even if they rushed normally, it would only take three hours for an Army with the lowest strength of 5-star to reach there.

when xiling prefecture came into sight, the system notification came again. general tiangong, zhang jiao, had died.

"Your hero [ heavenly fiend Asura-Li Yuanba ] has killed [ heaven Duke general ] Zhang Jiao, your reputation has increased: Bomlegend Dacheng "

" you have obtained [ heaven duke, peace talisman ]. "

" you have gathered 'heaven duke',' earth duke', and 'human duke', the three peace talismans. you can merge with the hero mark [ peace daoist yu ji (legendary) ]. "

With three flashes of light, a yellow ancient book appeared in his hand.