if the saber is unsheathed, you will die

a valiant general wearing a polished silver armor and holding a silver spear followed closely behind with two men who were also wearing armor.

Seeing them walk in so casually, many people in the hall gloated at their misfortune.

In their hearts, they were secretly anticipating what kind of methods the terrifying Scarlet armored youth would use to deal with them.

Just as they had expected, the young man in red armor, who had been sitting the whole time, suddenly stood up after they entered the door.

but what happened next was completely beyond their expectations.

the scarlet-armored youth, who had always been indifferent, suddenly became extremely respectful when he saw the young man in blue sportswear. " "my lord, you've come!"

"thanks for your hard work, yuanba."

These two short sentences were like thunder to everyone's ears.

After the initial shock, everyone began to guess the relationship between the two.