grinding points

Xiangshui District was considered a middle-class area in Tianshui city. Those who could live here basically didn't have to worry about food and clothing.

When Wang Shuo arrived with grant, the demon annihilation team was busy evacuating the residents, while the Runemasters were scattered all over the place, waiting for them.

A gray curtain visible to the naked eye hung in the sky, covering more than half of the entire Xiangshui area.

"it's a good thing we found out early."

Before grant could finish his sentence, the gray curtain suddenly rippled.

"oh no, it's coming!"

Grant's expression turned serious. He lowered his head and shouted at the badge on his chest, " " attention all runemasters, intercept the monsters! "

at the same time, grant's voice came from the rune badge on wang shuo's chest.

It was only then that Wang Shuo realized that the runic badge had such a function.

However, now was not the time to think about this.