
When everything was over, Wang Shuo's points had reached 632 points, and there was only one-third of the points left to unseal the legendary hero.

at the same time, the runemasters who participated in this demon-killing mission would be recorded with runic badges for each kill, and they would be rewarded according to their contribution.

after the battle ended, wang shuo received a total of 1820 contribution points.

as grant needed to stay on the scene to deal with the aftermath, he ordered wang shuo and the other runemasters to disband.

after leaving, wang shuo went to the runic tower's database again.


that night, when wang shuo returned to the dormitory, the black-cloaked man he saw at the teacher's house suddenly came to his door, left a box, and left without a word.

after opening it, there was a set of exquisite cloud pattern alloy carving knives.