
A mining dump truck cost tens of millions of yuan. Other than big companies, no one could afford this thing, and no one would buy one either.

It was slow, couldn't be used on the road, and couldn't carry people. Why buy it?

However, Lin Qing didn't expect to see a Motorbot who could transform into a dump truck here. This meant that the owner of this vehicle was possibly very wealthy and also a person who was bored to death.

Currently, the dump truck was engaged in a battle with an eight-meter-long crocodile. The battle was earth-shattering, and several buildings were knocked over.

"Brother, let me help you!" Lin Qing shouted as he pulled out his machete and rushed forward.

This person had such a tall figure, was rich, and was also from Ping'an City, so Lin Qing could roughly guess who this dump truck was. In this world, he was known as the Battle God of the Land—Huang Quan. He could be a massive source of support. If Lin Qing didn't curry favor with him now, when else would he be able to do so?


Just as Huang Quan was about to kill the steel crocodile, he suddenly heard a loud shout from behind. Then a red figure rushed over.

A white light flashed, and a machete struck the crocodile's stomach from below, creating a series of sparks.


The attack sent the crocodile flying five meters away. Before it even landed on the ground, Huang Quan saw the red figure leap. As the red figure stepped on the crocodile's head, he stabbed his long sword downward into the crocodile's head until the handle disappeared. Then he stared at the ground.

Then the red figure punched through the crocodile's stomach a few times before taking something out to swallow.

I've struck it rich this time!

After the fist-sized power crystal entered his stomach, Lin Qing rubbed his stomach in satisfaction. This crystal was even bigger than the crystals from all the steel wolves he had killed earlier.

The crocodile was enormous, and the strength of the small wolves was no match for it. If Huang Quan hadn't beaten it to death first, Lin Qing might not have been able to win.

"Brother, you're awesome. You have good skills." Huang Quan returned to his senses and walked toward Lin Qing with large strides.

He hadn't been able to kill the crocodile even after fighting for more than ten minutes, but this man in front of him had done it in a few seconds.

"You're too polite. The crocodile's weakness is its stomach, and I simply took the chance. Are you okay?"

"What could possibly happen to me?"

Huang Quan patted his chest. Suddenly, a scream came from beside him. He turned around and saw that the other heavy trucks couldn't withstand the impact of the steel beasts, shocking him so much that he immediately charged over.

"Let's talk after we settle the trouble in front of us."

Huang Quan chose a ten-meter-tall elephant to fight. Its steel skin shone with a black luster, and its two-meter-long tusks emitted a cold aura. With a single charge, it collided through a large Motorbot. The other Motorbots were totally no match for it.

This kind of horror wasn't something that one person could take down. However, Lin Qing didn't hastily rush forward. Instead, he glanced at the steel corpse on the ground.

Before he arrived, Huang Quan had already started fighting the steel beasts. So there were eight large animal corpses lying on the ground.

However, the other Motorbots didn't know about the power crystals and didn't take them out.

It's a waste not to take advantage of others. Brothers, thank you. I'll help you after I'm done absorbing the crystals. Lin Qing ran to the periphery of the battlefield and started digging out crystals. He punched through the chests of the corpses with familiarity and ease. Then he reached out to grab the crystals and opened his mouth to swallow them.

In his previous life, people only discovered that the steel beasts' power crystals could be consumed half a month after the Cataclysm.

In the later stages of the Cataclysm, an ordinary crystal could be used to buy a few hundred kilograms of food. And the crocodile crystal he just ate was even more valuable and couldn't be bought with money.

Now, there were corpses of various steel beasts, including lions, tigers, and bears, all over the ground. Lin Qing took advantage of all of them.

After he consumed all the crystals, his qualities started to change. His red body turned even darker, and a black line appeared in front of his chest.

The small spare parts previously exposed had disappeared, making his entire body look even simpler.

"Brother, help!" Huang Quan held the elephant with both hands and looked back at Lin Qing with great difficulty.

"Alright, I'll be right there!"

With a sprint, Lin Qing jumped dozens of meters forward and smashed his fist against the elephant's neck. Accompanied by a series of explosions, this punch knocked over the elephant weighing dozens of tons.

It was hard to imagine that such a giant machine could have such agility.

After consuming so many crystals, Lin Qing knew that he had evolved. He would only be fully evolved when the lines on his chest completely appeared and formed a large '車' (vehicle) character.

"F*ck!" Huang Quan was dumbfounded. This power… It was no weaker than his.

It was obvious that the red heavy truck was not as tall and as powerful as him, but how could it be so impressive? This simply didn't make sense!

"What are you waiting for? Go!" Lin Qing pulled out his machete and shouted, "Target the heart!"

"Oh, got it!" Huang Quan numbly nodded and joined the battle at full force. A weight of two hundred tons was not something to be scoffed at, as one punch from him could break a train into pieces.

When the two of them fought together, they caused the earth to quake and the ear-splitting sound of metal rubbing against each other to come in waves.

More and more fist marks appeared on the elephant's body, while blade marks whittled down one of its tusks. The elephant's painful roar shattered the glass nearby, causing the people hiding in their houses to cover their ears and roll on the ground.


Huang Quan punched the elephant's chest dozens of times. Just as he was about to pierce through its chest, Lin Qing stabbed it from behind and began to take over.

"Go help the others first. Leave this to me."

"Brother, be careful."

They had only met by chance and didn't even know each other's names. Now, they were fighting for their lives with each other. Huang Quan was extremely touched by his actions.

He had a basic understanding of Lin Qing's strength through the battle just now. Lin Qing wasn't weaker than him, so it shouldn't be a problem for him to deal with an elephant on the verge of death.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that Lin Qing looked a little different from before. However, he couldn't tell exactly what was different about him.

"Die!" Lin Qing punched through the elephant's heart, took out its crystal, and swallowed it in less than a second.

Another huge profit just rolled in!

Lin Qing panted heavily as he looked down at the broken machete in his hand. Then the corners of his mouth curled up. All his efforts had not gone to waste.

If not for this machete, he wouldn't have been able to defeat this elephant so easily.

He turned around and looked at Huang Quan, who was bathed in blood. What a good person!

"Brother Huang, let me help you!" Lin Qing had already made up his mind to reap benefits from Huang Quan.

In this Cataclysm, the strength of a vehicle was determined by its type. No matter how impressive a bicycle was, even if it evolved many times, how strong could it be?

On the other hand, his heavy truck was already considered one of the most powerful among the top-tier vehicles. The strength that an ordinary car could achieve in a lifetime would be his starting point.

But compared to Huang Quan, his strength still wasn't enough. After all, this fellow was too abnormal. What could withstand a punch from a mining truck that weighed hundreds of tons? He was definitely at the peak of the peak, and not many people in the world were as impressive as him.

If he were to grow even stronger later on, who would be his match?

He would take the chance before this fellow developed to reap some benefits for himself first.

Half an hour later, Huang Quan crushed a steel beast with one hand and shouted, "Brothers, retreat!"

"You guys go first. I'll cover you." Lin Qing calmly swallowed another crystal as he spoke.

There were no longer any steel beasts, but there were still many corpses with crystals left to be harvested on the ground.

Lin Qing took the initiative to cover the retreat, so Huang Quan was moved again. "Brother, it's safe now. Let's go together."

"It's okay. I'm fast, so I'll catch up with you guys in no time. Stop dawdling and get out of here quickly."

"Alright, take care. We'll wait for you in front."

Huang Quan rapidly left with the remaining troops, consisting of eight heavy trucks. Meanwhile, Lin Qing immediately started cleaning up the battlefield. After he swallowed the crystals, slightly less than half of the 車 character appeared.