The Arrival of the Transformers Civilization

Lin Qing didn't go home. Instead, after putting the machete in his truck, he ate a filling meal and then laid down in the truck to sleep.

In his dreams, he felt his body sinking into endless darkness. He couldn't move his limbs or speak.

After some time, he opened his eyes.

The sky was dark and full of grey clouds. There wasn't a single person on the street, and the surroundings were eerily quiet.

He moved his hand slightly, but the only response was the creaking of machinery.

Lin Qing looked down and saw that he had become the Tyrannical Dragon truck. He had become one with his truck—he was the truck, and the truck was him.

A thought flashed past his mind, and his wheels began to move forward. He could brake, turn on the headlights, and turn, all with just a single thought.


The Tyrannical Dragon let out a mechanical sound. First, the front of the truck lifted up, the transmission axis turned, the wheels contracted, and then a pair of giant mechanical feet appeared.

His waist changed, his head changed, and his hands changed. In the short span of merely a few seconds, Lin Qing had become a Transformer standing upright.

Standing at 15 meters tall, his entire body was red, and he carried a long sword on his back.

"Is this what they call power?" Lin Qing opened his mouth and said in a cold, robotic voice.

He could clearly feel the strength of his body. The three-story residential building in front of him was just like a toy in his eyes, as he could easily knock it down with a punch.

He was as tall as a five-story building, and his body was extremely heavy. However, his movements were not clumsy at all. He tried punching and kicking and realized that he was more agile than a martial artist.

Since he was standing tall, he could see half of the city. Lin Qing saw Motorbots running all over the streets in the distance, as well as the elderly and children dressed in pajamas.

"How did I become like this?"

"I'm so strong."

"Save me! Save me!"

Shouts rang in his ears as the Motorbots around him gradually awakened. At the same time, the mutated steel monsters also arrived.

People's pet dogs had doubled in size, and their entire bodies had turned into steel. They would bite anyone they saw.

There were a billion people in the Blue Dragon Empire. On average, only one in five families owned a car. This meant that there were at most 200 million Motorbots, while 800 million people were still ordinary people.

In comparison, how many animals were there?

No one could count exactly how many there were.

There were thousands of ants in an ant's nest and at least hundreds of thousands of animals, large and small, in and on a mountain. And the rats in the city sewers could drown a crowd.

Among the humans, only those who owned vehicles would become Motorbots. However, animals were different, as every one of them could turn into steel.

As a result, they were 100, 1,000, or even 10,000 times more numerous than Motorbots.

Around him, Motorbots started charging toward their homes while fighting with the steel animals that jumped out along the way.

Who didn't have family and friends? Typically, those with cars were the heads of their families. Their wives and children were still in their houses. They could run, but how could their wives and children run?

"That big guy over there, come over and help!!"

Lin Qing turned around and saw a thin Motorbot fighting with a steel dog a few dozen meters away. From the look of things, this guy was a tricycle.

At this moment, the dog was biting one of the tricycle's legs. Sparks flew in all directions, and the tricycle was about to die.

Inside the house was a woman with a pale expression and a child with fearful eyes.

Lin Qing's body shrank into the heavy truck as he fiercely stepped on the accelerator and rushed over. His large body was quite intimidating, and he simply flattened the wall in front of him.

After the transformation, his heavy truck was no longer made of ordinary steel but was instead several times stronger. So even when he collided into the three-meter wall, the paint wasn't even scratched, and he didn't slow down at all.


Lin Qing's tires crushed the one-meter-tall steel dog with glowing red eyes into two. The head of his truck was only half a meter away from the building in front of him.

The tricycle subconsciously wiped the cold sweat off his forehead as he said with lingering fear, "Brother, thank you."

"It's not safe here. Hurry up and leave." Lin Qing transformed into the 15-meter-tall robot. Then he picked up the green crystal from the steel dog's chest and tossed it into his mouth.

This was the power source of the steel dog, which had replaced its original heart.

At the same time, it was also the only way for Motorbots to evolve. They had to eat crystals in order to strengthen their bodies.

Every steel beast had a crystal like this, and so did Motorbots.

With that, Lin Qing ran away. When he reached the roadside, he turned into the truck and sped toward the city center.

He was not worried about this area. After all, the steel beasts here were merely small cats and dogs. With so many vehicle types present, as long as everyone worked together, they could easily eliminate them.

However, the city center was different. There was a zoo there with large animals. This force wasn't something that ordinary Motorbots could handle.

After entering the city, he saw that the streets were full of Motorbots running out of the city. Some brought their families along, while others were alone.

So it was rather unusual for Lin Qing to go against the current alone.


At the entrance of an old street some distance away from the city center, a bunch of two-meter-tall steel wolves and a group of Motorbots were fighting.

There were eight steel wolves and more than twenty Motorbots.

The elderly and children were running with their heads lowered, not daring to look at the fight at all. Some were even shivering in their houses.

Gan Qian was a teacher. At this moment, she was lying in the middle of the road in fear, unable to walk. In front of her was a huge steel wolf with flesh in its mouth.

Just as she turned around and was about to run away, a red truck sped toward her. Gan Qian saw that it was about to collide into her and closed her eyes helplessly.

There was a creak. When the truck was a meter away from her, it suddenly slammed its brakes. Then Lin Qing placed a hand on the ground to support himself as he flew over her head.

When he landed on the ground, he was already in combat mode. He grabbed the charging steel wolf's head with one hand and slammed it down against the ground.


A meter-deep hole was formed in the concrete floor. The wolf's head was smashed into pieces, and the people nearby fell to the ground.

Without even looking, he swung out his other giant fist, pounding the head of another wolf running over, pulverizing the steel wolf into pieces on the spot.

Without a word, Lin Qing walked toward the remaining steel wolves.

With a 15-meter-tall body, ordinary people did not even reach his knees, while ordinary Motorbots only reached his waist. In his eyes, these people were all his younger brothers.

In the next scene, ordinary people witnessed what violence was.

The fierce steel wolves were like toys in Lin Qing's hands. His fists trampled, slapped, smashed, and pinched them to death.

In less than three minutes, the eight steel wolves were all dead.

Lin Qing took out the power crystals from the wolves and swallowed them under everyone's gaze.

A warm current flowed through his body. He felt that he had become stronger once again, and his skin had also become much tougher.

"Since Ping'an City is near mountains, there are many animals here. If you don't want to die, hurry up and run away. Go to a first or second-tier plains city instead. It's safer there."

Ping'an City was located in the Northwestern Mountains. Despite being a small county city, it had two parks and countless mountains. As a result, the cost of living was not high. Even though there were cars here, there were not as many cars as in first and second-tier cities.

So staying here would simply be courting death.

If not for him wanting to improve his strength while saving some people at the same time, Lin Qing would have already run away.

"I'm not leaving. Someone will come and save us. I won't listen to his lies."

"Yes, there are only some mutated wolves. A few rocket launchers can deal with them. There's no need to leave."

"Everyone, listen to me. Don't panic. Go home and stay there. Don't run around."

Some people were unwilling to leave, and Lin Qing didn't bother forcing them to either. After all, people were the ones who chose their own paths, and it was none of his business if others died or not.

Ten minutes later, he arrived at the city center. The streets here were basically deserted. At a glance, he could see Motorbots and steel beasts fighting all over, and there was wreckage everywhere.

Fierce zoo animals such as tigers, bears, and elephants were all here.

On the Motorbots' side was a group of yellow-colored vehicles. They were all ten-meter-tall heavy trucks, and among them were excavators with drills for arms and bulldozers with enormous fists.

The most eye-catching one was a twenty-meter-tall yellow giant who destroyed a building with a single punch. He even laughed loudly as he fought.

Throughout his journey, this was the first time Lin Qing saw someone bigger than him. There weren't many people with such a physique in this world.

This was a mining dump truck. If he remembered correctly, this vehicle weighed 240 tons and had a maximum load of 360 tons. So its maximum weight was 600 tons. Traveling on an ordinary concrete road with this vehicle would be no different from plowing through the road.