
In an instant, Lin Qing activated the first tier of the Flame Devil, and the fiery-red blade appeared. Looking down from above, he waved his blade at the fourth-evolution heavy truck.


Its 1,500°C temperature was enough to melt steel. Coupled with the strength of Lin Qing's sword skills, the head of the heavy truck soared into the sky as the heavy truck fell to his knees.

Boom! Meanwhile, Huang Quan punched one of the tanks that were as hard as iron. Countless Motorbots were terror-stricken when they saw the tank being smashed into smithereens.

Even the electric scooter Motorbot inside the tank had been crushed.

"Fire!" The team of heavy trucks reacted. The four tanks turned their cannons and aimed at the three of them.

Lin Qing was disdainful. If he were on the bridge, he would still be a little afraid, worried that he would be shot like a sitting duck, or the bridge would collapse and he would fall into the river.

But it was different now. Beating them up at such a close distance was child's play.

The motorcycle Motorbot in one of the tanks had a ferocious expression as he aimed his cannon at Lin Qing. "Go to hell."

Lin Qing's Armament covered his left arm as he held the muzzle of the cannon with his five fingers. There was a loud bang, but the shell hadn't shot out. Instead, the tank exploded.

Lin Qing waved the Flame Devil in his hand and split the tank into two. Meanwhile, after Huang Quan punched and shattered the remaining tanks, he fired his laser gun, and bullets poured out.

Then the Motorbots collapsed one by one.

At the bridge, Ye Daying held his sniper rifle and raised his gun toward the sky.


A bullet shot through a drone that had been investigating them from the sky. Then it wobbled as it flew away into the distance.

"Captain, we have to retreat quickly. The drone definitely saw us. A large number of reinforcements will arrive soon."

With the principle that he would never let go of anything that he passed by, Lin Qing quickly took out the crystals of the heavy trucks and then started to run.

Ye Daying stayed behind to observe the situation while Lin Qing and Huang Quan ran side by side toward a road.

"F*ck, I'm really associating myself with a criminal here. You actually dared to touch the empire's tanks. Do you want to die? Hundreds of thousands of soldiers will annihilate us in minutes."

The fight was unbelievably fierce, and Huang Quan was in a panic afterward.

He had faced imperial tanks that he typically had to bow down and show respect to, but these tanks were now crippled. He might even be wanted by the empire in the future.

"What are you panicking for? The empire is in such a mess now, so it doesn't have the time to care about you. Besides, who knows if the current Yang City troops are under Jiang or Shen."

Jiang was the governor of Handong, while Shen was the last name of the Blue Dragon Empire imperial family.

If Lin Qing remembered correctly, after the Cataclysm in his previous life, Jiang Tianyun, the governor of Handong, occupied Yang City and established a force here. Then he became a local tyrant and turned into an Overlord.

There were many people like Jiang Tianyun, not just one or two. As long as it was a corporation, company, or group with some ability, they would become independent.

This was a true struggle between a hundred clans!

Lin Qing's team was small and could run away at any time. He would simply get rid of the imperial army if it dared to block his way, not to mention Jiang Tianyun's troops.

"But they still have hundreds of thousands of Motorbots! They even have countless rifles and cannons!" Huang Quan's face turned pale. "If they come after us, it won't be enough even if we have ten lives."

"Calm down. We will face many such things in the future, and there will only be more people who want to kill us. Who does Jiang Tianyun think he is? He can't even be ranked among the top."

"Brother, is it too late for me to get off the ship now?"

The hum of helicopter propellers buzzed in the sky, and Lin Qing looked up. "I'm afraid it's too late!"

Five minutes later, Ye Daying, who stayed behind to cover the retreat, saw troops coming and quickly caught up with Lin Qing and Huang Quan.

Compared to his speed of 400 km/h, the two of them were as fast as turtles.

"Captain, we've stirred up a hornet's nest this time!" Ye Daying's lips were trembling as he spoke. "There are ten military helicopters, and all of them have armed weapon systems."

Lin Qing looked at him with disdain. "It would be fine even if they were all Motorbots, let alone ten military helicopters. We can handle them."

Motorbots were too agile, which was quite a problem for him.

But it wasn't a big problem if he was only facing ten ordinary military helicopters. They would be like sitting ducks in the sky, and he could take each helicopter down with a wave of bullets.

"I didn't finish my sentence. There are still more than a hundred heavy trucks that are more than ten meters tall. It's quite scary!"

Clang! Huang Quan accidentally knocked into the protective railing by the side of the road. His eyes widened. "Did you say more than a hundred heavy trucks?"

"Yes, it's a massive black mass of at least a hundred heavy trucks. I also saw small Motorbots with rocket launchers following behind them."

My god… Huang Quan's eyelids were trembling. "I told you we couldn't fight them. Now that they've come knocking on our door, there are military helicopters in the sky and rocket launchers on the ground. They'll turn us into ashes in a few rounds."

"Stop talking. You were the one who killed the most tanks!" Lin Qing accelerated while speaking. "It's definitely not possible to get on the highway since they'll catch up sooner or later.

"There's a scenic spot not too far ahead called the Officer Appointment Deck. Let's run there."

The Officer Appointment Deck was located on White Head Mountain outside of Yang City. It had steep terrain with a wide mountaintop that would become visible after climbing a few hundred meters uphill. In ancient times, an emperor had personally led an expedition here and appointed officers at this place.

Because of this history, it was developed as a tourist attraction early on. Stone steps that wound all the way to the top were built on the slope, and monuments and pagodas were erected on the mountaintop.

Behind the Officer Appointment Deck was mountain range that stretched over dozens of kilometers. Every year, it would attract many tourists to cross it on foot.


The military helicopters above launched portable missiles at the three of them.

The first missile fell on them, then the second, then the third…

Continuous explosions resounded. As the missiles landed, they blasted huge pits into the ground. The three covered their heads and fled.

Ye Daying shouted, "Captain, I'll go to the Deck to scout the path for you."

He accelerated as he spoke. A burst of sound blasted out, and he disappeared completely. Even the military helicopters were not as fast as him.

"Let's get rid of the ones flying in the sky first." Lin Qing transformed into his mecha form, armed his left arm with his Armament, and turned around to punch a missile.


The missile and fist collided, causing an explosion. The powerful shockwave knocked him back a few meters as countless metal shrapnels pelted across his body.

Da da da da da!!!

Da da da da da!!

Lin Qing and Huang Quan opened fire with their laser guns and swept toward the military helicopters in the sky. Caught off guard, five helicopters were knocked down.

The other military helicopters were like birds startled by the pull of a bow. They flew high in the sky and didn't dare to approach them.

With some buffer time, Lin Qing and Huang Quan rushed toward the Officer Appointment Deck.

Before long, the army of over a hundred heavy trucks arrived. Their leader, 18 meters tall and dressed in blue, looked at the remains of the military helicopters and said angrily, "Trash, all f*cking trash. Didn't I say that they're Motorbots who have evolved five times and that they should stay far away?"

"Chase them immediately. Hit them with missiles and firearms. Their bodies won't be able to take it."

When an ordinary soldier operating one of the military helicopters heard this, his face turned red. Then he clenched his cyclic stick tightly and spat out a sentence from between his teeth. "Yes, Captain Jiang!"

They had never suffered such humiliation before. It was fine if they were scolded by their team captain, but who was Jiang Yanjun?

He was a construction worker before the Cataclysm who relied on his distant relationship with Governor Jiang to do his business. He also had a batch of heavy trucks under him.

After the Cataclysm, he brought this batch of heavy trucks to join Jiang Tianyun and became an important figure in his troops.

Jiang Tianyun had even asked him to form a large fleet of Motorbots and become their commander.