Huang Quan Versus Nine Nether


At the pavilion at the top of the Officer Appointment Deck, Ye Daying saw Lin Qing and Huang Quan being chased from 1,000 meters away. He made up his mind and shot down a military helicopter.

The pilot died on the spot, and the helicopter fell straight down.

"F*ck, there's no way out now. Captain, don't abandon me!" After he killed the imperial military helicopter, his palms were sweaty.

Before the Cataclysm, he was just an ordinary commoner who abided by the law. He had never even entered a government office since he was young. He never expected to go against the empire one day.

However, it was quite exciting.

Lin Qing and Huang Quan covered the distance of 1,000 meters in the blink of an eye. They arrived at the foot of the Officer Appointment Deck, transformed into their mecha forms, and started climbing up the mountain. Behind them were countless missiles, rocket launchers, and machine guns attacking them.

In just a few seconds, the flames of war covered the thousand-year-old landscape. Smoke and fire rose everywhere, and gravel exploded, forming potholes all over.


A missile formed a white line in the air as it flew toward Huang Quan from behind. Lin Qing grabbed the missile with his Armament-augmented left hand.

An explosion sounded behind them. Huang Quan was struck by the impact of the explosion and fell to the ground.

"You go first. I'll hold them off." Lin Qing's calm voice came.

Huang Quan didn't think too much about it and could only get up to run toward the top of the mountain. As long as he could climb up this mountain, he would be unrestrained.




At the top of the mountain, Ye Daying aimed his sniper rifle at the military helicopters one after another. Every shot was accompanied by the fall of a helicopter.

Military helicopters were a scarce resource, and it was almost impossible to rebuild them in a short time. Jiang Yanjun cursed in anger as he watched the helicopters fall one by one.

He would definitely be punished for losing so many military helicopters.

"Men, stop firing! Destroy that lousy motorcycle on the mountaintop first!"

More than ten small Motorbots stood in a row with rocket launchers on their shoulders. They aimed at the peak of the mountain and pulled their triggers.

"F*ck!" Ye Daying's eyelids twitched. He put his rifle away and jumped down from the pavilion.

This side had an incline of more than 70 degrees and a slope that stretched over 100 meters. And at the bottom of the mountain was an endless forest.

"Captain, this is all I can do. We'll meet again if there's a chance!"


More than ten rocket launchers were fired at the same time. And the mountaintop, which was the size of a basketball court, was instantly flattened.

Huang Quan, who hadn't reached the top of the mountain, was shocked. "Luckily, I didn't go up."

With his body, a shot from a rocket launcher would be able to penetrate him. He would have died several times with so many rockets hitting him at the same time.

On the mountainside, Lin Qing unsheathed the Flame Devil and became a god of death. The fiery-red blade light flashed as he reaped the lives of countless people. Each blade strike caused a heavy truck to collapse.

The dozen or so heavy trucks that had caught up to him died instantly. Meanwhile, the heavy trucks rushing up were so scared that they stopped in their tracks.

They were all heavy trucks, so how could he be so good at fighting?

He killed each truck with one slash. Was he chopping cabbage?

"Rocket launchers, pay attention. Don't break that weapon." Jiang Yanjun was instantly envious when he saw the Flame Devil, as this was truly a divine weapon. "The rest of you, attack together and exhaust him to death. Even if we chase him out of the province today, I will still catch him."

Without the rocket launchers attacking Lin Qing, it was much easier for him. Meanwhile, at the top of the mountain, Huang Quan fired his laser gun and protected Lin Qing to the mountain top in no time.

At this moment, the two of them were panting, and Lin Qing almost couldn't hold his sword.

As far as the eye could see, it was a scene of devastation from the foot of the mountain to halfway up the mountain. There were corpses of Motorbots everywhere, as well as more than 70 large Motorbots.

This was the power of firearms in the early stages of the Cataclysm. Coupled with Motorbots, their combat effectiveness more than doubled.

If not for the military helicopters and rocket launchers, he and Huang Quan would have fought and retreated at the same time, and the hundreds of Motorbots would have all died as well.

"You can't run anymore. Hand over that weapon, and I'll let you die with an intact corpse!" With his hands behind his back, Jiang Yanjun looked at Lin Qing from 100 meters below.

Looking back at the endless forest, Lin Qing sneered. "You aren't qualified enough."

As long as he was willing, he could jump into the mountains at any time. With the forest and so many mountains, it would be extremely difficult for them to catch up to him.

Moreover, the mountains were high, and the forest was dense. This environment wasn't suitable for a large army to fight in.

"Heh, do you really think I spent so much time just to exhaust your stamina?"

Lin Qing frowned. He had an unpleasant premonition. He looked into the distance and saw that there were nearly a thousand Motorbots rushing over from the road below the mountain. There were heavy trucks, excavators, front loaders, dump trucks, and all sorts of construction vehicles.

"The Nine Nether Army has a total of 3,000 people. I picked them out from hundreds of thousands of Motorbots, and they are all large Motorbots. It's not too late to surrender now."

Facing almost a thousand large Motorbots, Lin Qing couldn't possibly handle them, even if he had three heads and six arms. Huang Quan forced a smile and said, "Brother, it's all a misunderstanding. As the saying goes, no discord, no concord. I still have some crystals here. Take them as compensation and just forget about this matter, okay?"

Jiang Yanjun smiled faintly as he looked at the wreckage of the military helicopters and the corpses of Motorbots strewn all over the mountain. "If you said this half an hour ago, I could still consider your proposal.

"But now that you've killed so many of my people, do you think that it's as easy as compensating me with a few crystals? You will die, and your sword will stay behind."

Earlier, he had received news that someone had killed one team from the Nine Nether Army, so he had specially brought his men over. But he didn't expect that he would lose so many people along the way. The more he fought, the angrier he got.

There was no turning back. This could no longer be stopped.

Even with his status, he would definitely be punished when he returned. Only by taking back the red sword could he redeem himself.

"You want my sword? Sure." Lin Qing smiled crazily. "How about a bet?"

"What kind of bet?"

"All of us won't use firearms. I'll challenge all of you here. Whether you can take me down depends on your capabilities."

"F*ck, you're crazy!" Huang Quan grabbed Lin Qing's shoulder in agitation. "If you turn around and run into the mountains, you'll still live. But if you stay, you'll die."

Jiang Yanjun roared with laughter before withdrawing his expression and saying solemnly, "Alright, I agree!"

Lin Qing and Huang Quan were adult Motorbots and had laser guns. So after a few rounds of attacks, even if the Nine Nether Army could attack them from downhill, it would suffer heavy casualties.

Although he had rocket launchers on his side, once Lin Qing was forced into a corner and destroyed his sword, it wouldn't be worth it.

"Huff, huff! Captain, why aren't you leaving yet? I was waiting below for a long time!" Covered in dust, Ye Daying climbed up the slope.

"We can't leave." Lin Qing's eyes were shining as he looked at the one thousand large Motorbots. "Even if we hide in the forest, the possibility of being caught is still very high.

"The only way is to exhaust a large number of their troops first and then… wait for nightfall!"

It was already afternoon when they killed the giant fish, so it wasn't far from sunset now. If they hid in the forest then, they wouldn't be able to see their own hands in front of them, and Jiang Yuanjun wouldn't be able to catch up.

Even if Jiang Yuanjun and his troops dared to chase after them, they wouldn't dare to turn on any lights. They could only blindly look for them.

Furthermore, the night was the home ground of steel beasts. If they turned on any lights, they would simply become sitting ducks.

"Give me the giant fish's crystal. You two retreat first!"

With an expression full of worry, Ye Daying took out the giant fish's crystal from his sack. He had already run away, but somehow, he came back.

For some reason, he just wanted to stay and fight alongside Lin Qing.

Huang Quan grabbed a handful of crystals from his sack and swallowed them. Then he shouted down the mountain, "It won't be much to include me too, right?!"

Jiang Yanjun's eyes were dark. He looked at Huang Quan as if he had killed his father. After all, he had killed just as many people as Lin Qing did. "I never intended to let you go!"