Young People Don't Care About Virtues

"Didn't we agree back then? I'm the main damage dealer in this team. How can I let you, the captain, charge in front?"

"That's right, Captain. The mission you gave me was to cover the retreat. Since the both of you haven't left, how can I leave?"

"Alright then. We'll follow the same old rules. Get to work!"

Lin Qing didn't say anything like 'you go first, I'll take the rear'. Instead, he ate the giant fish's crystal and got to work. He shouted down the mountain, "Remember, my name is Lin Qing. I'll kill your people!"

"My name is Huang Quan!"

"My name is Ye Daying!"

"F*ck you, are you taking advantage of me?!" Lin Qing was speechless.

"I don't need to remember the names of the dead." With a gloomy face, Jiang Yanjun waved his hand. "The slope can't accommodate too many people, so three hundred people will take turns going up the ladder. Be careful of that red sword."

After Lin Qing consumed the crystal of an adult steel beast, his stamina had almost recovered. He said in a low voice, "Get ready. They're coming!"

A group of 300 people rushed forward. Each of them was at least 12 meters tall, and just looking at them all made their hearts tremble.


Ten seconds later, the first batch from the Nine Nether Army arrived. An excavator Motorbot punched Lin Qing in the chest. His arm was a meter-long drill that was spinning at high speed.

This drill was specially used to open mountains.

A hole would instantly appear even in a boulder that was several tons.

He had experimented with the drill before and discovered that ordinary Motorbots would be crippled after being hit. It would create a hole as large as a washbasin!

Without dodging, Lin Qing raised his Armament-equipped left arm and punched out.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you're courting death!" The excavator Motorbot sneered.

At the foot of the mountain, Jiang Yanjun's expression changed. "Not good!"

These troops came later and didn't know Lin Qing's methods at all. Apart from the sword, his blackened arm was also a great killing weapon.

Not only was it invincible, but its offensive power was also terrifying.

But it was too late to remind them now!


Their fists collided, and the drill of the excavator Motorbot shattered, followed by his entire arm. Then Lin Qing's second punch landed on his chest and penetrated it.

As Lin Qing retracted his fist, he took out the crystal and swallowed it.

His movements were as smooth as water and took less than two seconds.

As the rest of the Motorbots surrounded them, Lin Qing pulled out the handle of the Flame Devil and slashed at them.

Seeing his crazy actions, the few heavy trucks almost laughed out loud. "Didn't your mother teach you that you can't slash with the handle of the sword… Pfft!"

Suddenly, the ferocious dragon's mouth at the handle of the Flame Devil spat out a red, eight-meter-long blade beam.

The air instantly heated up.

The four heavy trucks only saw a flash of light before they felt their vision slipping down and they were cut in half.

Bang! Ye Daying appeared out of nowhere, smashed the chests of the dead heavy trucks with a few well-practiced punches, and quickly took out their crystals.

On the other side, Huang Quan waved his steel fists and shattered each heavy truck with one punch. In less than half a minute, seven heavy trucks had fallen. None of them had been able to reach the top of the mountain.

Lin Qing waved his Flame Devil, and a few large motorbikes died with every slash. Not a single one of them had an intact corpse. Either their heads had flown away, or their waists had been cut off.

The two of them worked together, one on the left and the other on the right, causing heavy trucks to collapse one after another.

After Lin Qing killed more than a hundred Motorbots, his hands were sore. Just when Jiang Yanjun thought that Lin Qing could no longer hold on, Ye Daying brought a pile of crystals to Lin Qing and Huang Quan.

Jiang Yanjun spat out a mouthful of blood as he stared at the scared heavy trucks retreating non-stop. "Everyone, attack! If anyone dares to take a step back, I'll kill you first!"

The two people at the top of the mountain were clearly exhausted and would die in at most two minutes. But these bastards had actually been scared away and gave them time to recover for nothing.

One hundred people had been sacrificed for nothing.

After eating a few crystals, Lin Qing looked up at the sky and said in a low voice, "It's about time. Don't fight them head-on!"

It would be dark in at most ten minutes. By then, if they hid in the mountains, even the gods wouldn't be able to find them.

The reason they didn't run earlier was that there was still some time before the sun set. So even if they entered the forest, they would still be chased relentlessly and might be caught if they stayed for too long.

At the foot of the mountain, Jiang Yanjun saw Lin Qing looking up at the sky and reacted within a few seconds. "Not good. He's going to wait until dark to get away. Hurry up and charge after him. We can't let them get away."

If he let them escape after losing more than a hundred Motorbots, he would have to suffer a loss when he got back.

Jiang Yanjun found a large battle-ax and personally led the charge toward the peak.

"Old Huang!!" Lin Qing shouted. He and Huang Quan simultaneously revealed their laser gun barrels, raised their hands, and swept toward the mountainside.

Da da da da da!!!

Countless bullets flew out, and a large number of heavy trucks collapsed. Jiang Yanjun shrunk his head and retreated. He cursed as his arm turned into a gun and shot even without looking.

"F*ck, young people don't talk about virtues anymore. We agreed not to use firearms!"

"There can never be too much deception in war. Do you really think I'm an idiot who would foolishly fight with you?"

Their laser guns were much more lethal than their fists or the Flame Devil. A group of Motorbots would collapse with every wave of shots. In less than five seconds, dozens of Motorbots died.

"Don't stop. Continue charging forward. We're only a few meters away. We have to reach the summit even if we die!"

Jiang Yanjun was furious. He was 40 years old this year and had done all kinds of dirty work, including both legal and illegal businesses. Although there were no human lives on his hands, he had chopped plenty of people. When had he ever suffered such a loss?

When two sides were fighting, the most taboo thing was to be scared. Even if the other party didn't care about their lives, as long as they went up, even Lin Qing would die.

After all, no matter how strong someone was, they only had one pair of hands. With hundreds of people ganging up on them at the same time, they would die in less than three seconds.


A Motorbot tightly held Huang Quan's gun muzzle, and in an instant, more than ten people pounced on him.

Seeing Huang Quan about to die, Lin Qing strode forth and slashed out with the Flame Devil, sending several heads flying.

Lin Qing knew that he was going to be hit even without turning his head. His arm turned black to block the attack. With a clang, his arm came into contact with Jiang Yanjun's battle-ax.

In just a few seconds, more than a hundred Motorbots had climbed up to the mountain peak and surrounded them.

With a cold glance, Lin Qing shouted, "Old Huang, retreat!"

"Hmph, you want to leave after killing so many of my people? How can it be so easy? If you run away today, it will be my loss!"


Lin Qing activated the second tier of the Flame Devil, and the blade turned even redder under the high temperature of 5,000°C. The temperature rose, and the surrounding air distorted from the heat. Lin Qing turned around and rushed into the group of heavy trucks.

Then using all his strength, he swung his arm!

The blade and the handle of the Flame Devil were slightly more than ten meters long in total, while Lin Qing's arm was over six meters long. This resulted in a total length of 17 meters.

Lin Qing unleashed a terrifying slash. With him as the center, all the Motorbots within a radius of 17 meters were cut in half. Screams echoed through the mountains.

Then the surroundings were empty. Lin Qing put away his sword and jumped down the mountain slope with Huang Quan and Ye Dayang following closely behind him. Meanwhile, those who had survived were shocked and scared. No one dared to chase after them in fear that he would attack them again.

Halfway up the mountain, Jiang Yanjun held his battle-ax tightly as he walked up. When he saw the corpses on the ground, he was furious.

He had felt that something was wrong when Lin Qing's blade was bright red. His years of experience in the underworld made him feel scared, and he subconsciously retreated.

If he hadn't dodged quickly, he would have been among the people lying on the ground.

"Captain Jiang, do you want to chase after them?"

"Sure, you lead the team." Jiang Yanjun looked at his subordinate calmly. Seeing his subordinate not saying anything, he suddenly swung the battle-ax in his hand, and a head fell.

"F*ck, what are you looking at? Clean up the battlefield and retreat!"

The sky was completely dark, and Lin Qing had already disappeared into the forest. Jiang Yanjun clenched his fists tightly as he looked in the direction that Lin Qing had left in, and his killing intent surged. "Lin Qing, I'll remember you!"