Happy Mother.


Fei's (POV)

As I was been devoured by that beautiful woman/ Magnificent Dragon... I mean that terrifying Dragon, I felt my life flash before my own eyes. Just when I was ready for a terrible and gruesome death. I felt strangely hot and warm all over my body. It was like a warm liquid was surrounding me. And I couldn't move, not even a muscle. I'm supposed to feel terrified and start panicking but I weirdly feel comfort from this weird liquid and safe. It was like I was being wrapped in a blanket on a cold winter day. I felt so warm and cozy. This feeling I wish it would last forever. After a while, I kind of just drifted off to sleep,

I don't know how long I've been in this place, and I'm pretty sure I'm inside that Dragons belly. I thought I would've been digested by now but here I am. It feels like it must have been years since that day... By now I can feel my body but it's strangely small. And I feel like I'm missing something very important to me, but I have no idea what it is. I'm surrounded by a... I actually have no idea what it is, I can't really see around me because of this warm liquid and it's really, really dark. I think mainly is because I can't open my eyes. But I can feel whatever it is around me it's really hard almost like it's made out of steal. I tried pushing a couple of times but nothing ever happened. All I can do is just wait... But for how much longer??

*Sigh* *Sigh*

Oh wait, I'm moving, I can feel like this place is moving. Finally, I will be able to see. All this time in this darkness of a void, if I had to wait any longer I'm sure I would have gone mad!! Ohhh... W-what the hell, W-what's happening, my head hurts really bad, I feel like my consciousness is fading away and with it something really important, no. W-what is happening to me??? I can remember who I am...


Angela's (POV)

It's been over twenty years since that fateful night and I thought about having a daughter and laid my egg. It was a really beautiful egg with magical markings all over it. And in a few more days my dreams will come true and my new daughter will be born into this world. I'm the most happiest mother in the universe. My egg has been healthy and has shown no signs of it being in danger, which means the magic was a success and has been completed, I really can't wait...


The dragon clan has been busy these past few weeks. After all, There new princess was about to be born in a couple of weeks was the most important celebration of the entire clan. There were dragons both in human form and dragon form running and flying everywhere. Almost like they were being attacked. But that was not the case. They were all determined to make this the best celebration ever for their Queen's happiness and welcome their future Queen to this world with smile's on their faces and with open arms OR Wings...

And just like that weeks turned in to days, and days turned into hours and it was about time for the future Queen to be born.

It was at the centre of the capital where an old alter of the dragon clan where they pray for their dragon goddess. On said alter the egg was placed, waiting to be hatched. Every single dragon except for a few was present on this grandest day. It was about nine hundred and ninety-five dragons to be exact. Four dragons were not present and they would feel the dragon Queen's wrath one day.

The light illuminated the night sky and a bright light dashed towards the unborn dragon egg. It was a beautiful sight to behold. Moonlight shining bright on the altar where the future Dragon Queen rest. This was the blessings of the dragon goddess 'ARISTA'. And a gift for her new descendant.


Like spider webs, the egg started to crack and shattered into pieces and a dark blood red coloured baby dragon fell from the shattered egg on to the altar. She was an innocent and adorable little thing, beautiful and strong at the same time, she made every single Dragons heartache in happiness and joy. They all felt a strong connection towards her, loyalty was the most powerful of them all, then came an even stronger feeling to protect her...

The first person to freeze on the spot was her beautiful mother. With tears in her eyes, she froze on the spot, cause her daughter was everything she imagined and even more and she has the same colour as her. Like mother like daughter, without holding back Angela instantly teared up and she dashed to the altar and held her child in her warm embrace. Never letting her go holding her tighter and tighter so she would never leave her. She was so happy that she could take on the whole world just to show that she loves her daughter so much.

The rest of the dragons was so excited and happy some with tears in their eyes some with smile's on their faces but all of them happy to have a princess. They all while in their dragon forms raised their heads to the sky and Roard in joy, their roars were so loud they could be heard for miles and miles away. Afterwards, they started celebrating, some dancing like drunken fools others basking in the Queen's happiness but before any of those began every single Dragon first congratulated their Queen, and bowed to their future Queen...

And just like that, the night passed by. But no one knew an unparalleled and ruthless Queen was born.