Mother and Daughter.


Angela's (pov).

It's been three days since my daughter was born, she now has her humanoid form, and she's so cuteee when she's in it,... She might not have her memories of her past life but she might still be holding on to any strong memories that she had. Even so, I will still love her with all my heart, and even if she regained her memories and come to hate me. I will still show her the love of a mother and more. And if anyone ever lay a finger on her intending to hurt her or even look at her in a way I do not like I will annihilate their whole family and whatever kingdom or empire they are from and make sure their bloodline ends with them...

Oh, my bad, I was lost in thought and didn't realize I was letting out so much of killing intent that the surrounding maids and guards are all shaking in fear. But what surprises me the most is that,

"Oh what's this, you're not afraid of mommy. It makes me beyond happy to know my daughter is not afraid of me"

My daughter has been staring at me, and if my eyes don't deceive me she's smiling. She's just so cute. She's the light of my life the answer to my questions, I love you so so much, I only hope one day you will come to know my love.

" OHHHH..... come here sweetie, come to mommy!!"

When I picked up my daughter she starts an adorable little giggle, Aaaa...., That's so adorable, I can't stand it. I bring my daughter up to my face and she does the cutest thing ever, she reaches out with her little chubby hands and touches my cheeks bringing her head closer to mine and touching our foreheads together.

I feel tears coming to my eye's. I think a waterfall of tears is about to be unleashed. My heart feels like it will explode at any moment in happiness,

" My Queen, is something the matter?"

A maid comes running up to me kneeling on one knee and asked, worry written all over her face,

" It's nothing you should be concerned about. It's just that I love my daughter so so much, so very much!!"

I said while I bring my daughter closer and rub my cheeks on hers, I love you so much, don't you ever forget that...

" My little 'Zeles' "


Maid's/ Elizabeth (pov)

I have never seen my Queen this happy before, actually, I have never seen her happy at all. She never shows any emotions to anyone what's so ever. Ever since the princess was born did she start opening up. I have been serving my Queen for over eight hundred years and this is the first time that I have seen her crying, I'm so happy for the Queen. The new Princess is also sooo... cute as well, she will be the most beautiful woman in the world when she grows up. Just Like her beautiful mother. like mother like daughter I guess...

" Elizabeth??"

"Aaaa... Y-Yes my Queen"

I was so lost in thought I almost didn't hear her highness calling me,

"I have decided From this moment onward you are to be my daughter's personal maid. As a sky dragon and one of the seven guardian Dragons of the royal bloodline, it is your duty to protect her with your life if necessary, and I expect nothing less from you, do you have any questions??"

"No my Queen, I will guard and protect the princess even if it comes down to my own life"


Angela held 'Zeles' by her arms and drifted off to sleep with her daughter. That night she had a smile on her face that was so beautiful that anyone would be charmed and want to protect that smile. Even her daughter had a smile on her face. She knew from this moment on she would be the happiest mother ever and there was nothing anyone could ever do about it.

Elizabeth was also smiling, but for a completely different reason. She was excited that she gets to be the personal maid of the Princess 'Zeles'. She was so excited that one could practically see the happiness surrounding her. As one of the seven guardian Dragons when she spoke of her new position to the other guardians they congratulated her with open arms. Some even envied her luck! After all, they have served the Queen much longer than Elizabeth. But they were also sure that the Princess would love her new maid...

Angela woke up the following morning to a beautiful sunrise. Remembering what she was seeing in front of her eyes was not a dream but reality, it was her beautiful daughter 'zeles'. She was awake but was not crying but staring at her beautiful mother's face while doing her usual fit of adorable, cute giggles. Angela ceres her cheeks lovingly and smiled. The morning sunlight making her smile even more beautiful than it already is!!!

"Morning my little 'Zeles' "

Afterwards, Angela spent the entire day with her daughter. Breastfeeding and pampering her in every way possible, putting cute dresses on her was one of her favourites and playing with her was the happiest she has ever been. 'Zeles' was laughing and giggling the whole time they were together having a wonderful time with her loving mother. The surrounding maids also had smile's plastered on their faces seeing their Queen and princess all happy together. They wished that this moment would last forever and so did Angela!!

When Angela held her daughter and went to the city of the Dragon's there were seven Dragons that would follow her where ever she went, looking around like hawks in their human form. They were the seven guardian Dragons otherwise known as the (Dragon knights).

When Angela walk through her city with her guard's (even though she doesn't need any, cause she's the dragon that even causes gods to flee in terror) every Dragon would stop their work and kneel, if they're in their Dragon form they would lower there head's in respect, for their Queen and princess...