Ragon hospitality

Black Star has learned that her partner has decided to leave all the dirty work to her. Doesn't he want to prove himself on diplomatic grounds? The lazy boy was immediately called to answer,

"That's not fair! I need your support during diplomacy. I need to make a good impression on the High Lord of the planet Tai. Our tribe has good relations with the Tai Clan. Now a young lord has come to power. You'll like him! According to the tribe, he's a great guy. A warrior and a brave one. His name is Tairon. He was born into a clan of warriors and was trained in martial skills by mentors as old as time itself. He is reputed to be an excellent commander in Ragon, especially when the minotaurs are under his command."

"I like minotaurs," admitted Lee. "I've met a couple of these warriors. They are honest and straightforward fellows. Their characters are like our stormtroopers."