High Lord Tairon

Karbos' appearance had changed. His lean figure draped in a dark tight suit now looked like a real threat. The outspread wings with claws warned of this fighter's grave danger. Lee prepared to launch a surprise attack. As a last resort, he would have time to kill first. His health reserve guaranteed his survival.

"The bet is called off!"

A menacing and loud hiss froze the air between the opponents and made the crowd of spectators freeze. Suddenly, the circle of townspeople exploded with blows from the outside. The capital's inhabitants flew apart. The three minotaurs scattered the sentient ones with heavy blows and cleared the way for their master. The dragonid remained in place. His hissing expressed the cold indifference of the ruler of life to the low-born fools,

"It is not yet time for entertainment, human. Not now, and not here."