Illegal Activities

There's my uncle inside the big warehouse at the back of the restaurant. He opens the warehouse door, revealing the beast that is inside. (The Connection - Lost Years) faintly heard playing from the beast. A black silhouette shape starts to appear. It came with a starter sound and a roar from its heart. Its eyes flip open revealing a bright white light. The beast slowly rolls out of the warehouse with its 4 metallic legs.

Mario: "You should deliver the goods to these addresses. Watch out for the cops, I heard they've been increasing their patrol. Be sure to always check your scanner and radar."

Mike: "Relax uncle, you know they can't catch me with this bad girl."

Mario: "Hehe, don't get too full of yourself out there alright?"

Mike: "Sure, I'm off then."

Mario: "In bocca al lupo."

Mike: "Crepi!"

The roaring sound of a 3.0L inline 6 single-turbo engine rumbles the streets. Hobo's and thugs on the sidewalk turned their attention to the beast as they heard the roaring sound coming from its heart. It screams like a fire-breathing dragon and chirps like a pigeon. Its black silhouette skin reflects the city's nightlife that is full of color while the bright light coming from its eye illuminates its path. The beast screeches as it starts losing traction while turning hard towards its natural habitat. Once it arrives, it screams louder by pulling more air into its organs making it run faster. It waves and passes multiple obstacles and runs constantly at 120 mph in its natural habitat.

Here we are, I'd say this is the pinnacle moment of my life. As you can see, this is very different from what I do beforehand. Delivering drugs in the daylight with a Vespa can't really give the feels that I'm having right now. I can't really describe how it is tho, the ecstasy from the speed, the adrenaline from the cops that might get you, and the vibe from the music that I play while I cruise. I always think to myself 'man I can't get enough of this lifestyle. I mean this is so much fun. I can't believe I'm being paid for doing this too. I wish I could do this forever.' But of course, that's not going to happen. Someday, after I graduate from high school. I will have to quit this lifestyle and go to college. At that point, I'm pretty sure I couldn't continue this way of living. Oh well, I might as well enjoy this lifestyle while I'm at it. I pull the stick from 5th to 4th gear and push the clutch twice while also giving the gas pedal a little blip to rev-match the engine. I then put my feet deep pushing the pedal to the metal, the turbo spools and there I go traveling at law-breaking speed on an almost empty highway. Oh, what a moment to be living in.

Somewhere in the keys.

I finally arrived at my destination. It's an unmarked, empty dock somewhere at the keys. I quickly parked my car facing the ocean. I turn my car off and just wait for the boat that is supposed to arrive in ... any second now. In the distance, I can see a big boat approaching the docks. At the hull, I can see the name of the boat. "R/V Seaward" The name read. After it docks, a couple of people get out of the boat while carrying some duffle bags. Those people walk towards my car. I pull the trunk lever to open the back trunk so they can put the bag inside the trunk. In the distance, I see there's one guy who doesn't carry anything from the boat. He approached my door and I rolled down the window to greet him. It's the owner and captain of the boat. His name is Professor Paul and yes, he's a marine biologist.

Paul: "Fast as usual, kid. "

Mike: "You know me, Professor."

Paul: "How's the filter that I sent you last week? Have you put it inside your tank?"

Mike: "Of course I already do. It's wonderful. The clouds are gone and the water looks crystal clear. I really have to thank you Prof. Without that filter, my fishes would already be dead by now."

Paul: "You shouldn't forget to clean that filter once in a while. I'll send you a couple more for backup."

Mike: "Oh gee, thx Prof. I really appreciate that."

SHUT* the sound of the trunk being closed can be heard.

Paul: "I guess my part of the job is done. Just tell me if you have any problem with your tank alright? And also, you should come over to my place once in a while and check some new fish that I got."

Mike: "Sure thing prof. I'll come there when I have the time."

Paul: "Alright then, Take care, kid."

Mike: "You too."

I back my car into the street and quickly drive my way back onto the highway. Tonight, I need to deliver these duffle bags to 5 different places. I better be quick cuz I really don't want to cut my sleep time. I put the gear into third and push the gas deep, taking me and these duffle bags full of drugs towards the city.

Fast forward after taking the duffle bags and delivering them around the city.

Mike: "Ufft, here's your package Rosie." I dropped some duffle bags full of drugs from the boot of the mark3.

Rose: "Oh my, thank you so much sweetheart, I'm so glad this thing finally arrives. Without this, my girls will definitely be stressed out from work."

Mike: "You should thank Mario for that, not me. Without him, you probably have to grow and make these yourself, or buy them straight from the Colombians or the Mexicans."

Rose: "Oh, that would be awful. You know I can't do that sweetie, especially when dealing with those south Americans."

Mike: "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll keep selling and producing these things as long as no one blows the whistle on us."

Rose: "Don't worry dear, you know my lips are as tight as my asshole."

Mike: "Uhhh, alright. If you don't need anything else from me, I'll be going then."

Rose: "Why such a hurry sweetie? The nights are still long. Why don't you come in and have fun with the girls? you can do whatever you want and of course, we'll have some fun!" Rosie asked me to go to her strip club.

Mike: "Nah, sorry ma'am. I have to go to school tomorrow."

Rose: "Oh what a shame. I thought I could play with that cute little bird tonight."

Mike: "Uh, hmmm. See you next time Rosie, take care."

Rose: "See you next time too sweetheart. If you're bored, be sure to come over whenever you want!"

Like hell I would. Oh well, that's the last delivery for tonight. It's time to go back to the restaurant. growl* my stomach growls. Oh shoot, guess I'll buy some snacks first. I wonder what I should buy? Or should I just eat something back at the restaurant? I'm kinda craving for some tendies though.

The traffic light goes red as I am about to drive past a junction. I slowly brake and stop. I look around to see that I'm the only one at the junction. In the corner of my eye, I saw something strange in an alley on the right side of the street. There's a body lying on the ground. From the way it lies on the ground, it looks like it has been shot to death by someone. I quickly about to step on the gas because of it, but then, further into the alley, I saw a young girl under a light, sitting on her lap, facing towards the other side of the alley. I roll down my window to see what's up. Chill runs through my spine spontaneously as I hear the faint sound of the girl crying in the distance. This shit doesn't seem right, it looks straight out of a horror movie. I should probably bail. But should I? What if that girl is legit an actual person? What if that body is her family or her friend? I mean I could understand the shock and horror of seeing someone close to you die in front of your own eyes, maybe I should try to call her out.

"HEY GIRL! Are you ok right there?" She doesn't reply. She just keeps crying. Maybe she doesn't really hear me since I'm kinda far away from her. I quickly park my car on the side of the silent and empty road. Before I get out, I stretch my hand into the back seat to grab my baseball bat. Just to be sure. I mean it really looks like a trap to me.

Hehe, oh man, how dumb am I to be convinced that it isn't a trap. I get out of the car and walk towards the alley. First, the body. Just as I thought, this man was shot through the left side of his skull, he doesn't look like a thug to me. This man looks more like a federal agent. There's a handgun revolver beside his left hand. I pull out a tissue from my Jacket. I then pick the revolver up with a tissue covering it. I pop the magazine and see there's a round missing from a total of 5 rounds. This shit ain't right, what kind of trap that gives their victim a thing to defend with? My sight turns to that black-haired white dress girl in the distance. She's crying much quieter this time. I put the gun inside my Jacket and slowly started walking towards her.

"OI. Girl, do you hear me?" I shouted again. She still doesn't reply. She should've heard my loud voice from here and I didn't really want to walk much closer. Should I call the police and throw this problem at them? Nah, if I do that there's a possibility that this girl would end up being trafficked. I've heard there are some people in the government in this city who are trafficking young women and children. I don't know if it was true or not. That information is still a rumor after all. With some hesitation, I slowly walk closer to the girl. With a much closer look, it seems to me that she looks like someone from my school, I try to recall who it is.

"Lucy? is that you?" I asked the girl. She suddenly stops crying, her head slowly turns towards me, revealing the face that is familiar to me. A beautiful pale white face with a -wait. Why do her eyes look like that? It's fully black, what the heck happened to her? "Lucy?" She let out a not-so-human voice. It sounds like those videos you see on YouTube that turn some cartoon sound into G major. Wtf man, she sounds like a freaking demon! Welp, fuck this shit, I'm out. I quickly turn around and try to run, which is what I would probably do if I can even move my body. My body freezes, I can't do shit. The being that looked like Lucy stands up, she stands up so high that she starts to levitate above the ground. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Without my consent, I drop my baseball bat and start to take out the revolver in my Jacket. I really wanted to scream but I couldn't open my mouth. All I can do is mumble. Slowly I start to point the gun at myself. I try to resist it with all of my strength. I look at the girl, trying to make sense of what the fuck is going on. Fuck, I wouldn't think I would get smoked like this. I always thought of quitting the scene by being shot by the police or end it with a spectacular car crash. But, here I am. I guess being killed by an unnatural being by shooting yourself to the head without your own consent isn't really a bad way to go. Sigh, I hope mom is going to be alright. Well, it's been nice. Goodbye world, DOR!*.