Chill, It's Just Dream

Wha-where the heck am I?

Mr. Johnson: "How's your dream Mr snoozer?" Mr. Johnson questions me after he slammed his book onto my table, making me wake up. I forgot that I was in biology class.

Mr. Johnson: "This is the 3rd time you've been caught snoozing in my class Mr. Spencer."

Mike: "Ah, sorry sir."

Mr. Johnson: "Why don't you go to the front of the class and draw me an animal cell complete with its full structure and part. I also want you to write down the names and explain how the cell works to produce protein."

Ahh, fuck me.

Mr. Johnson: "You can bring a piece of paper or a note to the front of the class to help you. I'll give you 1 minute to prepare it."

1 minute? What the hell am I going to prepare in one minute? I don't know shit about biology.

Mr. Johnson: "Others, please close your book and pay close attention to what Mr. Spencer is about to draw. I want all of you to tell me what's missing from his drawing and explanation. For whoever can tell me what's missing, I'll give you a plus score on next week's quiz."

I quickly opened my biology book and looked at the table of contents page. Where the hell are you cell? Ah, bingo! When I turn the page, I see that there's a lot to be drawn and written. Fuck. How am I going to draw and write all of this onto a piece of paper in under one minute? Suddenly, a piece of paper flew underneath my table. I took the paper and saw that it had already drawn a complete cell complete with the name of the parts, structure, and also the explanation on how it produces protein. The paper seems to be ripped out of a notebook. I look to the sender that is right beside me. It was her, the girl that killed me in my dream. The famous transfer student, Lucy. So this is how you're going to repay me for helping you in math class last week huh? Across from her, I see Jack is sleeping soundly. Unlike me, whenever he sleeps, he never gets caught by any teacher. Damn Lucky bastard.

Mr. Johnson: "Michael, your time is up, please come to the front of the class."

I don't know if what has been drawn in this paper is 100% correct. But from my perspective, it's already enough. Welp here goes nothing. I draw the cell for a good 3 minutes and explain it after.

Mike: "Is that enough, Mr. Johnson?"

Mr. Johnson: " ... Impressive. I never thought you could be this good at biology."

So do I.

Mr. Johnson: "How about it class? Did Michael forget anything in his drawing and explanation?" he asked the whole class. A hand raised slowly from the back of the class. It's Lucy.

Mr. Johnson: "Yes Lucy?"

Lucy: "He forgot to write the explanation of how the Golgi modified the protein." She said smoothly.

Mr. Johnson: "Ah yes. I suppose you can also explain that. But I think it would be excessive to explain that process at this level of education. Nevertheless, that's a good catch."

Hooo, so this is your plan all along huh? Well played.

*kriiiing the bell ring signifying that the school's second period is over.

Mr. Johnson: "Michael, I hope you don't sleep in my class again. I will forgive you this time since you've shown me that you're indeed capable of taking lessons. But for next week, I surely won't forgive you, is that clear?"

Mike: "Eh, yes sir"

Mr. Johnson: "I'll take my leave then. See you, next week class!"

Everyone started to pack their stuff and leave the class. I walk back to my chair to grab my stuff.

Mike: "Hey, thanks for saving me back there. I'm sure you would want this back." I thank Lucy while also giving her paper back.

Lucy: "You can have it."She said as she walked past me without even looking at me. What a cold girl. I look at Jack who's still sleeping soundly. I better wake him up

At the Cafeteria

Paola: "Next ... " said Ma'am Paola with an unenthusiastic tone while she's giving us our lunch. She's a grumpy 50 yr old Mexican woman who's been working at this school for more than 20 years as a head cook. She's notorious for being stingy if it comes to the food ration that she's giving us. But that won't stop me from asking more.

Mike: "Heyo ma'am Lola! you're looking fabulous today, is that a new haircut?"

She just stares at me with her flat expression.

Mike: "C'mon tell me, it's a new haircut isn't it? You look wonderful with it!"

Paola: "Move along Spencer, Don't make me chug this bottle of tabasco into your lunch."

Mike: "Oh, don't be that cold you magnificent lady. You know I just want a little more of that slice of pizza you got there."

Without saying anything nor with any hesitation, she chugged the Tobasco into my lunch. Ah, shoot.

Paola: There, enjoy your meal." she said to me as she handed me my lunch.

I just stood there gazing at how much tabasco she dropped.

Paola: "You want me to add an extra vinegar to your lunch?" asked her.

Mike: "Nope thank you, I'll move along. Thanks for the meal Senorita!" I thanked Maam Paola. She just stared at me with her soulless expression.

Paola: " ... Next!"

At the table, Jack is already halfway eating his lunch.

Mike: "Dude, slow down. You gotta chew that food thoroughly, man." I said to him as I took a seat right in front of him.

He just nods and continues to eat furiously like an animal.

Mike: "Bro, did you even eat breakfast this morning?" I asked him.

He shook his head.

Mike: "Why?"

Jack: "Ai woke awp late."

Mike: "What did you even do last night?"

Jack: "nohing, unlce jus ask me two do some ewwand."

Mike: "What errand?"

Jack: "Gulp* He just asked me to help the boys to steal something from a museum in the south." He told me.

Mike: "Ahh I see. So that's what you are doing. I was wondering when the boys will do it. How did it go? Did you guys encounter any problem?"

He shook his head.

Mike: "That's good to hear."

Jack: "How about you? Did the delivery go well last night?"

Mike: "kind of. The 5-0 were all over the place. I can't go anywhere without my scanner beeping all the time. It's making me crazy, man. I ended up laying low and going slow for the rest of the night."

Jack: "But you didn't get caught right?"

Mike: "yeah, I didn't, like usual-"

"Hey, Jack." Greet some girls that walk past us. Jack greets them back by waving his hand. Quite the opposite of me, Jack is kind of popular at school. The girls are really crazy about him. They were so crazy, some even tried to rape him. In school. Thankfully my homeboy isn't a wimp. With his muscular hot body, he's able to defend himself from those wenches.

The girls quickly turned their heads around in disgust as soon as I stared at their souls.

"Ck, why is that creep always with him?" murmured one of them as they walked away.

Damn hoes. I always wonder how the hell most of the girls from my generation always end up like those girls. All they know is mcdonald, charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip, and lie. I guess I can't really blame them since society molds them to be like that. I do know some girls that don't go with the flow. But most of them end up following another stream of flow. The one that slowly leads them to depression and existential crisis that is.

Jack: "I'm gonna get some drinks." Jack told me as he got up.

Mike: "Oh, can you get one for me too?"

Jack gives me a thumbs up.

While eating my lunch, I thought about the dream that I had in class. I remember talking with Rosie after I dropped the last of the duffle bags. What happened last night was all true until I stopped at that junction. In reality, I didn't see anything strange last night at the junction. I just wait until the red light goes off and keep driving. From there, after returning the car to the warehouse, I then return to my home. Hmm, I still get the shivers when I think about the being who looked like Lucy in that dream. I wonder why my brain decided to show me that dream. I mean, I barely know the girl anyway. Yeah, I sometimes see her in school, but other than that, there's really nothing that ties me to her. I should probably stop thinking about it.

In the corner of my eye, a black-haired girl with white pale skin catches my attention. It's Lucy. I see she is sitting alone at the table at the corner of the cafeteria. I'm kind of confused. I thought a girl as smart as her and as beautiful as her would have a lot of friends by this point. It's been 2 weeks since school started. A transfer student like her should already be getting a lot of friends. A bunch of popular male students from the baseball team walks up to her and sits at her table. I can see they are trying to get a hit on her. They try to tease her and ask her some silly questions. Lucy just ignores them and keeps eating her lunch. I just kept eating my lunch and watching them from afar. Suddenly, a hand tapped my shoulder from the side. it's Jack. He gives me an apple juice box.

Mike: "Ooo, Thanks, man." I thanked him.

SLAP* Suddenly, I heard someone get slapped. I turn my attention to the sound source. It's from Lucy's table. She's the one who got slapped. The one who slapped her is a delinquent brunette girl named Jessica who is the same year as us. I see Jessica also brings her group of bimbos.

Jessica: "GET AWAY FROM HIM YOU SLUT!" shout Jessica towards Lucy.

Brian: "Calm down baby, we were just trying to get to know our new transfer student here." her boyfriend jokingly said.

Jessica: "NO! Stay away from her! I don't want her to take you away from me!" said Jessica to her boyfriend. The other guys try to calm their buddy girlfriend by explaining that they were just playing with Lucy.

Welp, here's the quarrel. Man, I should've brought some popcorn to enjoy this shitshow. While the fight and tig still goes on, Lucy silently backs out, ignoring the scene and the fight. She just doesn't give a damn. Suddenly one of the girls from Jessica's group ran up to her and grabbed her hand.

Jennifer: "Hey, where do you think you're going?" she asked.

Lucy: "Get off." Lucy told her.

Jennifer: "Do you think you can just slip away-"

SLAP* Lucy bitch slapped her hard. Lucy then stared at her with her cold gaze. The girl trembles after seeing Lucy's reaction.

Lucy: "Stay. Away. From me." Lucy said before she pulled her hand out of the girl's grip and just left her.

"C-Come back here you bitch!" The girl shouted to Lucy. She looked really angry and scared at the same time. I guess she was shocked after being bitchslapped so hard. Welp, that end pretty quick. I thought we were going to see a catfight or some sort. Oh well, I guess today Isn't going to be rowdy.

Krinnggg* the bell ring signifying the school is over for the day. Some students choose to stay and continue their day by doing their club activities, some stay to consult with the teachers and ask them for more lesson hours. And then there's me and Jack who just doesn't really have the spirit to do all of that. After 8 periods of hell and torture, I can't really comprehend how there are people who still want more of this bullshit? Are they all masochist or what?

In the crowded hallway, I pick out my skateboard from my locker, followed by Jack who picks up his rollerblade, also from my locker. We decided to use my locker since Jack's locker is located at the end of the hallway which is pretty far from any classroom and the entrance of the school. We also didn't forget to pick up our bag.

Jack: "Eh Mike, I think I forgot my history book back in the class." Jack panicked after he opened his bag.

Mike: "Again? Dude, you should really take care of your stuff man."

Jack: "Can you wait for me for a second? I'll be right back." Jack said while he ran to the class.

Jeez, that guy really needs to pull his life straight. While waiting for Jack, I pull out my phone to check my email.

"Can you move? You are blocking my locker." Ask someone.

Mike: "Oh yeah, sorry about that." I move out a little while keeping my attention on to my phone. Wait a second. I look to my side to see that it's actually Lucy who's asking me to move. Oh yea, I forgot that my locker is located beside hers. I rarely see her use her locker though. I wonder why. When Lucy opens her locker, a lot of trash pours down from it. I think that's the answer. From afar I can see some girls try to hold their laugh after seeing the prank that they did to Lucy. Lucy just ignores what just happened. She takes some of her books from the locker and cleans them by wiping them with her hoodie. After cleaning her books and putting them inside her bag, she just walks away and goes straight towards the entrance. I looked at her walking away. From seeing her reaction after what just happened, I start to wonder what kind of person she is. Suddenly a hand grabbed my shoulder from behind. I turn my head around to see Jack is already behind me.

Jack: "I think I need your help."

Mike: "You didn't find your book did you?"

He nodded.

Mike: sigh* C'mon, Let's just ask Mr. Paulo. He must've taken it when he's cleaning the class."