Sending The Olde Boys

At the front of the warehouse, the boys are already waiting. There's Timmy, Jay, Jerry, Giovani, and Carlo. All of them are old guys. They are in their 20's and 30's. I often work with them delivering and picking stuff across the city.

Jerry: "Ey Michael, Jack, how are you kids doing?" asks Jerry, uncle Mario's trusty right hand. He and the others quickly put off their cigars and cigarettes as I and Jack approach them.

Mike: "We're good. How about you guys? I heard from Jack yesterday's heist going pretty well."

Jay: "It sure is. That devil beside you really helps us out. Without him, our job would be pretty difficult last night."

Giovani: "The only thing we need to do now is to bring this thing to the commissioner, finish the deal and get our money."

Jerry: "Alright fellas, since we are all here, let's just start the briefing shall we? As you may already know, tonight, we are going to complete our deal with the Nirvana's Devils motor gang by giving them this thing that we stole yesterday from the museum. Likewise, we will do this deal as fast and smooth as possible. I want all of you to keep aware of your surroundings when the deal is going on. If anyone feels there's something wrong, just speak up about it. I don't want any one of you to look uneasy when we're doing this. Looking uneasy will just instill suspicion. Suspicion will instill fear. And you guys probably already know what happens if we all are being anxious. I want you all to be relaxed and cool even when things get bad, you understand?"

All of us nod. Jerry then looked at me and Jack.

Jerry: "Mike, I want you to stay behind the wheel when we're meeting with the bikers. That goes for you too Carlo. I need both of you to stay inside the car so we have a quick getaway if the buttons come to spook us."

Carlo nods.

Jerry: "Btw, do you kids already bring your irons?" Jerry asked me and Jack.

Jack pulls his clothes up slightly to show that he's already carrying his two-tone KAC Beretta 92SF on his waist.

Mike: "Dude, since when you had that thing there?"

Jerry: "What about you Mike?"

Mike: "Uh, do I really need to carry one?"

Jerry: "You never carried a gun, aren't you?"

Mike: "Well, all I do is drive Jerry, I never got into a situation where I need to use a gun to protect my ass."

Jerry: "You should start carrying one Mike, It could be useful in the long run."

I do agree with him. I know it's kind of a bad idea not to carry a gun whenever I do these kinds of dirty jobs. But I just can't really get myself into doing it since I'm not really into shooting people.

Jerry: "Have you ever shot a gun before?" Jerry asked me.

Mike: "I've been to the range a couple of times."

Jerry: "Here, you should take this then." Jerry gives me his gun from inside his coat. It's a Glock 43.

Mike: "Are you sure you're okay with lending me this?"

Jerry: "It's just a spare. I still have another one." Jerry told me as he showed me a glimpse of his ruger 45 acp SR1911 from his shoulder holster. That's a pretty fine gun.

Jerry: "Alright, since everyone is already prepared, I want all of you to turn off your phones from now on. Our communication will be done by radio-" While Jerry is talking, I'm busy checking up the Glock. I pull the slide to check if there's a round in the chamber or not. There isn't. I then look around my body to decide where I should conceal the gun for the best use. I decided to conceal it inside a zipper pocket under my Jacket. I then check if it's printed. Well, it looks a bit printed. But I guess I shouldn't worry too much since I won't get out of the car anyway.

Mario: "All of you better be going, it's already 10 o clock." Mario suggests after he emerges from the warehouse while carrying a bunch of radios for us to use.

Jerry: "I guess that's all that I need to say since all of you already know what you're doing. Let's get rolling." Jerry walked to his Fleetwood followed by me and Jack. While Giovanni, Timmy, Jay and Carlo use the van. We roll out of the alley that connects the back of the restaurant and the warehouse into the street.

Mario: "May god protect all of you." uncle prays as he sees us roll out.

Inside the car, I can smell coffee beans coming from a small bag hanging on the rearview mirror. I look up at the car ceiling to see there's no black spot because of cigarettes. Jerry's car looks really clean. It doesn't look like any other car that the bois have. Even though this car is really old, the interior is surprisingly still fresh and original. The carpet is nice and the seats are still comfy. I guess it's to be expected from Jerry's car to be this clean. He is a fine man after all. No wonder uncle chose to trust him to be our middle man. From the rearview mirror, I see Carlo van's behind. On the back of the seat, there's Jerry who's checking the radio. Beside him is the briefcase that we will be trading in the deal.

Jerry: "Check-check, you hear me Timmy?"

Timmy on the radio: "Clear as a bell."

Jerry: "Got that."

Mike: "Hey Jerry, do you know how much the family will get from this deal?"

Jerry: "200k."

Mike: "That's a lot of money. Is that really the price of that thing inside that briefcase?"

Jerry: "200k is not the price of this item, it is the price that we gave to the contractor based on the effort to steal the item."

Mike: "Owhh."

Jerry: "Shouldn't you already know about that stuff?"

Mike: "Nope, uncle never explains me a goddamn thing. Especially if it had to do with money."

Jerry: "Hehe."Jerry chuckles.

Jerry: "I think he just doesn't want you to know how much he's making from these kinds of business." he added.

Mike: "Yeah. If I know how much he's making, I will probably ask him for more money every time he asks me to help him."

Jerry: "How much did he pay you to drive us this time?"

Mike: "100 bucks, but I already told him if anything goes wrong, he has to pay me 10 times the original price."

Jerry: "That's a good call, you will never know what will happen in this type of business."

Mike: "Do you think there's a chance for this meeting to turn sideways?"

Jerry: "There's always a chance for that, but you shouldn't worry since I'm sure our contractors wouldn't do anything stupid."

Mike: "You said our contractor is a biker gang right? Do you know what they want to do with that thing inside that briefcase?"

Jerry: "They told me they just want to sell it."

Mike: "Huh, I never thought a biker gang would hire you guys to steal something from a museum just to sell it again. The whole thing sounds really wack."

Jerry: "It is until they pay 50 percent of the price for the down payment. That's when I realized they were serious. Perhaps they already have a buyer who would pay them a lot of money for this thing."

Mike: "How much do you think they will get?"

Jerry: "I don't know, perhaps a million dollar. It really depends on the buyer."

Mike: "A million-dollar huh? Being the middleman sure is profitable."

Jerry: "It sure is Mike. It sure is."

After almost an hour of driving, we finally arrived at our destination. It's an abandoned warehouse near the port. It looks like the bikers haven't arrived yet. So we wait inside the car. Not long, we heard the rumbling of bikes coming towards the warehouse. It's the bikers. We can see that they came with 6 personnel. They stopped and parked in front of us. The boys start to get out of the car including Jack. Jerry then walked towards the middle of the warehouse with the briefcase accompanied by Jay. One of the bikers also walked towards the middle of the warehouse, alone while carrying a duffle bag. They eventually meet in the middle of the warehouse.

Biker: "Show me the thing." the biker demand. Jerry opens his briefcase towards the biker, revealing the thing inside. He then quickly closed it.

Jerry: "Have you prepared our money?"

Biker: "It's all in this duffle bag."

Jerry: "That bag looks a little empty to me."

Biker: "Oh, you think this bag is a little empty? let me show you what's inside then." The guy opens the duffle bag and shoots the UZI that is inside it towards Jay and Jerry. In a split of a second, all of the bikers pull out their guns and open fire at us.

Giovanni: "Get down!" shout Giovanni! Unfortunately, when he's about to take cover, he got shot multiple times in multiple places. Timmy also got shot, he's completely shredded. Carlo tries to get out of the van to take cover, but sadly he's too late. The bullets already got him first. Jack quickly takes cover behind the Fleetwood while I decide to hide under the dashboard. The bikers took the briefcase and immediately got on to their bikes while still pouring down heavy fire towards us. Bullets fly through the windshield above my head into the car, destroying the clean and smooth leather of the seat. Jack immediately returns fire, but the biker already manages to flee. We are really caught off guard. After the firefight stops, Jack hastily opens the front door of the Fleetwood to check on me.

Jack: "MIKE! Are you alright?" he asked me with a concerned voice.

Mike: "I'm good. Is it over yet?"

Jack: "The biker's already gone."

I get up and get out of the car, I look around to see that everyone is dead. At the front of the van, Timmy got completely shredded. When I open the van door, Carlo's body drops to the ground. He got shot all over his upper body. At the side, I see Gio's body laying down, face flat to the ground. When I turn him to the side, I see he got shot right in the head. I then walked up to the middle of the warehouse only to see Jay and Jerry. Both of them are dead too.

Mike: "Fuck ... Those bikers got us good."

Jack: "What should we do now?"

Mario: "I'm going to call uncle." I pulled out my phone to call uncle and put it on speaker so Jack could hear it too.

Mike: "Hello?"

Mario: "Ey my precious nephew! How is it going? Did the deal go smoothly?" he asked.

Mike: "Everyone's dead."

Mario: " ... What?"

Mike: "The deal went sideways. The bikers got us good. Everyone is dead except me and Jack."

Mario: "Mamma Mia ... Are you two alright?"

Mike: "We are both fine."

Mario: "What about the briefcase?"

Mike: "The bikers got it. They took it from us. They just sprayed us with their guns and fled before Jack could take a shot on them."

Mario: " ... Can you take it back?"

Mike: "What? are you fucking serious uncle? You just lost 5 of you men, Me and Jack just nearly died, and you just asked us to get back out there to take that briefcase?"

Mario: "We cannot afford to lose that briefcase. The deaths of my men will be in vain if we let it slip away."

Mike: "It's useless uncle, even if we want to take back that briefcase, it's already long gone. We don't know where those bikers are taking it."

Mario: "There, I already shared the live location of that briefcase to your phone. You should be able to know where they go."

Mike: "Why don't you just share this with the rest of the boys?"

Mario: "Most of them are still at the keys and the south beach doing errands. I'm afraid those bikers will take the item and find out about the tracker before any of the bois could arrive. And if that happens, we will definitely lose that item."

Mike: "No, I'm not going to do this uncle. You know I don't have the bars to take back that briefcase from those bikers."

Mario: "But Jack does right?"

I look at Jack who's also looking at me.

Mike: "No, I will not let you send him alone. Do you really want him dead?"

Mario: "If you really don't want to take that briefcase back, then can you at least keep an eye on it? I'll pay you a grand if you can do that."

Mike: "A grand? Are you serious?"

Mario: "Yes, I am serious."

Mike: " ... Alright, that sounds like a good deal. But I'll only keep an eye on it alright?"

Mario: "You should hurry before they manage to find the tracker."

Mike: "Yes-yes. But wait, what about your men's dead bodies here?"

Mario: "You should just leave them. I'll call someone to take care of it."

Mike: " ... Ok."

Mario: "You should go, call me later after you get your eyes on that briefcase. I'll call the boys to quickly catch up to you."

Mike: "I'll call you later." Klek* I closed the phone.

Jack: "Mike, what are we going to use to chase those bikers?" Asked Jack.

I look around to see the cars are heavily damaged. I'm sure both of the cars still can start, but it's kinda impossible to chase those bikers with flat tires. I look inside Carlo's van and open the glove box. There's a screwdriver in it. I took it.

Mike: "I guess it's time for us to go shopping."

Outside of the warehouse, there are some cars parked on the street. I walk up to one of those cars and pull out a screwdriver that I got from Carlo's van. I break the glass of a beat-up third-gen Camaro and quickly get into it and start it.

Mike: "Hop in man." I tell Jack to get in.

Jack: "Mike, should we steal something more discrete?"

Mike: "What? You want me to steal that blue Prius over there?"

Jack: "I thought it would be better for us to steal something more ordinary since we're just going to follow the bikers."

Mike: "Chill out dude, I'm sure they won't notice. Trust me."

Jack: "Ok ...:" Jack said before he hopped into the passenger seat. (Robert Parker - Power) I told him to hold on and put the gear into 1st. The tire squeals as the Camaro launches onto the street. I told Jack to hold my phone and tell me where the bikers are heading using it.

Jack: "They're heading southbound." Jack said calmly, not caring about how fast we were going. I quickly plan a route inside my head to quickly catch those bikers. I drive the beat-up Camaro hard. I blip the throttle to rev-match the engine as I pull the stick from 3rd into 2nd. Tire squeals as the Camaro slides around a junction. Dang, these tires must be bald. The synchros feel kind of worn too, I guess I have to be a little gentle with this old junk. I catch the slide and quickly push the pedal deep. The engine rumbles, shaking up the warehouse complex that we pass. For something that is older than myself, this car is doing pretty well. I can feel this thing still has the power.

Mike: "Are they still heading south?" I asked Jack.

Jack: "Yes, they are."

Mike: "Where are they now?"

Jack: "They are at NW 27th ave."

Mike: "ok." I said to him while I flick the steering wheel, pointing the Camaro towards a crowded street. Multiple cars honked and flashing their lights towards me as I swiftly maneuvered around them.

Jack: "They are close, go left up ahead." Jack said. In front, It's a crowded junction. Ah shit, I need to wait for the light if I want to go left. In the distance, I can see a fast-food restaurant parking lot that is on the corner of the junction. Like a maniac, I turn the Camaro, crossing the street towards the fast-food restaurant parking lot. I almost got T-boned by crossing the street so suddenly. In the parking lot, I almost T boned someone as he/she backed their car out of the parking space. Thankfully I manage to evade. Without thinking, I got out of the parking lot full speed and crossed the street again, this time, I almost went head to head with an SUV.

"FUCKING LUNATIC!" the woman in the SUV shouted. Fiuh that was a close one.

Jack: "They are up ahead." Jack said calmly like a GPS voice.

I quickly slowed down after I could see the bikers. After driving the Camaro hard, we are finally able to catch up to them. From a distance, I can see the briefcase is still being held by one of the bikers. We tailgate them from afar and after a couple of turns, the bikers finally take the last turn towards a place with a big sign spelled "Nirvana". From the outside, the place looks like a club. They parked their bikes and walked into the building. Not far back, we parked at the side of the road and stayed there.