Club Thing

Jack: "Is that their base?"

Mike: "I guess so, from the name, it looks like it."

Jack: "We are not going in?

Mike: "No, It's too risky to get in there with just the two of us, I mean just look how many bikes in front of that building, man. There's a lot of them."

Jack: "How are we going to keep an eye on that briefcase then?"

Mike: "I don't know, let's just call uncle first and tell him about this."

Mario: "Hello Mike? Where are you?"

Mike: "I'm in front of the building where the bikers are."

Mario: "Oh, why didn't you follow them inside?"

Mike: "Nope, I'm not going to do that. It's too risky, uncle. I can see a lot of motorbikes in front of the building. There's like 20 of them."

Mario: "Well, if you think it's too risky, you should just keep an eye on that building and see if anyone comes out with the briefcase or something similar. I already told the boys about the situation, they'll be arriving soon."

Unexpectedly, one of the boys arrived shortly. The one that arrives is Jerry's brothers. Vinny, Eddy, Garry, and Benny. They parked their 79 Lincoln Continental at the front of the club.

Mike: "Hey, uncle. Did you tell Jerry's brothers about Jerry being dead?" I asked him on the phone while seeing the brothers get out of the car with their guns out. I also see Benny brought a big black duffle bag with him.

Mario: "I did. Did they already arrive?"

Mike: "Yeah ... "

Mario: " ... Well, may God be with them."

Mike: "What? Are you fucking serious uncle? Are you not going to stop them? They're going to die inside that club!"

I see the brothers walking towards the club.

Mario: "No one can stop them, Mike. You should stay at your-" Klek* I hung up the phone. I got out of the car and shouted at them.

Mike: "HEY GUYS! WAIT!" They didn't listen. They just kept walking to the club. They were already enraged by the death of their oldest brother. There's no stopping them now.

Mike: "Are they insane? They are definitely going to be killed there."

Jack quickly got out of the car and ran towards the club.

Mike: "Oi, what the fuck are you doing man?"

Jack: "I'm going to help them." Jack shouts while he runs to the strip club.

Mike: "Dude, we should wait for the others!" He ignores me and keeps running towards the club. Ahh shit. I decide to follow him.

I quickly ran towards the club. As I get closer, I can hear the music from the club blasting out (Stitch - Dance With The Dead).

Without thinking too much, I open the door and go inside. Just right after I got in, I heard a gunshot followed by a scream from strippers. As I expected, a shootout broke out inside the club. A stripper dropped dead in front of me as she's running towards the entrance, trying to get out of the place. A couple of rounds from the firefight lands on the door behind me, almost hitting me. I quickly run towards the nearest cover, pull out the Glock, cock it and just hide there, looking at the situation.

I see the brothers are already behind cover. Eddy sprays his Thompson towards the other side of the club where the bikers take cover. Disregarding the shot that is coming towards them, some of the bikers got out of their cover and returned the fire. They pull out their uzis, shotgun, and pistol and spray them towards the brothers. On the corner of my eye, I see a biker getting killed out of nowhere. It's Jack, he's running around, killing every motherfucker who he sees as a threat. As expected from a lean mean killing machine, he managed to be undetected by always moving to the nearest cover as quickly as possible while being covered by the shadows of the dimly lit club. While moving from cover to cover, he shoots and takes down every biker that might have the chance to hurt him or the brothers. The bikers barely can see him during the shoot-out. They can only get a fraction of a second to realize that they were already being targeted. Huh, I guess there's nothing to worry about him.

In the crossfire, bystanders and strippers are getting shot and killed. Blood sprouts out of their body as they get shredded by bullets coming towards them. Some of them tried to flee towards the back door and front door, but they all just ended up getting outrun by the bullets coming from Eddy's Thompson. At the corner of the club, I see someone running towards the back of the club with a shiny briefcase. That must be the briefcase. Shit, That guy is getting away. I shout to tell the brothers and Jack about it. But in the midst of the firefight, I'm sure they couldn't listen to my shout. They are all still busy exchanging shots with the bikers and it looks like they also haven't noticed the guy with the briefcase. Oh fuck this, I hope that shit really worth a million dollars.

I jump out of my cover and start to slide and run through the crossfire, chasing the guy with the briefcase. I can hear the whistling of bullets fly over past me. On my way, I almost got capped a couple of times. But somehow I managed to stay alive. When I get into the back of the club, I see the guy with the briefcase running towards the exit door.

"HEY YOU, STOP RIGHT THERE!" I shout at him while aiming the Glock. He turns around and pops a few rounds towards me. I quickly dodge it by jumping into one of the rooms beside me. Inside, I'm greeted by a group of strippers who are hiding in there. "Oh, sorry for the inconvenience ladies, I hope you all have a good day." I quickly get up and chase the guy towards the exit. The music and the shooting in the club start to fade as I run out, exiting the club. When I got out, The guy was already on his bike and flew past me. I quickly shot a few rounds onto him, one of my shots managed to hit him, making him fall from his bike. The bike goes straight to a parked car and slams into it without anyone controlling it. I look at the guy from a distance. He's lying on the ground facing the asphalt. Is he unconscious? I see that the briefcase got launched not too far away from him. Still, I gotta check if he is really unconscious. I mean, he still has a gun in his pocket. I slowly walk towards him while pointing my gun at him. When I get close enough, I start to poke him a few times by kicking him. Suddenly his hand moved and tackled my leg causing me to fall and hit the ground. My head is spinning because it's the first thing that hits the tarmac. By the time I can focus again, the guy already got up. His face is bloody. He stomped my right hand, preventing me from using my gun and holding me on the ground. He pulls out his pistol from his leather jacket. My vision suddenly turns into slow motion as I stare at the gun barrel that pointed right to me. Is this the end for me? Shit, I guess so. Oh well, at least this isn't that far off from what I would Imagine. I'm sorry mom. I hope you can forgive me. DOR* I heard a gunshot coming from afar. It's Jack. he shot the guy in the head. The guy immediately drops down.

Jack: "Mike! Are you alright?" Jack asked me with a concerned voice.

Mike: "I'm good! Wow, thanks for saving me, man." I said while I got up.

Jack: "You should've waited in the car."

Mike: "Yeah, I know. But if I do that we would probably lose this thing." I show off the briefcase to Jack.

Jack: "You could've gotten yourself killed."

Mike: "Trust me Jack, I don't want myself to get killed either. C'mon, we gotta go back and check on the others."

Jack just shook his head, knowing that there's no amount of advice he can tell me to make me be more careful.

We quickly go back inside the club. It's quiet inside. I see the firefight is over. There are bodies everywhere. Not just bikers, but also the strippers too. I see Garry and Eddy trying to help Vinny get up. They get him up and put him on the sofa.

Mike: "Vinny, you alright there?"

Vinny: "I'm alright." He answered

Eddy: "No you're not, Vinny. You got a fuckin big hole on your stomach."

Garry: "We need to take him to the hospital." Garry urged.

Mike: "No, It would be better if we took him to Zed's place. There are no cops there and it's much closer from here than the nearest hospital." I suggest.

The Brother agrees.

Mike: "But still, we need to stop the bleeding first. Zed's place is about 5 minutes from here. If we don't stop the bleeding here, he definitely won't make it on the way." I said to them.

Garry, Jack, and I quickly go to the bar to search for a towel, alcohol, and ice, while Eddy tries to stop the bleeding with a rag of shirt. After we get the stuff we need, we quickly apply those things to Vinny. We are really struggling to cover the wound since it's an open wound and a nasty one that is.

Vinny: "ARRGH!" Vinny screamed right after Eddy applied some alcohol to his wound.

Garry: "Hold on Vinny. Just stay with us."

Mike: "Where the hell is Benny?"

Eddy: "I saw him earlier going to the back."

Jack: "Want me to look for him?"

Mike: "Yeah, tell him to get here quickly and help us."

Jack nodded.

After we patch up Vinny, we slowly get him up and take him outside of the club into the Continental. Just after we finished putting Vinny in the car, Benny and Jack suddenly showed up.

Mike: "Yo, Where the hell have you been Benny?-"

"-GET DOWN!" Benny shouts as he and Jack run out of the club.

The club exploded into a ball of fire, it threw a lot of debris into the air. Jack pushes me to the ground. Everybody is taking cover and laying on the ground too. Thankfully nobody got hurt, kinda.

Jack: "You ok Mike?"

Mike: "Aghh, damn. My head hurts-"

Jack: "Sorry about that."

Mike: "No, it's ok Jack. Rather than apologizing, could you please get up? Your knee is touching my balls."

Jack: "oh- yeah of course."

Mike: "Thanks man."

After getting up, I walk up to Benny and ask him about what he did.

Mike: "Yo Benny, Why the heck did you blow up that place? That's totally unnecessary." I asked him with an upset tone.

Benny: "You know we have to leave no survivors and evidence."

Mike: "By blowing up the place?"

Benny: "You have a better idea? Besides, they deserve it for killing Jerry anyway."

Eddy: "Benny! Quick get in the car, we need to get V outta here."

Benny: "Mike, I'll trust the briefcase to you and Jack ok? You should quickly get out of here before the cops show up." Benny said after he gave me the briefcase. He then quickly got into the continental.

Benny: "Thanks for the help kid. See you again." He said before he and his brother drove away.

Jack: "Mike, we gotta go." Jack pulled my shoulder. I comply and walk towards the Camaro. Before I got into the car, I stood for a second, staring at the burning club while holding the briefcase. Does it really have to end like this? I asked myself. I guess it always does. I closed the door and quickly got the hell out of there.