The Buttons

Blue and red flashlights Illuminate the neighborhood. There are a dozen police cars parked in front of the Nirvana club. A police line is also added, circling the club. Not just police, there's also a lot of firefighters who just finished taking down the flame. There's a lot of people going in and out of the club. Most of them are carrying body bags, taking them out of the building and straight into a couple of police vans. Amid the crowdedness, a police car arrives at the scene. An old man gets out from it, stepping his boots on the cold asphalt.

Chief Mel: "What the fuck happened here?" the old man wondered.

Frank: "Chief!" An officer shouted from the front of the club. He quickly walked up to the old man, passing through the police line into the parking lot.

Frank: "I'm glad you can make it here chief-"

Chief Mel: "Cut the bullcrap Frank, just tell me what the fuck happened here."

Frank: "I'm not really sure myself chief, it looks like our biker friends here were attacked by a group of people."

Chief Mel: "Attacked?"

Frank: "We found this guy behind the club."

Frank shows his phone to his chief, showing the only person that died outside the club.

Frank: "It's clearly not an accident. All of the evidence we got right now tells us that they were clearly having a fight inside there."

Chief Mel: "How many of them died?" asked the old man.

Frank: "All of them, all of the gang members are dead. The total number is 31, that's including the bystanders and the employee who work there."

Chief Mel: "What about the thing?" Chief mel whispers.

Frank: "I think the people who attacked them must've stolen it, chief."

Chief Mel: "Are you sure about that?"

Frank: "If it's really there, the CSI team and the firefighters must've found it first. I already asked them, but all of them said they didn't find anything like it."

Chief Mel: "Shit, we need to quickly find who stole it, if not, we're really going to be screwed. Have you checked the CCTV camera?"

Frank: "Sorry chief, the building doesn't have a CCTV camera, even if it does have, it probably wouldn't have survived the burning."

Chief Mel: "This is fucking unbelievable."

Frank: "We do have eyewitnesses though."

Chief Mel: "We do?"

Both of them walk to one of the police cars that hold the witnesses and start to ask them about the shooting. It was those strippers that hid in the back room. They manage to miraculously escape the fire and get out of the club through the backdoor. Some of them got burned marks but other than that, they are A-ok-ish. Frank introduces himself and his chief, he then asks the strippers about what happened.

Stripper 1: "We were in the backroom when the shootings happened, we heard a lot of gunshots and screams, we want to get out the building through the backdoor-"

Stripper 2: "but then we heard someone shouting in front of our room. We were really scared so we held back and wait-"

Stripper 3: "We heard a couple of gunshots in the hallway and then, suddenly a guy burst into our room with a gun, I thought we were really going to die."

Frank: "What did he do?"

Stripper 1: "he just said a couple of words and went straight back to the hallway."

Frank: "What does he say to all of you?"

Stripper 2: " ... We didn't really know what he was saying, we were completely frightened back there, hiks."


Chief Mel: "Calm down you bitches! Just tell us what he looks like."

Stripper 1: "Hiks, he looks like a crackhead."

Stripper 2: "His hair is kinda red or brown."

Chief Mel: "Write it down frank!"

Stripper 3: "He wears a grey shirt, grey pants, and a black hoodie jacket"

Stripper 1: "He's kind of chubby-"

Chief Mel's phone suddenly vibrates.

Chief Mel: "Ask them for their numbers, we need to interview them to help the forensics to sketch our guy." Chief Mel said to Frank before he walked away and picked up the phone.

Frank: "Ok chief."

The old man looks at his phone. it's from an unnamed number.

Chief Mel: "Shit .... H-Hello?"

Phone: "Hello chief Mel, I heard our biker friends got attacked a couple of hours ago by an unknown group of people, is that true?"

Chief Mel: "Yes, that information is correct."

Phone: "Did the attackers also steal the thing from them?"

Chief Mel: "It looks like it, we haven't been able to find it."

Phone: "Have you asked any of the bikers who might attack them?"

Chief Mel: "Sir, all of them are dead."

Phone: "No, not all of them. Do you forget the one who's still in jail?"

Chief Mel: "You mean Jason? You think he knows who attacked his cronies?"

Phone: "Why don't you go visit him and find out about it. I'm sure he probably knows something."

Chief Mel: "I'll go visit him right away."

Phone: "Just remember chief, if you don't bring us that thing by next month, then ... you know what will happen."

Chief Mel: "O-of course, I will definitely bring you that thing."

Phone: "I'll be waiting." Klek.* The mysterious caller closes the phone.

Chief Mel: "sigh* son of a bitch! Frank!" Chief Mel shouted.

Frank: "Yes chief?"

Chief Mel: "Get in the car!"

Frank: "Where are we going, chief?"

Chief Mel: "We're going to visit that cocsucking gorilla."

At the Jail.

A big buff man wearing prisoner clothes laying down on his bunk bed as he stares at photos of him with his buddies. 2007 July 21'st is the date that is written on one of the photos. The photos were taken when he and his buddies traveled around the U.S.A.

kreng kreng kreng* The jail doors unlocked. 3 guards and 2 policemen are standing in front of the man's cells.

Chief Mel: "Get up gorilla, it's time for you to work with us."

The man got out of his bed, he then stood up revealing his true height which is almost 2 meters tall. With his muscular body, he can definitely crush those police and prison guards.

Chief Mel: "Cuff him!" Mel said to the prison guards. The guards start to cuff Jason.

Guard 1: "C'mon big boy, get your hands on your back."

Jason resists it by breaking one of the guard's arms.

Guard 1: "ARGHHH! MY ARM!"

klek* Chief Mel quickly pulls out his gun and points it toward Jason.

Chief Mel: "Please Jason, don't make this harder for us will you?"

Jason has no choice but to do what he is told to.

Chief Mel: "Get him out of here." Mel orders one of the guards to take the injured ones out of the jail cell.

Chief Mel: "You and Frank, cuff him!"

Jason finally got cuffed, not only on his hand but on his feet too.

Jason: "What do you want you pig?" Jason snarled.

Chief: "Easy there gorilla, I just came here to bring you some news about your peep boys." the old man looks down on Jason.

Jason: "What do you want to tell me?"

Chief Mel: "Well, there's good news and bad news. The good news is your peep boys managed to steal the relic for us-"

Jason: "They already steal it? Then why haven't you released me yet? You said you'll release me if they can bring you the relic, that's our deal!"

Chief Mel: "Slow down there big guy, I haven't told you the bad news yet."

Jason: "Spit it out."

Chief Mel: "The bad news is, Someone or some people stole that relic from your cronies. And now we are trying to find out who stole it. That's why we come here to ask you about it."

Jason: "Why are you asking me? Can't you just ask one of my brothers about it?"

Chief Mel: "Trust me, Jason, I would've done that if there was anyone I could ask."

Jason: "What do you mean? Why can't you ask one of my brothers?"

Chief Mel: "Show him the pictures, Frank!"

Frank pulls out the pictures from his phone and shows them to Jason.

Chief Mel: "You see, the people that I want to find don't only steal the relic from your hippie, wippie, cocksucking gang, but they also massacred them."

Frank: "None of your cronies survived."

Jason seeing the crime scene, the burned bodies, all of his brothers, the destroyed club.

Jason: "You're lying to me right?" he asked in disbelief.

Chief Mel: "Why do I have to lie to you Jason, there's no need for me to do that. Just think about it. If this doesn't happen, We would already be happily minding our own business. I'll let you free and my job will be done."

Jason: "No ... THIS CAN'T BE- "

Chief Mel: "now-now, rather than turning yourself into a hot tomato, why don't you help us by telling us who might have done this so we can catch them and sort this problem out?"

Jason thinks for a second who might have killed his brothers.

Jason: " ... it's the Russians ... "

Chief Mel: "Are you sure it was them? Don't try to lie to us, Jason."

Jason: "They were the only ones who could do this! I already knew they would take revenge on us."

Frank: "What happened between your peep boys and the Russians?"

Jason: "Long time ago, some of my brothers killed a bunch of Russians when we were about to strike a business deal with them. It was just a misunderstanding. We know they hold a grudge towards us since then, but strangely, they never take any action to retaliate ... Until now."

Chief Mel: "Alright then, I guess me and Frank here have a job to do now, c'mon guys, let's leave him alone."

Mel, Frank, and the guards walk out of the jail room leaving Jason cuffed on the ground.

Jason: "WAIT! Why don't you let me out?! There's no reason for you to lock me up here anymore. My brothers already did what you told them to!"

Chief Mel: "You're already as good as dead for us Jason. Nothing can stop your death sentence now. See you at the deathbed."

kreng kreng kreng the jail room door close.