You Guys Take It Too Easy

It's quiet inside the car. The only thing that can be heard is the constant not so loud engine sound from the Camaro. In the passenger seat, Jack is busy listening to (Careful Shouting - Highway Superstar) through his earphone. I take a glimpse of the briefcase on his lap. A lot of people died today because of that thing. Is it really that worth it? I wonder. I wave my hand in front of Jack to take his attention. He quickly puts off his earphone and turns his attention to me.

Jack: "What is it, Mike?"

Mike: "Ey man, can you tell me what's really inside that briefcase?"

Jack: " Um ..." he thinks for a little while.

Mike: "don't tell me you don't know what's inside that thing."

Jack: "Sorry Mike. you're right."

Mike: "You really don't know? What about the code of the briefcase?"

Jack: "I ... I'm sorry I don't know about that either."

Mike: "Dude, aren't you supposed to know all of that? You're the one who stole that thing right?"

Jack: "I'm not the one who directly stole it. I was just helping Jerry and the other by taking out the cameras and guards in the museum with Gio. The ones who stole it directly are Jay and Timmy. Carlo was our getaway driver and Jerry is our eyes and ears."

Mike: "They didn't tell you what they were stealing?"

Jack: "No, they only gave me info about the camera and the guards that I have to take out."

Mike: "You should've been more involved man. It's crucial to know every information other than the one you are supposed to know. It will help you decide and take action if something unexpected happened."

Jack: "I'll do that next time."

Brrt. my phone vibrates. It's Mario.

Mike: "Hello?"

Mario: "Where are you, Mike?"

Mike: "I'm on my way to the restaurant."

Mario: "Benny called me, he said the briefcase is with you, is it true?"

Mike: "Yes, the briefcase is with me."

Mario: "Good, I just want to check. You better get here quickly."

Mike: "Sure. Hey uncle, can I ask you something?"

Mario: "What is it?"

Mike: "Do you know what's inside the briefcase?"

Mario: " ... Why do you wanna know?"

Mike: "I'm just curious."

Mario: "Why don't you just open the briefcase?"

Mike: "I don't know the code for the briefcase. Jack also doesn't know the code. Do you know the briefcase code?"

Mario: " ... No."

Mike: "How the hell you don't know the code for the briefcase?"

Mario: "It's Jerry's briefcase, how am I supposed to know the code?"

Mike: "How can you put a tracker in it then?"

Mario: "I didn't put it. Jerry did."

Mike: "Are you fucking kidding me?"

Mario: "I'm serious Mike."

Mike: "sigh* Just tell me what the heck is inside that briefcase already."

Mario: "Sorry, I can't do that."

Mike: "Why?"

Mario: "Because I don't want you to know."

Mike: "What kind of reason is that uncle? You just sounded like a painfully obnoxious teenage girl. If you really don't want to tell me that, then why the hell you previously told me just to open the briefcase?"

Mario: "Ehh ... "

Mike: "Don't tell me you actually don't know what's inside the briefcase."

Mario: "Why don't you just ask Jack?"

Mike: "He doesn't know."

Mario: "How does he doesn't know?"

Mike: "Jerry and the others didn't tell him."

Mario: "Well, they didn't tell me either."

Mike: "But shouldn't you know?"

Mario: " ... Perhaps. Jerry just told me to let him take care of all of this, so ... I kind of keep my hands out. You know he can be trusted."

Mike: "I guess you can't trust him anymore since he's dead now. Sigh, Seriously uncle, I can't believe you really went in blind with all of this."

Mario: "I know it's a mistake. I should've been more involved in this matter."

Mike: "No shit. 5 of your men are dead, I and Jack were almost killed, dozens of people were killed in that strip club too. C'mon uncle, I know you're better than this."

Mario: "Yes, I know-I know."

Mike: "Do you even know anything about our contractor?"

Mario: "Well, to tell you the truth, I don't know about them either ... "

Aghh crap. I can't believe how uninformed my uncle is. I know he is a competent man but sometimes he likes to take it easy. All of this shit would've been avoided if he was being more careful. sigh* Why do I think about all of this anyway?

Mike: " .... You know what? Just prepare my money, I'll be there in 5 minutes." Klek* I close my phone. I just really want to go back home and sleep. I put the pedal gas deep, making the Camaro go faster.