Is This How You Pick Up Girls?

Mike: "Hey, you ok?" I asked her while I lent my hand to her.

Lucy: "Screw off." she said to me with a slightly mad tone after she slaps my hand away. She still tries to get up. After she's able to get up, she throws up.

Uhhhh. That's nasty.

Mike: "Girl, I think you should take it easy-"

Lucy: "Just leave me alone!" She said to me while she wipes her mouth. I took out her book from my bag and handed it to her.

Mike: "This is yours right?" I asked her. She didn't say anything and just snatched it away from my hand. After putting her book inside her backpack, she then started to walk wobbly towards the street. Just after a few steps, she fell. With his quick reaction, Jack caught her before she could hit the ground. She just looked at Jack with a somewhat irritated face.

Mike: "You want him to let you go?" I told her. Her irritated face slowly turned to a flat gloomy hopeless face.

Lucy: "Do whatever you two want." she carelessly said while turning her face away from both of us. This girl surely is grumpy.

Mike: "Jack, can you hold her? I'm gonna search for a taxi."

Jack: "No, let me search for the taxi."

Mike: "Ow ok."

Jack quickly handed Lucy over to me.

Mike: "Give me your hand." I told her.

Lucy just looked at me with a hostile expression. What the hell is this girl's problem? After handing Lucy to me, Jack got out of the alley to search for a taxi. Meanwhile, I tried to drag Lucy to the bus stop right outside of the alley. After putting her down at the bus stop, I offer her a drink from my backpack.

Mike: "You want some?"

Lucy just ignored me, she didn't even look at me. I guess that's a no.

Not long after, a taxi pulls up in front of us. Jack goes out of the taxi and helps me carry Lucy into the taxi.

Mike: "Hey, can you tell me where you live?" I asked her while carrying her to the taxi.

She doesn't answer my question.

Mike: "I need you to tell me so I can tell the cab where to drop you off."

Lucy: " ... Nova st number 627."

Mike: "Isn't that near the private airport?"

She doesn't say anything. She just looks at me like she was saying 'you think?' Ok, let's just say that it is the place that I Imagined. But still, that place is really far from here. It's more or less 20 miles from the school. Does she really take the bus to commute that far?

Mike: "Do you mind if we go to my place and treat your wound first? It's not far from here."

Lucy: "Whatever." she said.

Ok ... All of us got into the taxi. I told the driver to go to the restaurant. After a short ride, we finally arrived. I told the cab driver to wait as I and Jack carried Lucy into the restaurant. When we walk in, we are greeted by the little brat who is sitting on the counter.

Tina: "What the hell?" Tina silently blurted while seeing me and Jack carrying and putting her onto the restaurant chair table.

Mike: "Slowly ... slowly, there we go. Fiuh. Alright, Jack, could you grab the med-pack and some ice packs from the warehouse for her?" I asked Jack.

Jack nods.

Mike: "Thanks, man." I said to him before he quickly goes to the back of the restaurant.

Tina: "Hey, who is she? What happened to her?" asked Tina at the counter after I approached her.

Mike: "She's my classmate. She just got beaten up by some bimbos from the school. Can you get a drink for her?"

Tina: "Ahh, I see. You are finally starting to plan on losing your title aren't you?" Tina asks me with a grin smile.

Mike: "Could you just shut your mouth and get her a drink?"

Tina: "Sure thing Mr nice guy."

This kid smh. I got out of the restaurant to pay for the cab.

Mike: "Sorry to make you wait, man. Here's the money. You can keep the change." I gave him 10 dollars.

Cab driver: "Sir, your fare is 12 dollars." said the cab driver with his Indian accent.

Mike: "What? Didn't the meter stop at 8 dollars?"

Cab driver: "No, it doesn't. as you can see, it's still running sir." The meter just turns to 15 dollars.

Mike: "Why didn't you stop it?"

Cab driver: "Time is money, sir."

Mike: "What kind of company policy bullshit is that? I'm not giving you more than 10 dollars."

Cab driver: "I'm afraid I have to call the cops then."

Are you fucking serious?

Mike: "Alright-alright .... Here, take this!" I throw 5 dollars into his face.

Cab driver: "Thank you for your cooperation sir. I hope you have a fine day." The cab driver left.

Fine day my ass. I look at my wallet. There's only a dollar in it. I should've brought more money from home.

Meanwhile in the restaurant.

Tina: "Hey, are you alright?" ask Tina while she gives Lucy a cold cola. Lucy doesn't answer her and ignores her.

Tina: "Ah, you're the shy and quiet type aren't you? I'm surprised that loser would choose a girl like you. But you sure are pretty though."

Mike: "Hey, get away from her you brat! Get back to the counter or I'll tell uncle you're slacking off."

Tina: "Ck, don't get your hopes too high, he's an absolute virgin." Tina whispers to Lucy before she walks back to the counter. Tina just walks past me without looking at me. I just look at her while shaking my head.

Mike: "Sorry about that. That kid sure is annoying. Could you wait for a bit? I'll go grab something for a sec." I walk inside the kitchen to get some food and tell Big Sam about the situation. While alone, Lucy looks around the restaurant. She realizes that there's only one person who's eating in the restaurant. She looks at the TV that hangs on the ceiling. The news channel is broadcasting the shooting that happened last night at the nirvana club. Below, in the quick feed line, there's a line saying "North City Killing Total Casualties: 19" She turns her attention away from the tv and looks down at the cola in front of her.

Mike: "Don't just stare at it, you should drink it. Here, you should eat this too." I drop a lasagna on the table.

Lucy: " ... I'm not hungry."

Mike: "Are you sure about that? You just made some sick-ass pool back in the alley. I'm sure that breadbasket of yours is definitely a little bit hungry." I said to her while I sat in front of her. She just looks at me with an untrustful expression.

growl* Lucy's stomach suddenly growls. Rather than being embarrassed, she gave me an angry hostile look on her face. Did I screw up somewhere? Wth did I do wrong? I didn't say or comment anything.

I slowly push the lasagna onto her.

Mike: "It's on the house."

Lucy: " ... What's the stuffing?"

Mike: "It's Just some cheese and meat." I answered. After a long stare, she sighs and finally decides to grab a spoon.

Mike: "How is it?" I asked her after she took a bite.

"It's ok." She casually answered while chewing another bite. I just looked at her casually eating the restaurant lasagna. Wow, I didn't know looking at a beautiful girl eating something could be this mesmerizing. Brek* Jack drops the med-pack and some ice packs on the table.

Jack: "Here's the ice pack and the med-pack. I'll be in the kitchen. Just call me if you need anything else ok? "

Mike: "Oh sure. Thx man."

Jack nods and walks towards the kitchen.

Mike: "Now, Lucy, could you move to the side so I can apply these wraps and patch you up?"

Lucy: "I can patch up by myself." she said while almost finishing her lasagna.

Mike: "Are you sure you don't want me to-"

Lucy: "No."

Mike: "Ok ..."

After finishing eating the lasagna and drinking her cola, she slowly moves to the side and starts patching herself up. She gently rolls her sleeve and starts to wrap her arm with the compression wrap from the med-pack. Huh, she seems to be quite proficient. I wonder if she actually already used to do this. After wrapping her arm, she rolls up her pants to her knee and starts wrapping her legs. After she's done, she picks all of the stuff and puts it back inside the med-pack.

Mike: "Hey, you forgot to patch the one on your forehead." I said to her while taking a bandaid from the med-pack and applied it on a small cut on her forehead. Lucy seems a bit surprised.

Mike: "There you go. Feeling better now?" I ask her. She didn't answer my question and instead gave me a cold look. Girl, can you even smile?

Mike: "Alright, you should rest a bit. If you need something-"

As I'm about to get up, She suddenly gets up as well.

Mike: "Uh, what are you doing?"

Lucy: "I'm going back to my place."

Mike: "Are you sure you don't want to rest a little bit?"

Lucy: "I'm fine."

Mike: "If you really want to leave now, I suggest you call a taxi or uber-"

Lucy: "I'll use the bus."

Mike: "What? No. Nah ah. I won't let you do that." I stopped her. She just looks at me like she is saying 'just leave me alone already you creep.'

Mike: "Look, I'll call you a taxi or a uber for you-."

Lucy: "I don't have the money to pay for those services."

Mike: "I'll take care of it. Just sit back and wait here alright?"

Lucy: " ... Fine." she said as she sat back down. After convincing Lucy, I quickly walked to the counter.

Mike: "Hey Tina, you got some fifty?" I ask Tina silently.

Tina: "Over my dead body."

Mike: "Come one, I promise I will pay you tomorrow right away."

Tina: "If you really want her to go home safely, why don't you just drive her to her place?"

Mike: "What? you mean with my car? No way. I ain't going to use my baby just for that."

Tina: "How about the restaurant Vespa?"

Mike: "You want me to take her with that junk?"

Tina: "If you don't want to, then just let her take the bus instead."

I look at Lucy who is looking outside the restaurant. Is she really going to be fine if she takes the bus? I mean, she can barely stand just a few minutes ago. Guess I'll use the Vespa then. I walked up to her and asked her to come with me to the back of the restaurant where the Vespa is.

Mike: "Hey uh, could you please come with me for a second?" I asked her. She looks at me with a cold face. Surprisingly, without asking any questions, she gets up and follows me.

When we pass through the kitchen. I tell Big Sam that I'm going to take Lucy back to her place. We talk in sign language of course. Lucy just stares at us. Big Sam gives me an a-OK.

Jack: "Be careful Mike." Jack said to me.

Mike: "Sure man!" I replied.

At the back of the restaurant, I quickly hop onto the Vespa.

Lucy: "What are you doing?" she asked me.

Mike: "There has been a change in plans. I decided to take you home by myself."

Lucy: "Didn't you say you're going to call me a Taxi?"

Mike: "Yeah, but I forgot that I'm kinda short on money too."

Lucy: " ... You don't have to go this far."

Mike: "Relax girl, don't think too much about it. The ride is on the house."

Brenggg* The Vespa starts.

Mike: "Sorry, I don't have any spare helmets." I said to her while wearing my helmet.

I can see Lucy gave me an untrusted look.

Mike: "Chill, I'm not going to ride this thing like Evel Knievel. By the way, do you have anything to listen to?" I asked her.

Lucy: "What do you mean by anything to listen to?"

Mike: "I mean by music or something like that."

Lucy: "No. I don't."

Mike: "Here, take this."

I lend her my mp3 player and my earphone.

Mike: "It's going to be a long ride, I suggest you listen to something."

Lucy looked at my mp3. And yes there are over a thousand songs in it.

Mike: "Hop on girl, we should go before it gets too dark." I told her.

After letting out another big sigh, she slowly hopped onto the back seat.

Mike: "Don't forget to hold on tight." I jokingly said. Out of nowhere, I can feel a hand wrapping around my waist. Oh shit. She really did it. I didn't expect this girl would really do it. Calm down Mike, Why are you panicking? You've been around hoes and bitches since you're a kid. How the hell a simple hug from a girl you barely know could catch you off guard? Chill man, let's just get going already.