We Simply Do Not Understand Her

(Eyes closed - Timecop1983) play into Lucy's ear while She and Mike ride along the bay shore. Pink, red, orange, and blue colors paint the sky as the sun comes down. Seagulls squeal while they fly above the sparkling blue calm water of the bay. Lines of palm trees decorate the street, following the line of the bay shore. On the back, Lucy is looking at the scenery of the bay. Her semi-long hair swayed as the ocean winds hit it. She sees the palm trees pass one by one. It's like counting sheep, but with palm trees. The more she looks at it, the more her breath feels heavier.

At the front, the wind is constantly hitting Milke's face, cooling his head as he tries to keep calm right after Lucy leaned her head and body onto his back.

Mike's back feels warm. Lucy thinks. The fabric of his jacket feels like a pillow. It's cozy. She starts to ignore the pain of her bruises. It all washes away while she drowned in the moment. She slowly closes her eyes and finally falls asleep.

Mike feels Lucy Isn't hugging him as tight as before. He realizes that his passenger just falls asleep. 'I better get her home quickly.' Mike thinks as he pulls the gas more, making the Vespa go a little bit faster.

After the sun sets down and the sky turns dark, they finally arrive at their destination. It's a fancy old apartment complex. Mike looks around to see there are no people around here. He knows this place is notorious for being peaceful and quiet since there are only fancy residents here. But he never thought It would be this quiet.

Mike: "Hey, Lucy. Wake up, girl. We already arrived at your place."

Lucy: "Hmm-" She slowly opens her eyes and wakes up. She realizes that we have already arrived. Mike looks at her to see that she's still half awake. He pulled out one of the earbuds from her ear and asked her.

Mike: "Want me to walk you to your room?"

Lucy: "No." She said. She gets off the Vespa and gives back his mp3 back.

Mike: "Don't push yourself too much alright? You should take a day off if you are still not feeling well." Mike told her before she walked away. She doesn't say anything and just straight walks to her apartment. 'Not even a thanks huh? Girls these days do be like that I guess.' Mike thinks as he is about to start the Vespa.

Lucy: "Hey ..." Lucy suddenly turns around and looks at him.

Lucy: "Thanks." she said with a flat expression. She then continued her walk to her apartment.

'Huh, I guess she wasn't that bad of a person after all.' Mike thinks.

A man who's in a parked dodge challenger r/t across the street not far from the apartment looks at Mike while answering his phone.

Stryker: "It's just for a couple of days. I'll be right back." klek* He closes his phone. He sees Mike starting the Vespa and rolls away. After Mike leaves, the big buff man wearing a black suit comes out of his vehicle and walks towards the small apartment complex. His round black sunglasses reflect some light as he walks across the street under the street light. He straight goes into the apartment complex and goes into the elevator. He pushes the button that will take him to the 5th floor. In the elevator, he waits patiently. He looks at the mirror, seeing his expressionless flat face. He looks serious yet calm like a soldier. Ding* The elevator finally arrives. He gets out of the elevator and walks along the porch of the apartment. He then stops at room number 505. He takes something out of his suit. It's a key. Just when he's about to put in the key, the door is suddenly unlocked and opened by a girl from inside. It's Lucy. The guy and Lucy look at each other.

Lucy: "Why are you here Stryker?"

Stryker: "I just want to check on you."

Lucy: "I'm fine, you should just go back to your work." She said while she closed her door. Stryker quickly holds the door, not letting Lucy close it. Lucy just stares at him.

Stryker: "Can I come in? I brought you some books." Stryker asks. Lucy doesn't reply to him but she lets go of the door and just walks inside. Stryker slowly goes in and follows her inside. He sees the apartment is dimly lighted. There are only a few lights that are turned on. Even though that, he notices that the apartment is clean. Like no dust clean. Stryker walks into the living room. He sees Lucy sit on the sofa while taking off the compression wrap as she is going to take a shower.

Stryker: "What happened to you?" Stryker asks.

Lucy: "I got beat up."

Stryker: "By who?"

Lucy: "Some people from school."

Stryker: "Did you use your power on them?"

Lucy: "No, I didn't."

Stryker: " ... Have you told the school teacher about this?"

Lucy: "No, I haven't. I got beat up outside of the school. They probably won't do anything about it."

Stryker walks towards Lucy and sits beside her. Lucy ignores him, she just kept unwrapping the compression wrap.

Stryker: "I heard there's someone running around, killing people around here ... Are you the one who's doing that?"

Lucy doesn't answer his question. Stryker then pulls out his phone and shows Lucy the photo of her victims through his phone by putting it on the table in front of the sofa. All of them are brutally killed. In those photos, there's a guy who got decapitated in half, there's also another guy who got a big hole on his stomach, his intestine can be seen pouring out, and also there's a guy whose head got crushed like it was being run over by a truck. Lucy just looks at a glimpse of it all and quickly turns her face away.

Stryker: "Were those voices in your head still telling you to do all this?" Stryker asks.

Lucy: "Yes, it still does."

Stryker: " ... Did you take your medicine?"

Lucy: "I did."

Stryker: "Then how come you can still hear it?"

Lucy: "I don't know."

Stryker: " ... Why didn't you try not to do what the voice wants?"

Lucy: "Because those people were trying to rape me."

Stryker: "Can't you just run away from them and not kill them?"

Lucy: "Why do you care? They were just some lowlife. No one will complain if they die."

Stryker: " ... I don't care about them, Lucy. What I worry about is the possibility of you being found out and the condition of your health. You know you shouldn't use your power recklessly. It can drain your life and If you're not careful, people could find out about you."

Lucy ignores him.

Stryker: "Look, I just want to protect you-"

Lucy: "No, you just want to protect yourself."

Stryker: "If I was protecting myself, I wouldn't have kept you alive."

Lucy: "You probably should've done that."

Stryker goes silent. After he hears that.

Lucy: "All of this wouldn't happen if you had stopped those people to turn me into this in the first place." Lucy said to him.

Stryker: " ... We already talked about that-"

Lucy: "You don't have to say anything else then." Lucy gets up after taking off all of the compression wraps. She walks to the bathroom, leaving the man alone in the living room. Stryker knows he's in the wrong. Not having any progress talking to her, Stryker decides to leave her alone. He gets out of the apartment and closes the door.