Break Out

Junior guard: "Hehe, poor cat." says a prison guard who's watching a meme on his phone. He sits on a simple office chair, stretching his legs, placing it on a desk full of buttons and tv cameras. The big glass wall in front of him protrudes out facing a multilevel corridor where the cells for the inmates are.

Krek* The sound of the room door being opened behind the guard back.

Supervisor: "What the hell are you doing Fred!? How many times do I have to tell you not to slack off when you're working!" The supervisor warns.

Junior guard: "Sorry sir."

Supervisor: "Get yourself out of here, I want you to help these gentlemen to wake up that gorilla." The supervisor said, ordering him to wake Jason who is still laying on the ground being cuffed. The guard isn't alone, he is accompanied by two other men that are tasked to transport Jason to another prison that is only for death row inmates. Those two men are equipped with shotguns with rubber bullets.

Supervisor: "Alright fellas, I'll look out for you guys from this room." says the supervisor to the three men that are about to enter the multilevel corridor. The supervisor opens the door to the multilevel corridor with a push of a button. After the three men went in, the supervisor closed the door and locked it. In the security room, instead of looking out for his men, the supervisor pulls out his phone and starts opening his Facebook. At the front of Jason's cell, the guards see that Jason is still sleeping in his prison bed, facing the wall.

Junior guard: "Hey, wake up Gorilla!" one of the guards shouts at Jason.

Jason still doesn't move.

Guard 1: "C'mon big guy, we know you can hear us."

Still no response from Jason.

They got impatient. One of the guards just gets into the cell, pulls out his taser, and shoots Jason in the back making him spasm. After Jason gets tased, the other two guards get in the cell and start to try to carry and drag Jason's body, which looks paralyzed. The supervisor takes a quick look at his men who're going inside Jason's cell. He then continues to play with his phone thinking that everything is under control. Little did all of them know, Jason only pretends to be paralyzed. Just as they are about to put a cuff on him, He wakes up and takes down all of the three men. After taking down the guards, He tells one of them who is still conscious to lure his supervisor to go inside.

Junior guard: "Sir, can you help us here for a second?" Ask one of the guards to his supervisor by radio.

Supervisor: "What's wrong, kid?"

Junior guard: "It looks like we need another person to carry this guy."

Supervisor: "Can't you just tell him to walk?"

Junior guard: "Sorry sir, we just tased him because he doesn't respond to our order."

Supervisor: "sigh* What a bunch of morons."

The supervisor walks out of the surveillance room and goes into the multilevel corridor. He uses his fingerprint to open the door that is connecting the multilevel corridor to the main building. He walks to Jason's Cell only to be pulled into it after he got right in front of it. The sound of punches can be heard from within the cell. (Scattle - Bloodline) Jason walks out of the cell while dragging the supervisor's lifeless body only with a single hand. On his other hand, he holds a shotgun that he took from the guard who carried it. Jason casually walks to the door that separates the multilevel corridor from the main building and opens it by using the supervisor's hand. After using him, he threw the supervisor away and walked into the surveillance room. He proceeds to open all of the cells by pushing a button on the desk inside the room. A lot of prisoners got confused over what happened. They walk out of their cell only to see that Jason is already inside the surveillance room while holding a shotgun. Not just that, they also see that the door to the main building is open. Without further thinking, almost all of them rush into the door and go straight towards the armory room. Looking at this through the CCTV, the guards' panics. Sirens blaring all over the prison alerting other guards that the prisoners are escaping. The guards also quickly call for help from the police department asking for reinforcement. The police respond by sending almost all of their officers and personnel to the prison. The prison goes into chaos as the prisoners start taking control by killing all of the guards. In the midst of the chaos, Jason took this opportunity to go to the inventory room to pick up all of his stuff. The CCTV catches Jason walking towards the inventory room. The guards rush to where Jason is. On his way, 2 guards show up right from the hallway corner in front of him. Without hesitation, he shot those 2 guards multiple times with the shotgun as they were about to take an aim using their pistol. The 2 guards fall to the ground after being punched by the force of the shotgun rubber pellets. Jason walks up to them, picks up their pistol, and shoots their heads off as a finishing blow to keep them still. He does it without any remorse or any hesitation. Right after finishing off the two men, he continues to walk towards the inventory room. At the inventory room, he takes his leather Jacket and clothes and wears them. He also takes his wallet and his aviator sunglasses. Now it's time for him to get out of here. On his way to the back door of the prison, he kills all of the prison guards that he met. Whenever he runs out of ammo, He just takes another weapon from the guard that he kills. He does it so casually like he's already accustomed to doing it. Before he goes out of the prison, he peeks out to see if the reinforcement has arrived. He sees that there's only one police officer who has arrived. It looks like the full reinforcement hasn't arrived yet. Without fear, he then opens the backdoor, surprising the lone police.

"Freeze!" shouted the lone police as he aimed his pistol towards Jason. Before he can pull the trigger, Jason shoots him. The lone police fall to the ground and get knocked out instantly as Jason shoots his abdomen with a shotgun. The police groaned on the ground. Jason casually takes the bike key from the policemen. He quickly hops onto the police Bike. With an angry face full of hatred, he starts the bike and immediately sped away from the prison towards the city, leaving the dying policemen behind. From this point, he knows nothing can stop him anymore. He got nothing left to lose.