Crack Mobile

"Breaking news! Goodnight ladies and gentlemen. You're watching The Chilli News Network with me, Johnny Fish. Tonight a riot broke out in the city jail and several prisoners escaped after some seized control of a large part of the jail. Gunfire was heard coming from the building. Unconfirmed reports said several people had lost their lives in the chaos, including the guards who were stationed at that prison.

The situation remains tense, with prisoners still in control of some sections of the complex despite reinforcements from the police department-"

I look at the TV on the ceiling after mopping the floor of the restaurant. Prison breaks huh? That's kinda new, but not really. I've heard a couple of prison breaks happen when I was a kid. but since then, nothing really happened. It's not like the prison got better security, it's just that the inmates began to feel more comfortable there. They say the prison didn't really feel that bad compared to the outside world. Even better, some say. I wonder what unsettles those prisoners this time around. A hand grabbed me from behind. It's Jack.

Jack: "Shouldn't we be going to Tochka?" He asked.

I look at my watch to see it's almost 9 PM.

Mike: "Yeah we should. But have you finished all of your chores yet?"

Jack: "I have already done all of them."

Mike: "Alright then, let's hit the road."

We both took off our apron and walked to the backdoor.

Tina: "Hey, where are you two going?" Asked Tina who's still counting the money on the counter.

Mike: "We're going to Tochka, and yes we have already done all of our chores."

Tina: "Tochka huh? Isn't that the Russian love hotel?"

Mike: "Yup."

Tina: "Don't tell me you two are actually really desperate right now."

Mike: " ... We're just going to deliver some packages ... "

Tina: "Oh, I thought so."

Jeez, this kid. Smh.

Krekk*krek*krek*krek* The sound of the big warehouse door opens up to the wide-open space. I switch on the light of the warehouse, revealing different kinds of stuff that is stored inside. There are 2 cars inside, covered by a cotton-polyester cover. I walk to one of the cars and pull the cover to fully uncloak it. The mark3 shines under the warehouse light, exposing the boxy yet elegant shape of its body. I walk alongside it towards the back of the warehouse while stroking it along its body lines. On the back wall of the warehouse, I pick up the keys for the mark3. I then go open the trunk of the to see what package I have to deliver to the Russians. A long not so big metal suitcase is placed inside the trunk. Beside it, there's an ammo box fully loaded with cartridges almost as big as a 50 BMG round. I had never seen these kinds of cartridges before. I'm sure as hell these are not 50 BMG rounds and it sure isn't small enough to be called a 338 Lapua. I change my attention to the metal suitcase. I open it by releasing the 2 metal latch that keeps it closed. Inside it, it's a full tactical Cheytac m200 long-range precision rifle with a retractable stock. Damn, what the hell do those Russians want with this thing? I asked myself fully knowing that they'll probably use it for their regular assassination business. I see that the rifle didn't use a regular scope. It uses something different. It looks like a digital one. Without further looking, I close the metal suitcase and the trunk of the mark3.

I see Jack is looking at the stuff on the rack beside the car. There's a lot of old stuff on that rack. Mostly are my dad's stuff. A shiny metal catches his attention. He picks it up. It's a stiletto knife automatic switchblade. He pushes the button and the knife pops out, clack* The sound can be heard echoing around the warehouse.

Mike: "Be careful, that stuff can cut you." I told him.

Jack: "Is this your dad's knife?"

Mike: "Yeah."

Jack: "looks cool." he says while trying some moves with it.

Mike: "If you want to use it just take it."

Jack: " ... Are you sure?"

Mike: "Chill man, it's not like my dad going to pop out of his grave and tell us not to fiddle with his stuff. I would say he would probably be happy if he knew we're still using and taking care of his things after he died."

Jack: " ... I'll be taking care of this blade then."

Mike: "Thanks man, my dad would appreciate it. C'mon, we shouldn't waste our time here." I said to him while I got into the mark3. Inside, the mark3 are decorated by different kinds of police countermeasure ordinance. There's a scanner, a couple of police radars and laser detector, a radar jammer, a laser jammer, a GPS that shows me where the cops are, a custom small aircraft radar that can alert me if there are choppers around, and an infrared camera and it's screen monitor to help me 'go dark'. Not just police countermeasures, the dashboard and the left 'A' pillar of the mark3 also decorated by some essential knick-knack such as switches for the car systems, fuel pressure gauge, radiator temperature gauge, AFR ratio monitor, boost pressure gauge, a boost controller, engine temperature gauge and all sorts other things that a race car would have. Basically, riding this thing feels like operating a jet fighter. I put the key into the ignition hole and pushed the power switch on, making the inside of the mark3 light up like a Christmas tree. I push the 2 fuel pump switches on. Electric motors can be heard from the back of the car, pushing the fuel to its correct pressure. I also didn't forget to turn the radiator system on which includes the water pump and the fan. And finally, I turn the key to turn the ignition on making the car engine start to life. (The Streets Of Metropolis - Flash Arnold) starts to play as the mark3 rolls outside the warehouse while pulling up its headlight. I stopped to wait for Jack to close the warehouse door. After he got into the car. I put in first gear and stepped on the gas launching us into the street. We are speeding up towards the expressway where it would take us to the south beach where Tochka is located. The expressway that we take runs across the bay. From the expressway, we can see the view of the bustling city filled with lights shining from tall skyscrapers and billboards. The mark3 reflects some of those lights making itself look like a black moving mirror. From the billboard that I see, I know that this city official doesn't really seem to care about showing and advertising explicit content. Most of the products that are put on those billboards are about guns, Casino, pseudo beauty and weight drugs, more guns, some MLM schemes, and all other things that you would find on a typical American billboard. I guess those officials do love getting their money from someone who advertises their cowboy theme gay strip club business. I wonder what kind of music they would play in those clubs though. Leaving my wild guess behind, I push the stick into 3rd from 4th gear as I see the road up ahead begin to clear. The turbo spools letting out a sound of gushing air that flows into the engine. When the boost peaked, the mark3 started to rev faster. The tachometer goes to 7000 Rpm almost reaching the redline. I quickly changed gears into 4th, bringing the mark3 close to 140. Hehe, I never get enough of this. I think to myself while grinning like a kid.