
The rumbling sound coming from an air-cooled, V-twin, 1500cc Road King shakes the surrounding cars as it passes them at incredible speed on the highway. The rider of that Road King isn't too bothered by the force of the wind that blows right into his face. He is too angered to be bothered by such a small thing. A police logo can be seen on the bike's black and white body as it is being illuminated by the highway lights. The bike shines a bright light coming from its big round light bulb. It also has a red-blue light and a siren that is often used by the previous owner of the bike to signal his presence. But it seems the rider of that Road King humbly refuses to use those Siren and red-blue lights as it can attract unwanted attention to his presence. Just as being said, a bunch of police cars passes from the opposite direction of the highway going towards the direction of the city Jail. They are going so fast, they didn't have the time to catch a glimpse of the police motorcycle that is being ridden by one of the inmates that escaped from the prison that they are going to. The rider goes on as nothing could or would stop him. He exits the highway and starts to lurk into the city streets. After riding so long, he finally stops in front of a burned building. The rumbles of the engine stop as he unplugs the contact key and puts it inside his leather jacket. He gets off his bike and starts walking toward the nightclub that already turns into ashes. at the front door, he's greeted by a police line that blocked the entrance. He quickly rips it off and straight goes in. Inside, there's nothing to be seen other than ashes and rubles. Jason scours the burned club. He remembers all of his memories of having fun in this place with his brothers. Whenever Jason and his gang come to this place, it always feels like some sort of a family gathering for him. They were having fun all night drinking booze, playing with girls, vibing with the music, and talking about how they manage to rack up some money after the day whether by robbing a store, selling illegal stuff, or doing some other criminal stuff. It's all fun and games for them until the 5-0 starts to pick on them. While scouring the burned club, Jason steps on a half-burned jacket that is laying on the floor. He picks it up and cleans the ashes that cover it. A logo can be seen on the back of the jacket. It's the logo of his gang. Tears fall onto that jacket, as it is being held tightly by Jason. (Motorcycle Cop - Power Glove) The people that he calls his family are already gone now. He got nowhere to go. There's only one thing left that he knows what to do. He gets up, then walks outside and goes back to the police bike that he parked right in front of the club. He starts it and quickly pulls the gas, launching him back into the city streets. The road king rumbles as it goes fast passing through multiple junctions, disregarding every traffic light it passes. He finally stops in front of a white building that looks very quiet. It's the police headquarters. It looks like there are not many people inside since almost all of the law enforcement personnel are going to the prison. He gets off his bike and starts walking towards the building while he pumps his shotgun, ejecting the empty shell that was used to shoot the last cop he shot back at the prison. Without hesitation, he walks inside the building surprising everyone in it. Jason is immediately confronted by two police that was going to head out of the building, one of them instinctively tries to pull his gun out, but before he can do it, he gets shot right in the abdomen making him fall backward. The other police jump towards the front desk trying to get cover. He manages to do it without getting shot. He ducks behind the front desk while pulling out his gun and calling for a backup on his radio. He then quickly got up from his cover and started to shoot Jason, but before he could pull the trigger, Jason already shot him first. He was shot right on both of his arms, some of the pellets also hit his face because of how he held his gun. "ARGHHH!" the police scream in agony while falling to the floor behind the front desk. Jason walked up to the first police that he shot, he then shot his head off, splattering the floor with blood. Jason throws away his empty shotgun and takes the gun from the dead body. He then walked to the front desk and confronted the wounded policeman.

Jason: "WHERE'S Mel?" Ask Jason to the police behind the front desk. He pulls the police up by grabbing his shirt while ignoring the face and arms wound that the police have.

Police 1: "He-He's not here! He went to the prison to help-"

Jason: "Show me his office!"

Police 1: "I-I'll show you, but please don't kill me."

The 2 of them go to Mel's office on the second floor. On the second floor, there is no one else other than a lady who is working overtime there. Jason told her to stay and not move from her place. Inside Chief Mel's glass office, Jason searches all over the desk for anything that might be useful to help him find out who killed his brothers. Not long, he found something that might help him. It's a file titled 'Nirvana shooting' inside there's a lot of photos of his dead brothers. There's also a sketch of the person who is responsible for the murder of his brothers. In that sketch, there's a note that reads 'do not make public'. Without wasting any time, he took that sketch and put it inside his leather jacket. Before Jason leaves the glass office, a cop shows up at the elevator. Seeing him, Jason pops a few rounds towards the elevator from the office. The glass shatters as Jason shoots his gun towards the cop. The cop in the elevator manages to evade, thanks to his quick reaction by jumping out of the elevator and running straight into a corner wall. From there, the cop fires back towards the office. One of his shots hit the cop that was leading Jason to Mel's Office. "ARGGH FUCK!" he screams in agony. The lady screamed hysterically as she ducks trying not to get shot in the crossfire. Jason opens his mag to see how much round is left in the Glock. He still got some left. Jason puts back the magazine and proceeds to walk out of the office and shoots a consecutive suppressive fire towards the cop who is taking cover at a corner of a wall. Because of this, the cop is reluctant to pull his head out in fear of getting shot. Jason walks towards him as he empties his mags. Jason keeps walking without any fear of being shot by the cop who blindly pops a few rounds towards him. None of the blind shots hit Jason. After getting close enough to the cop, Jason ambushes him by grabbing his hand and twisting it. "ARGHHH!" the cop screams. Unmitigated, Jason broke the cop arm, making him scream even louder. The cop drops his gun from the hand that was being twisted and broken. Jason catches the gun, he then wraps around the guy's neck and takes him as a hostage. Ding* is the sound of the elevator arriving on the ground floor. Jason walks out of the elevator only to be greeted by another 2 cops that just arrived there. The cops didn't instantly shoot him because Jason was holding a hostage. "Let him go!" said one of the police who aimed his shotgun towards Jason. Jason ignores him and goes straight to shoot him in the head. Without a second thought, the second cop pulls the trigger of his Glock and shoots his fellow officer that is being used by Jason as a meat shield. Jason throws the meat shield onto the second cop. The second cop and the meat shield fell to the ground. Jason then quickly executes both of them by emptying his mag. After executing both men, he picks up the shotgun and some rounds from the first officer. He walks outside of the building and walks towards his bike. Suddenly a cruiser shows up. It's Officer Tubs and Officer Lank. Both of them quickly got out of the cruiser and aimed their guns towards Jason.

Officer Tubs: "Freeze!"

Jason quickly opens fire at them. His shotgun hits the cruiser windshield, it also hits the front left tire. Instead of firing back, Tubs and Lank take cover behind the cruiser and just hide, waiting for Jason to stop firing. After emptying his shotgun, Jason goes straight onto the bike and starts it. He quickly gets the hell out of there before more reinforcement arrives.

Officer Tubs: "Lank? Are you ok?"

Officer Lank: "I'm ok. What about you Tubs?"

Officer Tubs: "I guess I'm fine, I don't see any holes on me."

Both of them got out of their cover only to see that Jason is already gone.

Officer Tubs: "Sigh, we really don't get paid enough for this job."

Officer Lank: "You said it Tubs."